Matheus de Freitas Souza
Matheus de Freitas Souza
Universidade de Rio Verde
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Impact of pyrolysis temperature on the properties of eucalyptus wood-derived biochar
BC Chaves Fernandes, K Ferreira Mendes, AF Dias Júnior, ...
Materials 13 (24), 5841, 2020
Use of neural networks to estimate the sorption and desorption coefficients of herbicides: A case study of diuron, hexazinone, and sulfometuron-methyl in Brazil
TS Silva, M de Freitas Souza, TM da Silva Teófilo, MS Dos Santos, ...
Chemosphere 236, 124333, 2019
Use of macrophytes to reduce the contamination of water resources by pesticides
BTB Alencar, VHV Ribeiro, CM Cabral, NMC dos Santos, EA Ferreira, ...
Ecological Indicators 109, 105785, 2020
Metagenomic analysis reveals mechanisms of atrazine biodegradation promoted by tree species
LM Aguiar, M de Freitas Souza, ML de Laia, J de Oliveira Melo, ...
Environmental Pollution 267, 115636, 2020
A new alternative to determine weed control in agricultural systems based on artificial neural networks (ANNs)
AL Monteiro, M de Freitas Souza, HA Lins, TM da Silva Teófilo, ...
Field Crops Research 263, 108075, 2021
Aspergillus PCR in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid for the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Aspergillosis in Patients With Hematological and Non-hematological Conditions
S Imbert, I Meyer, M Palous, JY Brossas, M Uzunov, F Touafek, F Gay, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 1877, 2018
Action of Canavalia ensiformis in remediation of contaminated soil with sulfentrazone
JC Madalão, MF Souza, AA Silva, DV Silva, A Jakelaitis, GAM Pereira
Bragantia 76, 292-299, 2017
Leaching of imidazolinones in soils under a clearfield system
MDC Neto, MF Souza, DV Silva, AT Faria, AA da Silva, GAM Pereira, ...
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 63 (7), 897-906, 2017
Phytoextraction of diuron, hexazinone, and sulfometuron-methyl from the soil by green manure species
TM da Silva Teófilo, KF Mendes, BCC Fernandes, FS de Oliveira, TS Silva, ...
Chemosphere 256, 127059, 2020
Tebuthiuron leaching in three Brazilian soils as affected by soil pH
AT Faria, MF Souza, AB Rocha de Jesus Passos, AA da Silva, DV Silva, ...
Environmental earth sciences 77, 1-12, 2018
Sensitivity of the macrophytes Pistia stratiotes and Eichhornia crassipes to hexazinone and dissipation of this pesticide in aquatic ecosystems
VHV Ribeiro, BTB Alencar, NMC Dos Santos, VAM da Costa, ...
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 168, 177-183, 2019
Herbicide mixtures affect adsorption processes in soils under sugarcane cultivation
GDOP Carneiro, M de Freitas Souza, HA Lins, PSF das Chagas, TS Silva, ...
Geoderma 379, 114626, 2020
Soil water availability alter the weed community and its interference on onion crops
M de Freitas Souza, TS Silva, JB dos Santos, GDOP Carneiro, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 272, 109573, 2020
Persistence of picloram in soil with different vegetation managements
ABRJ Passos, MF Souza, DV Silva, DT Saraiva, AA da Silva, JC Zanuncio, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 23986-23991, 2018
Weed interference periods in sesame crop
HA Lins, MF Souza, JRT Albuquerque, MG Santos, AP Barros, DV Silva
Ciência e Agrotecnologia 43, e000819, 2019
Residual tembotrione and atrazine in carrot
AF Bontempo, GDP Carneiro, FAR Guimarães, MR Dos Reis, DV Silva, ...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 51 (7), 465-468, 2016
Multivariate analysis reveals significant diuron-related changes in the soil composition of different Brazilian regions
PSF Chagas, MF Souza, JLD Dombroski, RSO Junior, GHS Nunes, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 7900, 2019
Effects of Liming and Urochloa brizantha Management on Leaching Potential of Picloram
ABRJ Passos, MF Souza, DT Saraiva, AA da Silva, MELR Queiroz, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 230, 1-8, 2019
Effect of liming on hexazinone sorption and desorption behavior in various soils
LOG Dos Santos, MF Souza, PSF Das Chagas, BCC Fernandes, TS Silva, ...
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65 (9), 1183-1195, 2019
Can irrigation systems alter the critical period for weed control in onion cropping?
M de Freitas Souza, HA Lins, HC de Mesquita, TM da Silva Teófilo, ...
Crop Protection 147, 105457, 2021
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