Samuel Okegbile
Samuel Okegbile
Assistant Professor, University of the Fraser Valley
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Human digital twin for personalized healthcare: Vision, architecture and future directions
SD Okegbile, J Cai, D Niyato, C Yi
IEEE network 37 (2), 262-269, 2022
Networking architecture and key supporting technologies for human digital twin in personalized healthcare: A comprehensive survey
J Chen, C Yi, SD Okegbile, J Cai, X Shen
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 26 (1), 706-746, 2023
Performance analysis of blockchain-enabled data-sharing scheme in cloud-edge computing-based IoT networks
SD Okegbile, J Cai, AS Alfa
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (21), 21520-21536, 2022
Differentially private federated multi-task learning framework for enhancing human-to-virtual connectivity in human digital twin
SD Okegbile, J Cai, H Zheng, J Chen, C Yi
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 41 (11), 3533-3547, 2023
A multi-user tasks offloading scheme for integrated edge-fog-cloud computing environments
SD Okegbile, BT Maharaj, AS Alfa
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (7), 7487-7502, 2022
Edge-assisted human-to-virtual twin connectivity scheme for human digital twin frameworks
SD Okegbile, J Cai
2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference:(VTC2022-Spring), 1-6, 2022
Interference characterization in underlay cognitive networks with intra-network and inter-network dependence
SD Okegbile, BT Maharaj, AS Alfa
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 20 (10), 2977-2991, 2020
Practical Byzantine fault tolerance-enhanced blockchain-enabled data sharing system: Latency and age of data package analysis
SD Okegbile, J Cai, AS Alfa
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 23 (1), 737-753, 2022
Stochastic geometry approach towards interference management and control in cognitive radio network: A survey
SD Okegbile, BT Maharaj, AS Alfa
Computer Communications 166, 174-195, 2021
Age of information and success probability analysis in hybrid spectrum access-based massive cognitive radio networks
SD Okegbile, BT Maharaj
Applied Sciences 11 (4), 1940, 2021
A multi-class channel access scheme for cognitive edge computing-based internet of things networks
SD Okegbile, BT Maharaj, AS Alfa
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (9), 9912-9924, 2022
Users emulation attack management in the massive internet of things enabled environment
SD Okegbile, OI Ogunranti
ICT Express 6 (4), 353-356, 2020
Spatiotemporal characterization of users’ experience in massive cognitive radio networks
SD Okegbile, BT Maharaj, AS Alfa
IEEE Access 8, 57114-57125, 2020
Two state Markov chain based predictive model for cognitive radio spectrum availability: a conceptual approach
A Oluwaranti, S Okegbile
2016 Future Technologies Conference (FTC), 179-186, 2016
DDoS attacks detection in the IoT using deep gaussian-bernoulli restricted boltzmann machine
GO Coli, S Aina, SD Okegbile, AR Lawal, AI Oluwaranti
Modern Applied Science 16 (2), 12, 2022
A reputation-enhanced shard-based byzantine fault-tolerant scheme for secure data sharing in zero trust human digital twin systems
SD Okegbile, J Cai, J Chen, C Yi
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024
Outage and throughput analysis of cognitive users in underlay cognitive radio networks with handover
SD Okegbile, BT Maharaj, AS Alfa
IEEE Access 8, 208045-208057, 2020
Networking technologies for enabling human digital twin in personalized healthcare applications: A comprehensive survey
J Chen, C Yi, SD Okegbile, J Cai, X Shen
EEE Commun Surveys Tutorials 10, 2023
Performance analysis of blockchain-enabled data-sharing scheme in cloud-edge computing-based IoT networks. IEEE Internet Things J 9 (21): 21520–21536
SD Okegbile, J Cai, AS Alfa
Malicious users control and management in cognitive radio networks with priority queues
SD Okegbile, BT Maharaj, AS Alfa
2020 IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall), 1-7, 2020
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