Peter R. Wiecha
Peter R. Wiecha
LAAS-CNRS Toulouse, France
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Deep learning in nano-photonics: inverse design and beyond
PR Wiecha, A Arbouet, C Girard, OL Muskens
Photonics Research 9 (5), B182-B200, 2021
Deep learning meets nanophotonics: a generalized accurate predictor for near fields and far fields of arbitrary 3D nanostructures
PR Wiecha, OL Muskens
Nano letters 20 (1), 329-338, 2019
Evolutionary multi-objective optimization of colour pixels based on dielectric nanoantennas
PR Wiecha, A Arbouet, C Girard, A Lecestre, G Larrieu, V Paillard
Nature nanotechnology 12 (2), 163-169, 2017
Pushing the limits of optical information storage using deep learning
PR Wiecha, A Lecestre, N Mallet, G Larrieu
Nature nanotechnology 14 (3), 237-244, 2019
Enhanced luminescence properties of InAs–InAsP core–shell nanowires
J Treu, M Bormann, H Schmeiduch, M Döblinger, S Morkötter, ...
Nano letters 13 (12), 6070-6077, 2013
Strongly directional scattering from dielectric nanowires
PR Wiecha, A Cuche, A Arbouet, C Girard, G Colas des Francs, ...
ACS photonics 4 (8), 2036-2046, 2017
Deep learning enabled real time speckle recognition and hyperspectral imaging using a multimode fiber array
U Kürüm, PR Wiecha, R French, OL Muskens
Optics express 27 (15), 20965-20979, 2019
Deep learning enabled design of complex transmission matrices for universal optical components
NJ Dinsdale, PR Wiecha, M Delaney, J Reynolds, M Ebert, I Zeimpekis, ...
ACS photonics 8 (1), 283-295, 2021
pyGDM--A python toolkit for full-field electro-dynamical simulations and evolutionary optimization of nanostructures
PR Wiecha
Computer Physics Communications 233, 167-192, 2018
Tailoring second-harmonic generation in single L-shaped plasmonic nanoantennas from the capacitive to conductive coupling regime
LJ Black, PR Wiecha, Y Wang, CH De Groot, V Paillard, C Girard, ...
ACS photonics 2 (11), 1592-1601, 2015
InP-based type-II quantum-well lasers and LEDs
S Sprengel, C Grasse, P Wiecha, A Andrejew, T Gruendl, G Boehm, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 19 (4), 1900909-1900909, 2013
Chemical Vapor Deposition of High‐Optical‐Quality Large‐Area Monolayer Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Z Gan, I Paradisanos, A Estrada‐Real, J Picker, E Najafidehaghani, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (38), 2205226, 2022
Origin of Second Harmonic Generation from individual Silicon Nanowires
PR Wiecha, A Arbouet, C Girard, T Baron, V Paillard
Physical Review B 93, 125421, 2016
Design of plasmonic directional antennas via evolutionary optimization
PR Wiecha, C Majorel, C Girard, A Cuche, V Paillard, OL Muskens, ...
Optics express 27 (20), 29069-29081, 2019
Enhanced nonlinear optical response from individual silicon nanowires
PR Wiecha, A Arbouet, H Kallel, P Periwal, T Baron, V Paillard
Physical Review B 91 (12), 121416, 2015
Enhancement of electric and magnetic dipole transition of rare-earth-doped thin films tailored by high-index dielectric nanostructures
PR Wiecha, C Majorel, C Girard, A Arbouet, B Masenelli, O Boisron, ...
Applied optics 58 (7), 1682-1690, 2019
A newcomer’s guide to deep learning for inverse design in nano-photonics
A Khaireh-Walieh, D Langevin, P Bennet, O Teytaud, A Moreau, ...
Nanophotonics 12 (24), 4387-4414, 2023
Challenges in nanofabrication for efficient optical metasurfaces
A Patoux, G Agez, C Girard, V Paillard, PR Wiecha, A Lecestre, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 5620, 2021
Deep learning enabled strategies for modeling of complex aperiodic plasmonic metasurfaces of arbitrary size
C Majorel, C Girard, A Arbouet, OL Muskens, PR Wiecha
ACS photonics 9 (2), 575-585, 2022
“pyGDM”-new functionalities and major improvements to the python toolkit for nano-optics full-field simulations
PR Wiecha, C Majorel, A Arbouet, A Patoux, Y Brûlé, GC Des Francs, ...
Computer Physics Communications 270, 108142, 2022
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