Sebastian Weber
Sebastian Weber
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Human factors and technological characteristics influencing the interaction of medical professionals with artificial intelligence–enabled clinical decision support systems …
M Knop, S Weber, M Mueller, B Niehaves
JMIR Human Factors 9 (1), e28639, 2022
What constitutes victims of toxicity-identifying drivers of toxic victimhood in multiplayer online battle arena games
B Kordyaka, S Laato, S Weber, B Niehaves
Frontiers in psychology 14, 1193172, 2023
How do medical professionals make sense (or not) of AI? A social-media-based computational grounded theory study and an online survey
S Weber, M Wyszynski, M Godefroid, R Plattfaut, B Niehaves
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 24, 146-159, 2024
Virtual Reality Technologies in Health Care: A Literature Review of Theoretical Foundations
M Knop, C Ressing, M Mueller, S Weber, H Freude, B Niehaves
Are employees following the rules? On the effectiveness of IT consumerization policies
MM Klesel, S Weber, F Walsdorff, B Niehaves
14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik 2019, 2019
How autonomy is used in information systems research: status quo and prospective opportunities
S Weber, M Klesel, FM Oschinsky, B Niehaves
Does one creative tool fit all? Initial evidence on creativity support systems and Wikipedia-based stimuli
HC Klein, S Weber, M Schlechtinger, FM Oschinsky
Exploring the association between engagement with location-based game features and getting inspired about environmental issues and nature
B Kordyaka, S Laato, S Weber, J Hamari, B Niehaves
Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2024
Illuminating the predictive power of gamification to inspire technology users
S Weber, G Klassen, M Wyszynski, B Kordyaka
Mensch und Computer 2023-Workshopband, 10.18420/muc2023-mci-ws08-378, 2023
How do medical professionals perceive artificial intelligence: An analysis of Reddit data
S Weber, M Knop, B Niehaves
Glove versus controller: the effect of VR gloves and controllers on presence, embodiment, and cognitive absorption
R Palombo, S Weber, M Wyszynski, B Niehaves
Frontiers in Virtual Reality 5, 1337959, 2024
Beyond the Obvious-Towards a Creativity Support System using AI-driven Inspiration.
HC Klein, FM Oschinsky, S Weber, B Kordyaka, B Niehaves
AMCIS, 2020
Leveraging Gamification to Facilitate Information Sharing in the Service Industry: An Empirical Study
S Weber, B Kordyaka, B Niehaves
Is a Fool With a (n AI) Tool Still a Fool? An Empirical Study of the Creative Quality of Human–AI Collaboration
S Weber, B Kordyaka, R Palombo, D Siemon, B Niehaves
ACIS 2023 Proceedings, 2023
Exploring the potential of virtual reality for learning–a systematic literature review
S Weber
Designing successful Human-AI Collaboration for Creative-Problem Solving in Architectural Design
S Weber, HC Klein, D Siemon, B Kordyaka, B Niehaves
ICIS 2024 Proceedings, 2024
Decoding Gamification: A Randomized Within-Subjects Experiment on Affordances
B Kordyaka, S Weber, G Klassen, B Niehaves
Trust Me if You Can!-Investigating Trust in AI-Enabled Clinical Decision Support Systems
M Knop, S Weber, B Niehaves
MUSE-Towards a Concept of Inspiring Ambient Technology Driven by Artificial Intelligence
HC Klein, FM Oschinsky, S Weber, B Niehaves
How Much Exercise Do You Have to Do to Drink a Glass of Coke? A Health Action Process Approach in Virtual Reality.
C Ressing, H Freude, M Mueller, M Knop, S Weber, S Forstmeier, ...
Wirtschaftsinformatik (Zentrale Tracks), 687-692, 2020
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