Nicholas Vavalle
Nicholas Vavalle
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Use of silicone materials to simulate tissue biomechanics as related to deep tissue injury
JL Sparks, NA Vavalle, KE Kasting, B Long, ML Tanaka, PA Sanger, ...
Advances in skin & wound care 28 (2), 59-68, 2015
Lateral impact validation of a geometrically accurate full body finite element model for blunt injury prediction
NA Vavalle, DP Moreno, AC Rhyne, JD Stitzel, FS Gayzik
Annals of biomedical engineering 41 (3), 497-512, 2013
Development of the global human body models consortium mid-sized male full body model
FS Gayzik, DP Moreno, NA Vavalle, AC Rhyne, JD Stitzel
International workshop on human subjects for biomechanical research 39, 2011
Quantitative validation of a human body finite element model using rigid body impacts
NA Vavalle, ML Davis, JD Stitzel, FS Gayzik
Annals of biomedical engineering 43, 2163-2174, 2015
Development of a full human body finite element model for blunt injury prediction utilizing a multi-modality medical imaging protocol
FS Gayzik, DP Moreno, NA Vavalle, AC Rhyne, JD Stitzel
12th international LS-DYNA users conference, 1-14, 2012
Age-and sex-specific thorax finite element model development and simulation
SL Schoell, AA Weaver, NA Vavalle, JD Stitzel
Traffic injury prevention 16 (sup1), S57-S65, 2015
An evaluation of objective rating methods for full-body finite element model comparison to PMHS tests
NA Vavalle, BC Jelen, DP Moreno, JD Stitzel, FS Gayzik
Traffic injury prevention 14 (sup1), S87-S94, 2013
Application of radial basis function methods in the development of a 95th percentile male seated FEA model
NA Vavalle, SL Schoell, AA Weaver, JD Stitzel, FS Gayzik
SAE Technical Paper, 2014
Validation of simulated chestband data in frontal and lateral loading using a human body finite element model
AR Hayes, NA Vavalle, DP Moreno, JD Stitzel, FS Gayzik
Traffic injury prevention 15 (2), 181-186, 2014
Investigation of the mass distribution of a detailed seated male finite element model
NA Vavalle, AB Thompson, AR Hayes, DP Moreno, JD Stitzel, FS Gayzik
Journal of applied biomechanics 30 (3), 471-476, 2014
A paradigm for human body finite element model integration from a set of regional models.
AB Thompson, FS Gayzik, DP Moreno, AC Rhyne, NA Vavalle, JD Stitzel
Biomedical sciences instrumentation 48, 423-430, 2012
An evaluation of mass-normalization using 50th and 95th percentile human body finite element models in frontal crash
ML Davis, NA Vavalle, FS Gayzik
IRCOBI, 608-621, 2015
Combat helmet suspension system stiffness influences linear head acceleration and white matter tissue strains: implications for future helmet design
C Bradfield, N Vavalle, B DeVincentis, E Wong, Q Luong, L Voo, ...
Military medicine 183 (suppl_1), 276-286, 2018
Porohyperviscoelastic model simultaneously predicts parenchymal fluid pressure and reaction force in perfused liver
EC Moran, S Raghunathan, DW Evans, NA Vavalle, JL Sparks, T LeRoith, ...
Validation of the Global Human Body Models Consortium mid-sized male model in lateral impacts and sled tests
NA Vavalle
Wake Forest University, 2012
A technique for developing CAD geometry of long bones using clinical CT data
ML Davis, NA Vavalle, JD Stitzel, FS Gayzik
Medical Engineering & Physics 37 (11), 1116-1123, 2015
Nano-indentation device for investigating the mechanics of compliant materials
DW Evans, NA Vavalle, R DeVita, P Rajagopalan, JL Sparks
Experimental Mechanics 53, 217-229, 2013
Warrior Injury Assessment Manikin (WIAMan) Lumbar Spine Model Validation: Development, Testing, and Analysis of Physical and Computational Models of the WIAMan Lumbar Spine …
MW Gibson, RS Armiger, PJ Biermann, MP Boyle, AS Iwaskiw, ...
US Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. https://apps. dtic …, 2016
The effect of impactor location and velocity variation on validation of an advanced human body finite element model
NA Vavalle, DP Moreno, JD Stitzel, FS Gayzik
Biomed Sci Instrum 48, 454-61, 2012
Development and validation of a novel full human body FE model utilizing a multi-modality medical imaging protocol
FS Gayzik, DP Moreno, NA Vavalle, AC Rhyne, JD Stitzel
International Crashworthiness Conference. Milan, Italy, 2012
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