Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: the PANAS scales. D Watson, LA Clark, A Tellegen Journal of personality and social psychology 54 (6), 1063, 1988 | 57733 | 1988 |
Constructing validity: Basic issues in objective scale development. LA Clark, D Watson American Psychological Association, 2016 | 9903 | 2016 |
Negative affectivity: the disposition to experience aversive emotional states. D Watson, LA Clark Psychological bulletin 96 (3), 465, 1984 | 7786 | 1984 |
Tripartite model of anxiety and depression: psychometric evidence and taxonomic implications. LA Clark, D Watson Journal of abnormal psychology 100 (3), 316, 1991 | 6766 | 1991 |
The PANAS-X: Manual for the positive and negative affect schedule-expanded form D Watson, LA Clark University of Iowa, 1994 | 5953 | 1994 |
The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP): A dimensional alternative to traditional nosologies. R Kotov, RF Krueger, D Watson, TM Achenbach, RR Althoff, RM Bagby, ... Journal of abnormal psychology 126 (4), 454, 2017 | 3277 | 2017 |
Positive and negative affectivity and their relation to anxiety and depressive disorders. D Watson, LA Clark, G Carey Journal of abnormal psychology 97 (3), 346, 1988 | 2817 | 1988 |
Temperament, personality, and the mood and anxiety disorders. LA Clark, D Watson, S Mineka Journal of abnormal psychology 103 (1), 103, 1994 | 2631 | 1994 |
Comorbidity of anxiety and unipolar mood disorders S Mineka, D Watson, LA Clark Fear and Anxiety, 113-148, 2013 | 2366 | 2013 |
Extraversion and its positive emotional core D Watson, LA Clark Handbook of personality psychology, 767-793, 1997 | 2005 | 1997 |
Testing a tripartite model: I. Evaluating the convergent and discriminant validity of anxiety and depression symptom scales. D Watson, K Weber, JS Assenheimer, LA Clark, ME Strauss, ... Journal of abnormal psychology 104 (1), 3, 1995 | 1970 | 1995 |
On traits and temperament: General and specific factors of emotional experience and their relation to the five‐factor model D Watson, LA Clark Journal of personality 60 (2), 441-476, 1992 | 1957 | 1992 |
Testing a tripartite model: II. Exploring the symptom structure of anxiety and depression in student, adult, and patient samples. D Watson, LA Clark, K Weber, JS Assenheimer, ME Strauss, ... Journal of abnormal Psychology 104 (1), 15, 1995 | 1406 | 1995 |
Manual for the Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality (SNAP-2) LA Clark, LJ Simms, KD Wu, A Casillas University of Notre Dame, 2014 | 1382* | 2014 |
On the dimensional and hierarchical structure of affect A Tellegen, D Watson, LA Clark Psychological science 10 (4), 297-303, 1999 | 1367 | 1999 |
Assessment and diagnosis of personality disorder: Perennial issues and an emerging reconceptualization LA Clark Annu. Rev. Psychol. 58 (1), 227-257, 2007 | 1212 | 2007 |
Structures of personality and their relevance to psychopathology. D Watson, LA Clark, AR Harkness Journal of abnormal psychology 103 (1), 18, 1994 | 1167 | 1994 |
Affects separable and inseparable: On the hierarchical arrangement of the negative affects. D Watson, LA Clark Journal of personality and social psychology 62 (3), 489, 1992 | 1130 | 1992 |
Mood and the mundane: relations between daily life events and self-reported mood. LA Clark, D Watson Journal of personality and social psychology 54 (2), 296, 1988 | 1097 | 1988 |
Constructing validity: New developments in creating objective measuring instruments. LA Clark, D Watson Psychological assessment 31 (12), 1412, 2019 | 1095 | 2019 |