Christoph Woiwode
Christoph Woiwode
Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development; Adjunct, IIT Madras
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Inner transformation to sustainability as a deep leverage point: fostering new avenues for change through dialogue and reflection
C Woiwode, N Schäpke, O Bina, S Veciana, I Kunze, O Parodi, ...
Sustainability Science 16, 841-858, 2021
IMAGINE sustainability: Integrated inner-outer transformation in research, education and practice
CD Ives, N Schäpke, C Woiwode, C Wamsler
Sustainability Science 18 (6), 2777-2786, 2023
Off the beaten tracks: The neglected significance of interiority for sustainable urban development
C Woiwode
Futures 84, 82-97, 2016
Inner transformation to sustainability as a deep leverage point: fostering new avenues for change through dialogue and reflection. Sustain Sci 16: 841–858
C Woiwode, N Schäpke, O Bina, S Veciana, I Kunze, O Parodi, ...
Inner transformation for 21st-century futures: the missing dimension in higher education
C Woiwode
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 62 (4), 30-38, 2020
Narratives of sustainable Indian Urbanism: the logics of global and local knowledge mobilities in Chennai
K Hackenbroch, C Woiwode
South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 2016
Practical spirituality and the contemporary city: awakening the transformative power for sustainable living
C Woiwode, N Woiwode
Practical spirituality and human development: creative experiments for …, 2019
New Departures in Tackling Urban Climate Change: transdisciplinarity for social transformation (a critical appraisal of the WBGU’s 2011 Report)
C Woiwode
Integral Review 9 (2), 2013
Exploring new horizons: the nexus of climate change, urban development and spirituality
C Woiwode
International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development 4 (2), 219-235, 2012
Transcendence and Spirituality: Human Needs and the Practices of the Indian Svadhyaya Movement
C Woiwode
Journal of Developing Societies 29 (3), 233-257, 2013
Peri-urban Dynamics and Sustainability in Chennai: The Case of Sriperumbudur
C Adelina, C Hill, R John, T Kuttler, SC Rajan, A Roul, C Woiwode
N-AERUS XVI, Dortmund, 2015
Urban development and spirituality: Treading on new ground
C Woiwode
TRIALOG: A Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context 107 (4/2010 …, 2010
& Wamsler, C.(2021)
C Woiwode, N Schäpke, O Bina, S Veciana, I Kunze, O Parodi
Inner transformation to sustainability as a deep leverage point: fostering …, 0
Transdisciplinarity revisited: transformative potential of lessons we might learn
C Woiwode, O Bina
Enabling the City, 245-253, 2021
Indo German dialogue on green urban practices: social innovation and change agents towards sustainable lifestyles and consumption
C Woiwode, K Bienge
Wuppertal Institute/Indo-German Centre for Sustainability, 2017
" Urban" spirituality grounded: some selected case studies
C Woiwode
TRIALOG: A Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context 107 (4/2010 …, 2010
Correction to: IMAGINE sustainability: integrated inner-outer transformation in research, education and practice
CD Ives, N Schäpke, C Woiwode, C Wamsler
Sustainability Science 18 (6), 2803-2804, 2023
Schweizer-‐Ries, P., & Wamsler, C.(2021). Inner transformation to sustainability as a deep leverage point: Fostering new avenues for change through dialogue and reflection
C Woiwode, N Schäpke, O Bina, S Veciana, I Kunze, O Parodi
Sustainability Science 16 (3), 841-858, 2021
Enabling Transformative Urban Development for Integral Sustainability: A Case for Tapping the Potential of Sri Aurobindo’s Philosophy in Planning Practice and Theory
C Woiwode, LK Bhati
Sustainability and the Humanities, 35-55, 2018
Inner transitions to sustainability
I Kunze, C Woiwode
Documentation of two dialogue sessions held at the international …, 2018
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