Mercedes Ruiz
A systematic literature review on serious games evaluation: An application to software project management
A Calderón, M Ruiz
Computers & Education 87, 396-422, 2015
A bibliometric analysis of gamification research
M Trinidad, M Ruiz, A Calderon
IEEE Access 9, 46505-46544, 2021
A multivocal literature review on serious games for software process standards education
A Calderón, M Ruiz, RV O'Connor
Computer Standards & Interfaces 57, 36-48, 2018
MEdit4CEP-Gam: A model-driven approach for user-friendly gamification design, monitoring and code generation in CEP-based systems
A Calderón, J Boubeta-Puig, M Ruiz
Information and Software Technology 95, 238-264, 2018
Met4ITIL: A process management and simulation-based method for implementing ITIL
E Orta, M Ruiz
Computer Standards & Interfaces 61, 1-19, 2019
A simplified model of software project dynamics
M Ruiz, I Ramos, M Toro
Journal of Systems and Software 59 (3), 299-309, 2001
Decision-making in IT service management: a simulation based approach
E Orta, M Ruiz, N Hurtado, D Gawn
Decision Support Systems 66, 36-51, 2014
Multiobjective simulation optimisation in software project management
D Rodríguez, M Ruiz, JC Riquelme, R Harrison
Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2011
A serious game to support the ISO 21500 standard education in the context of software project management
A Calderón, M Ruiz, RV O'Connor
Computer standards & interfaces 60, 80-92, 2018
GoRace: a multi-context and narrative-based gamification suite to overcome gamification technological challenges
M Trinidad, A Calderón, M Ruiz
IEEE access 9, 65882-65905, 2021
Software process simulation modeling: systematic literature review
JA García-García, JG Enríquez, M Ruiz, C Arevalo, A Jiménez-Ramírez
Computer Standards & Interfaces 70, 103425, 2020
Using simulation-based optimization in the context of IT service management change process
M Ruiz, J Moreno, B Dorronsoro, D Rodriguez
Decision Support Systems 112, 35-47, 2018
Bringing real-life practice in software project management training through a simulation-based serious game
A Calderón, M Ruiz
International Conference on Computer Supported Education 2, 117-124, 2014
ProDec: a serious game for software project management training
A Calderón, M Ruiz
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2013
Integrating serious games as learning resources in a software project management course: the case of ProDec
A Calderón, M Ruiz, E Orta
2017 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering Curricula …, 2017
A dynamic integrated framework for software process improvement
M Ruiz, I Ramos, M Toro
Software Quality Journal 10, 181-194, 2002
Modelos de evaluación y mejora de procesos: Análisis comparativo
M De la Villa, M Ruiz, I Ramos
5th ADIS Workshop (Apoyo a la Decisión en Ingeniería del Software), Málaga …, 2004
Uses and applications of spem process models. a systematic mapping study
I Ruiz-Rube, JM Dodero, M Palomo-Duarte, M Ruiz, D Gawn
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice 1 (32 …, 2012
Can gamification help in software testing education? Findings from an empirical study
R Blanco, M Trinidad, MJ Suárez-Cabal, A Calderón, M Ruiz, J Tuya
Journal of Systems and Software 200, 111647, 2023
Games for teaching software project management: an analysis of the benefits of digital and non-digital games.
G Petri, A Calderon, CG von Wangenheim, AF Borgatto, M Ruiz
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 24 (10), 1424-1451, 2018
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