Saisai Yuan (袁 赛赛)
Saisai Yuan (袁 赛赛)
Kiti vardaiSàisài Yuán, Sai-Sai Yuan
Associate Professor, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Electrocatalysis and detection of nitrite on a reduced graphene/Pd nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrode
Y Zhang, Y Zhao, S Yuan, H Wang, C He
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 185, 602-607, 2013
Synthesis high specific surface area nanotube gC 3 N 4 with two-step condensation treatment of melamine to enhance photocatalysis properties
Z Jin, Q Zhang, S Yuan, T Ohno
Rsc Advances 5 (6), 4026-4029, 2015
Morphology control and characterization of broom-like porous CeO2
B Xu, Q Zhang, S Yuan, M Zhang, T Ohno
Chemical Engineering Journal 260, 126-132, 2015
Synthesis of Y-doped CeO2/PCN nanocomposited photocatalyst with promoted photoredox performance
H Yang, B Xu, S Yuan, Q Zhang, M Zhang, T Ohno
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 243, 513-521, 2019
Design and Synthesis of Sm, Y, La and Nd‐doped CeO2 with a broom‐like hierarchical structure: a photocatalyst with enhanced oxidation performance
B Xu, H Yang, Q Zhang, S Yuan, A Xie, M Zhang, T Ohno
ChemCatChem 12 (9), 2638-2646, 2020
Synthesis and photocatalytic performance of yttrium-doped CeO2 with a porous broom-like hierarchical structure
B Xu, Q Zhang, S Yuan, M Zhang, T Ohno
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 183, 361-370, 2016
Boosting visible-light-driven photocatalytic performance of waxberry-like CeO2 by samarium doping and silver QDs anchoring
H Yang, B Xu, Q Zhang, S Yuan, Z Zhang, Y Liu, Z Nan, M Zhang, T Ohno
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 286, 119845, 2021
Synthesis and photocatalytic performance of yttrium-doped CeO2 with a hollow sphere structure
B Xu, Q Zhang, S Yuan, S Liu, M Zhang, T Ohno
Catalysis Today 281, 135-143, 2017
Improving g-C3N4 photocatalytic performance by hybridizing with Bi2O2CO3 nanosheets
Q Zhang, B Xu, S Yuan, M Zhang, T Ohno
Catalysis Today 284, 27-36, 2017
One-pot facile synthesis of branched Ag-ZnO heterojunction nanostructure as highly efficient photocatalytic catalyst
Q Huang, Q Zhang, S Yuan, Y Zhang, M Zhang
Applied Surface Science 353, 949-957, 2015
Synthesis of novel yttrium-doped graphene oxide nanocomposite for dye removal
Y Zhang, S Yuan, Y Zhao, H Wang, C He
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (21), 7897-7903, 2014
Morphology control and photocatalytic characterization of yttrium-doped hedgehog-like CeO2
B Xu, Q Zhang, S Yuan, M Zhang, T Ohno
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 164, 120-127, 2015
Porous cerium dioxide hollow spheres and their photocatalytic performance
S Yuan, Q Zhang, B Xu, Z Jin, Y Zhang, Y Yang, M Zhang, T Ohno
RSC Advances 4 (107), 62255-62261, 2014
Spatial charge separated two-dimensional/two-dimensional Cu-In2S3/CdS heterojunction for boosting photocatalytic hydrogen production
L Yang, T Gao, S Yuan, Y Dong, Y Chen, X Wang, C Chen, L Tang, ...
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 652, 1503-1511, 2023
Development of the Visible‐Light Response of CeO2−x with a high Ce3+ Content and Its Photocatalytic Properties
S Yuán, B Xu, Q Zhang, S Liu, J Xie, M Zhang, T Ohno
ChemCatChem 10 (6), 1267-1271, 2018
A new precursor to synthesize gC 3 N 4 with superior visible light absorption for photocatalytic application
S Yuan, Q Zhang, B Xu, S Liu, J Wang, J Xie, M Zhang, T Ohno
Catalysis Science & Technology 7 (9), 1826-1830, 2017
Dependence of photocatalytic activity on aspect ratio of a brookite TiO2 nanorod and drastic improvement in visible light responsibility of a brookite TiO2 nanorod by site …
T Ohno, T Higo, H Saito, S Yuajn, Z Jin, Y Yang, T Tsubota
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 396, 261-267, 2015
Efficient pH-universal aqueous supercapacitors enabled by an azure C-decorated N-doped graphene aerogel
C Wu, J Zhu, B Zhang, H Shi, H Zhang, S Yuan, Y Yin, G Chen, C Chen
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 650, 1871-1880, 2023
A facile approach to build Bi2O2CO3/PCN nanohybrid photocatalysts for gaseous acetaldehyde efficient removal
Q Zhang, S Yuan, B Xu, Y Xu, K Cao, Z Jin, C Qiu, M Zhang, C Su, T Ohno
Catalysis today 315, 184-193, 2018
Fabrication and characterization of black TiO2 with different Ti3+ concentrations under atmospheric conditions
S Liu, S Yuan, Q Zhang, B Xu, C Wang, M Zhang, T Ohno
Journal of Catalysis 366, 282-288, 2018
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