页岩气成藏机理和分布 张金川, 金之钧, 袁明生 天然气工业 24 (7), 15-18, 2004 | 1104 | 2004 |
Reservoiring mechanism of shale gas and its distribution Z Jinchuan Natural Gas Industry 24, 15-18, 2004 | 496 | 2004 |
Controlling factors on the enrichment and high productivity of shale gas in the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formations, southeastern Sichuan Basin ZJ Jin, ZQ Hu, B Gao, JH Zhao Earth Science Frontiers 23 (1), 1-10, 2016 | 287 | 2016 |
Has China ushered in the shale oil and gas revolution ZJ Jin, ZR Bai, B Gao, M Li Oil & Gas Geology 40 (3), 451-458, 2019 | 284 | 2019 |
Several issues worthy of attention in current lacustrine shale oil exploration and development JIN Zhijun, ZHU Rukai, X Liang, S Yunqi Petroleum Exploration and Development 48 (6), 1471-1484, 2021 | 238 | 2021 |
Climatic and tectonic controls of lacustrine hyperpycnite origination in the Late Triassic Ordos Basin, central China: Implications for unconventional petroleum development R Yang, Z Jin, AJ Van Loon, Z Han, A Fan Aapg Bulletin 101 (1), 95-117, 2017 | 214 | 2017 |
Applying sedimentary geochemical proxies for paleoenvironment interpretation of organic-rich shale deposition in the Sichuan Basin, China J Zhao, Z Jin, Z Jin, Y Geng, X Wen, C Yan International Journal of Coal Geology 163, 52-71, 2016 | 207 | 2016 |
中国海相碳酸盐岩层系油气勘探特殊性问题 金之钧 地学前缘 12 (3), 15-22, 2005 | 206 | 2005 |
济阳坳陷油气勘探现状及主要研究进展 李丕龙, 金之钧, 张善文, 庞雄奇, 肖焕钦, 姜在兴 石油勘探与开发 30 (003), 1-4, 2003 | 206* | 2003 |
Origin of authigenic quartz in organic-rich shales of the Wufeng and Longmaxi Formations in the Sichuan Basin, South China: Implications for pore evolution J Zhao, Z Jin, Z Jin, X Wen, Y Geng Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 38, 21-38, 2017 | 197 | 2017 |
川东南地区五峰组-龙马溪组页岩气富集与高产控制因素 金之钧, 胡宗全, 高波, 赵建华 地学前缘 23 (1), 1-10, 2016 | 194 | 2016 |
Carbon and hydrogen isotopes of methane, ethane, and propane: A review of genetic identification of natural gas Q Liu, X Wu, X Wang, Z Jin, D Zhu, Q Meng, S Huang, J Liu, Q Fu Earth-Science Reviews 190, 247-272, 2019 | 190 | 2019 |
Petroleum source in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin: New insights from geochemical and fluid inclusion data S Li, X Pang, Z Jin, H Yang, Z Xiao, Q Gu, B Zhang Organic Geochemistry 41 (6), 531-553, 2010 | 187 | 2010 |
塔里木盆地热液活动地质地球化学特征及其对储层影响 金之钧, 朱东亚, 胡文瑄, 张学丰, 王毅, 闫相宾 地质学报 80 (2), 245-253, 2006 | 184 | 2006 |
中国迎来页岩油气革命了吗? 金之钧, 白振瑞, 高波, 黎茂稳 石油与天然气地质 40 (3), 451-458, 2019 | 179 | 2019 |
TSR versus non-TSR processes and their impact on gas geochemistry and carbon stable isotopes in Carboniferous, Permian and Lower Triassic marine carbonate gas reservoirs in the … QY Liu, RH Worden, ZJ Jin, WH Liu, J Li, B Gao, DW Zhang, AP Hu, ... Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 100, 96-115, 2013 | 174 | 2013 |
Research progress and key scientific issues of continental shale oil in China Z Jin, G Wang, G Liu, B Gao, Q Liu, H Wang, X Liang, R Wang Acta Petrolei Sinica 42 (7), 821, 2021 | 170 | 2021 |
中国海相烃源岩发育控制因素 张水昌, 张宝民, 边立曾, 金之钧, 王大锐, 张兴阳, 高志勇, 陈践发 地学前缘 12 (3), 39-48, 2005 | 166 | 2005 |
Crustal structure across the Altyn Tagh Range at the northern margin of the Tibetan plateau and tectonic implications J Zhao, WD Mooney, X Zhang, Z Li, Z Jin, N Okaya Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (3-4), 804-814, 2006 | 164 | 2006 |
Geological and geochemical signatures of hydrothermal activity and their influence on carbonate reservoir beds in the Tarim Basin Z Jin, D Zhu, Y Wang, X Yan, W Hu, X Zhang | 159 | 2006 |