Budi Mulyanto
Budi Mulyanto
Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Global soil science research collaboration in the 21st century: Time to end helicopter research
B Minasny, D Fiantis, B Mulyanto, Y Sulaeman, W Widyatmanti
Geoderma 373, 114299, 2020
Challenges and strategies for sustainable mangrove management in Indonesia: a review
VB Arifanti, F Sidik, B Mulyanto, A Susilowati, T Wahyuni, N Yuniarti, ...
Forests 13 (5), 695, 2022
Managing and reforesting degraded post-mining landscape in Indonesia: a review
Pratiwi, BH Narendra, CA Siregar, M Turjaman, A Hidayat, HH Rachmat, ...
Land 10 (6), 658, 2021
Precipitation and dissolution of gibbsite during weathering of andesitic boulders in humid tropical West Java, Indonesia
B Mulyanto, G Stoops, E Van Ranst
Geoderma 89 (3-4), 287-305, 1999
Mineral neoformation in pore spaces during alteration and weathering of andesitic rocks in humid tropical Indonesia
B Mulyanto, G Stoops
Catena 54 (3), 385-391, 2003
Decomposition of oil palm frond and leaflet residues
HB Pulunggono, S Anwar, B Mulyanto, S Sabiham
AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science 41 (3), 524-536, 2019
Integrating social forestry and biodiversity conservation in Indonesia
H Gunawan, I Yeny, E Karlina, S Suharti, Murniati, Subarudi, B Mulyanto, ...
Forests 13 (12), 2152, 2022
Pengaruh Penurunan Muka Air Tanah Terhadap Karakterisktik Gambut
T Nogroho, B Mulyanto
Jurusan Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian IPB. Bogor, 2003
The increasing role of Indonesian women in soil science: Current & future challenges
D Fiantis, SR Utami, A Niswati, A Nurbaity, SNH Utami, S Taberima, ...
Soil Security 6, 100050, 2022
Fertility status of soils developed on an inactive mine tailings deposition area in Papua
S Taberima, B Mulyanto, RJ Gilkes, Y Husin
19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World, 1-6, 2010
Suwardi; Iskandar; Maharani, R.; et al
CA Siregar, M Turjaman, A Hidayat, HH Rachmat, B Mulyanto
View, 2021
Analisis kapasitas produksi lahan sawah untuk ketahanan pangan nasional menjelang tahun 2045
A Mulyani
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan 16 (1), 33-50, 2022
Soil properties improvement and use of adaptive plants for land rehabilitation of post tin mining closure in Bangka Island, Indonesia
BH Narendra, B Mulyanto
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (2), 2020
Peran administrasi pertanahan dalam pengendalian pemanfaatan kawasan pertanian lahan basah Kabupaten Bogor
P Nugraha, B Mulyanto, K Munibah
Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan …, 2021
Determination of emission factors for soil borne dustfall and suspended particulate in ambient air
AS Yuwono, L Amaliah, NR Rochimawati, A Kurniawan, B Mulyanto
ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci 9 (9), 1417-1422, 2014
Improving digital soil mapping in Bogor, Indonesia using parent material information
D Cahyana, Y Sulaeman, B Barus, B Mulyanto
Geoderma Regional 33, e00627, 2023
Potential Land Reserves for Agriculture in Indonesia: Suitability and Legal Aspect Supporting Food Sufficiency
A Mulyani, B Mulyanto, B Barus, DR Panuju, Husnain
Land 12 (5), 970, 2023
The acid mine drainage (AMD) impact of tailings and non-tailings on the ecosystem changes in the ModADA sedimentation area, Timika
S Taberima, E Junaedi, R Sarwom, LE Lindongi, B Mulyanto
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 7 (2), 2085, 2020
Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Kawasan Pasca Tambang
B Mulyanto
Makalah Seminar dan Workshop Reklamasi dan Pengelolaan Kawasan …, 2008
Analisis profitabilitas usahatani pembibitan hortikultura di Kecamatan Bandungan Kabupaten Semarang
NR Fadli, T Ekowati, B Mulyanto
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian 12 (1), 1-10, 2019
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20