Sherry S.Y. Aw
Sherry S.Y. Aw
James Cook University Singapore
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Intraindividual models of employee well-being: What have we learned and where do we go from here?
R Ilies, SSY Aw, H Pluut
European Journal of work and organizational Psychology 24 (6), 827-838, 2015
Unemployed and exhausted? Job-search fatigue and reemployment quality
VKG Lim, D Chen, SSY Aw, MZ Tan
Journal of Vocational Behavior 92, 68-78, 2016
The effect of learning goal orientation and communal goal strivings on newcomer proactive behaviours and learning
KWT Tan, AKC Au, HD Cooper‐Thomas, SSY Aw
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 89 (2), 420-445, 2016
A naturalistic multilevel framework for studying transient and chronic effects of psychosocial work stressors on employee health and well‐being
R Ilies, SSY Aw, VKG Lim
Applied Psychology 65 (2), 223-258, 2016
Dispositional empathy, emotional display authenticity, and employee outcomes.
SSY Aw, R Ilies, IE De Pater
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (9), 1036, 2020
How and when service beneficiaries’ gratitude enriches employees’ daily lives.
PM Tang, R Ilies, SSY Aw, KJ Lin, R Lee, C Trombini
Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (6), 987, 2022
Work-related helping and family functioning: A work-home resources perspective
SSY Aw., R Ilies, X Li, AB Bakker, XY Liu
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2020
Studying employee well-being: Moving forward
R Ilies, H Pluut, SSY Aw
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 24 (6), 848-852, 2015
Time is of the essence: microRNAs and age-associated neurodegeneration
S Aw, SM Cohen
Cell research 22 (8), 1218-1220, 2012
Why does using personal strengths at work increase employee engagement, who makes the most out of it, and how?
R Ilies, Y Liu, S Aw, M Las Heras, Y Rofcanin
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 29 (2), 113, 2024
BK channel gain-of-function disrupts limb control by suppressing neurotransmission during a critical developmental window
SA Lowe, AD Wilson, G Aughey, A Banarjee, T Goble, N Simon-Batsford, ...
BioRxiv, 2023.09. 20.558625, 2023
Modulation of a critical period for motor development in Drosophila by BK potassium channels
SA Lowe, AD Wilson, GN Aughey, A Banerjee, T Goble, N Simon-Batsford, ...
Current Biology 34 (15), 3488-3505. e3, 2024
The role of empathy on employees’ emotional display strategies and subsequent outcomes
SSY Aw, R Ilies
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 12742, 2018
The quest for work-life balance
XWC Chan, P Brough, C Timms, SSY Aw
Elgar Companion to Managing People Across the Asia-Pacific, 200-217, 2023
BK channels modulate a critical period for motor development in Drosophila
SA Lowe, AD Wilson, G Aughey, A Banarjee, T Goble, N Simon-Batsford, ...
Available at SSRN 4658845, 2023
The bright and dark sides of helping and being helped at work for family functioning
SSY Aw, R Ilies, X Li, A Bakker, X Liu
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 15016, 2019
Employee Work Experiences, Feelings, and Morality
R Ilies, S Aw
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2023
An Examination of the Effects of Sharing Work Events with the Spouse at Home
E Netchaeva, R Ilies, KJ Lin, SSY Aw
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 10949, 2022
Faith or Blind Faith: Ethical Breakdown at City Harvest Church
VKG Lim, TSH Teo, N Tripathi, S Aw
SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals, 2021
When Followers are Representative of the Organization
IH Gleibs, S Aw
OSF, 2019
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