Abigail Williams-Butler
Abigail Williams-Butler
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Adolescent neglect, juvenile delinquency and the risk of recidivism
JP Ryan, AB Williams, ME Courtney
Journal of youth and adolescence 42, 454-465, 2013
Maltreatment of children with developmental disabilities: An ecological systems analysis
CL Algood, JS Hong, RM Gourdine, AB Williams
Children and Youth Services Review 33 (7), 1142-1148, 2011
A review of research on school bullying among African American youth: An ecological systems analysis
DU Patton, JS Hong, AB Williams, P Allen-Meares
Educational Psychology Review 25, 245-260, 2013
Frontline staff characteristics and capacity for trauma-informed care: Implications for the child welfare workforce
EA Bosk, A Williams-Butler, D Ruisard, MJ MacKenzie
Child abuse & neglect 110, 104536, 2020
Trauma exposure and mental health needs among adolescents involved with the juvenile justice system
J Duron, A Williams-Butler, P Mattson, P Boxer
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2022
Relational permanence and psychological well-being among African American adolescents in foster care
A Williams-Butler, JP Ryan, VC McLoyd, JE Schulenberg, PE Davis-Kean
Journal of Child and Family Studies 27 (10), 3277-3287, 2018
All in the family: parental substance misuse, harsh parenting, and youth substance misuse among juvenile justice-involved youth
EA Bosk, WL Anthony, JB Folk, A Williams-Butler
Addictive behaviors 119, 106888, 2021
Mentors' experiences of mentoring justice-involved adolescents: A narrative of developing cultural consciousness through connection
JF Duron, A Williams-Butler, AT Schmidt, L Colon
Journal of community psychology, 2020
Reducing delinquency among African American youth in foster care: Does gender make a difference in crossover prevention?
A Williams-Butler
Children and Youth Services Review 94, 563-571, 2018
Intersectionality and child welfare policy: Implications for Black women, children, and families
A Williams-Butler, K Golden, A Mendez, B Stevens
Child Welfare 98 (4), 75-95, 2020
The discontinuity of offending among African American youth in the juvenile justice system
AB Williams, JP Ryan, PE Davis-Kean, VC McLoyd, JE Schulenberg
Youth & Society 49 (5), 610-633, 2017
The influence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on the functional impairment of justice-involved adolescents: A comparison of baseline to follow-up reports of adversity
JF Duron, A Williams-Butler, FYY Liu, D Nesi, KP Fay, BKE Kim
Youth violence and juvenile justice 19 (4), 384-401, 2021
Racialized gender differences in mental health service use, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and recidivism among justice-involved African American youth
A Williams-Butler, F Liu, T Howell, SE Menon, CR & Quinn
Race & Social Problems, 2023
Is there a link between child welfare and disproportionate minority contact in juvenile justice?
AB Ryan, J.P., Chiu, Y., & Williams
Models for Change: Systems Reform in Juvenile Justice, 2011
Intersectionality and structural gendered racism: Theoretical considerations for Black women, children, and families impacted by child protective services in the United States
A Williams-Butler
Critical Social Policy, 2023
Linking poverty and children’s development: Concepts, models, and debates
VC McLoyd, RM Jocson, AB Williams
Black girl well-being: A scoping review of culturally and gender responsive interventions
A Williams-Butler, M Dorsey, H Lateef, T Howard, EO Amoako, P Nartey
Research on Social Work Practice 34 (1), 54-69, 2024
Theoretical considerations for the development of urban black adolescent females
MS Dorsey, A Williams-Butler
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 2022
Maternal adverse childhood experiences, current cumulative risk, and behavioral dysregulation among child welfare involved children
M Greenfield, Williams-Butler, Fay, Duron, Bosk, Stepleton
Developmental Child Welfare 1 (4), 327-343, 2019
Gender differences among Black adolescents in foster care: The relationship between relational permanence and psychological well-being
A Williams-Butler, A Gale, M Dorsey
Journal of Public Child Welfare, 2020
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