Hassan Shraim
Hassan Shraim
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A survey on quadrotors: Configurations, modeling and identification, control, collision avoidance, fault diagnosis and tolerant control
H Shraim, A Awada, R Youness
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 33 (7), 14-33, 2018
Coordinated control strategies for active steering, differential braking and active suspension for vehicle stability, handling and safety improvement
H Termous, H Shraïm, R Talj, C Francis, A Charara
Vehicle System Dynamics 57 (10), 1494-1529, 2019
Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control strategy for rotor failure in an octorotor
M Saied, B Lussier, I Fantoni, C Francis, H Shraim, G Sanahuja
2015 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 5266-5271, 2015
Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of an octorotor UAV using motors speeds measurements
M Saied, B Lussier, I Fantoni, H Shraim, C Francis
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 5263-5268, 2017
Sliding mode based analysis and identification of vehicle dynamics
H Imine, L Fridman, H Shraim, M Djemai
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Sliding mode observers for the estimation of vehicle parameters, forces and states of the center of gravity
H Shraim, B Ananou, L Fridman, H Noura, M Ouladsine
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1635-1640, 2006
Oriented review to potential simulator for faults modeling in diesel engine
HM Nahim, R Younes, H Shraim, M Ouladsine
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 21, 533-551, 2016
Active versus passive fault-tolerant control of a redundant multirotor UAV
M Saied, B Lussier, I Fantoni, H Shraim, C Francis
The Aeronautical Journal 124 (1273), 385-408, 2020
Actuator fault diagnosis in an octorotor UAV using sliding modes technique: Theory and experimentation
M Saied, H Shraim, C Francis, I Fantoni, B Lussier
2015 European Control Conference (ECC), 1639-1644, 2015
Fault tolerant control for multiple successive failures in an octorotor: Architecture and experiments
M Saied, B Lussier, I Fantoni, C Francis, H Shraim
2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2015
Vehicle parameter estimation and stability enhancement using sliding modes techniques
H Shraim, M Ouladsine, L Fridman, M Romero
International journal of vehicle design 48 (3-4), 230-254, 2008
Fault-tolerant control of an hexarotor unmanned aerial vehicle applying outdoor tests and experiments
H Mazeh, M Saied, H Shraim, C Francis
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (22), 312-317, 2018
Local trajectory planning for autonomous vehicle with static and dynamic obstacles avoidance
A Said, R Talj, C Francis, H Shraim
2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC …, 2021
Local controllability and attitude stabilization of multirotor UAVs: Validation on a coaxial octorotor
M Saied, H Shraim, B Lussier, I Fantoni, C Francis
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 91, 128-138, 2017
Modeling with fault integration of the cooling and the lubricating systems in marine diesel engine: experimental validation
HM Nahim, R Younes, H Shraim, M Ouladsine
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (11), 570-575, 2016
Direction of arrival estimation for smart antenna in multipath environment using convolutional neural network
Y Harkouss, H Shraim, H Bazzi
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering 28 (6 …, 2018
Vehicle parameter estimation and stability enhancement using the principles of sliding mode
M Ouladsine, H Shraim, L Fridman, H Noura
2007 American Control Conference, 5224-5229, 2007
Modeling and simulation of the thermodynamic cycle of the Diesel Engine using Neural Networks
A Rida, HM Nahim, R Younes, H Shraim, M Ouladsine
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (3), 221-226, 2016
Comparative study of self tuning, adaptive and multiplexing FTC strategies for successive failures in an Octorotor UAV
H Hamadi, B Lussier, I Fantoni, C Francis, H Shraim
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 133, 103602, 2020
BFA fuzzy logic based control allocation for fault-tolerant control of multirotor UAVs
M Saied, M Knaiber, H Mazeh, H Shraim, C Francis
The Aeronautical Journal 123 (1267), 1356-1373, 2019
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