Aradhana Gandhi
Aradhana Gandhi
Head Symbiosis Centre for Behavioral Studies and Professor - SIBM Pune
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Mobile banking adoption in an emerging economy: An empirical analysis of young Indian consumers
R Priya, AV Gandhi, A Shaikh
Benchmarking: An International Journal 25 (2), 743-762, 2018
Impact of supply chain management practices on firm performance: Empirical evidence from a developing country
AV Gandhi, A Shaikh, PA Sheorey
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 45 (4), 366-384, 2017
Efficiency measurement of Indian retailers using data envelopment analysis
A Gandhi, R Shankar
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 42 (6), 500-520, 2014
Technical efficiency of private sector hospitals in India using data envelopment analysis
AV Gandhi, D Sharma
Benchmarking: An International Journal 25 (9), 3570-3591, 2018
Understanding the drivers of innovation in an organization: a literature review
MV Dani, AV Gandhi
International Journal of Innovation Science, 2022
Analyzing the barriers to purchase intentions of energy efficient appliances from consumer perspective
GY Joshi, PA Sheorey, AV Gandhi
Benchmarking: An International Journal 26 (5), 1565-1580, 2019
Impact of artificial intelligence on impulse buying behaviour of Indian shoppers in fashion retail outlets
S Jain, AV Gandhi
International Journal of Innovation Science 13 (2), 193-204, 2021
Small retailer’s new product acceptance in emerging market: a grounded theory approach
A Shaikh, A Gandhi
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 28 (3), 547-564, 2016
Critical Success Factors in ERP Implementation and their interrelationship using TISM and MICMAC Analysis
A Gandhi
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 8 (S6), 138-150, 2015
Strategic resource management model and data envelopment analysis for benchmarking of Indian retailers
A Gandhi, R Shankar
Benchmarking: An International Journal 23 (2), 286-312, 2016
Studying green consumer behavior through multiple lenses in a developing country
AV Gandhi
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment 10 (2), 274-292, 2021
Mobile banking: consumer perception towards adoption
R Priya, A Vikas Gandhi, A Shaikh
Benchmarking: An International Journal 25 (2), 743-762, 2018
A study of impulse buying behavior and factors influencing it with reference to beverage products in retail stores
A Gandhi, A Vajpayee, D Gautam
SAMVAD 8, 2015
Engaging the head, heart and hand of the millennial workforce
S Bhattacharya, A Gandhi
Psychological Studies 65 (4), 429-444, 2020
Antecedents of green consumer behaviour: a study of consumers in a developing country like India
A Gandhi, P Sheorey
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 5 (3-4), 278-292, 2019
Technological profile of retailers in India
G Aradhana
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (15), 1-16, 2016
Exploring Customer Perceived Value towards non-deceptive counterfeiting: a grounded theory approach
K Samaddar, A Gandhi
South Asian Journal of Business Studies 13 (2), 201-225, 2024
Consumer adoption study for innovative technology products and services in an emerging economy
A Sharma, AV Gandhi
International Journal of Innovation Science 16 (3), 482-500, 2024
Mobile banking adoption in a developing country like India
A Gandhi, P Sheorey
Drishtikon: A Management Journal 8 (2), 29-42, 2017
Literature review on impact of CRM, SRM, information sharing and goal congruence on retail-SCM
A Gandhi
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (22), 1-9, 2016
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