Mohammad Moniruzzaman
Mohammad Moniruzzaman
Research Professor, Jeju National University, Rep. of Korea
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Curcumin, curcumin nanoparticles and curcumin nanospheres: A review on their pharmacodynamics based on monogastric farm animal, poultry and fish nutrition
M Moniruzzaman, T Min
Pharmaceutics 12 (5), 447, 2020
Effects of stocking density on growth, body composition, yield and economic returns of monosex tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) under cage culture system in Kaptai Lake of …
M Moniruzzaman, KB Uddin, S Basak, Y Mahmud, M Zaher, SC Bai
J. Aquac. Res. Dev 6 (8), 357-363, 2015
Curcumin and its modified formulations on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): the story so far and future outlook
A Karthikeyan, KN Young, M Moniruzzaman, AM Beyene, K Do, ...
Pharmaceutics 13 (4), 484, 2021
Use of probiotics to enhance growth, stimulate immunity and confer disease resistance to Aeromonas salmonicida in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Y Park, S Lee, J Hong, D Kim, M Moniruzzaman, SC Bai
Aquaculture Research 48 (6), 2672-2682, 2017
Curcumin nanoformulations with metal oxide nanomaterials for biomedical applications
AM Beyene, M Moniruzzaman, A Karthikeyan, T Min
Nanomaterials 11 (2), 460, 2021
Comparison of the effects of dietary single and multi-probiotics on growth, non-specific immune responses and disease resistance in starry flounder, Platichthys stellatus
Y Park, M Moniruzzaman, S Lee, J Hong, S Won, JM Lee, H Yun, KW Kim, ...
Fish & shellfish immunology 59, 351-357, 2016
Evaluation of dietary selenium, vitamin C and E as the multi-antioxidants on the methylmercury intoxicated mice based on mercury bioaccumulation, antioxidant enzyme activity …
M Moniruzzaman, S Lee, Y Park, T Min, SC Bai
Chemosphere 273, 129673, 2021
Nutritional evaluation of some economically important marine and freshwater mollusc species of Bangladesh
M Moniruzzaman, S Sku, P Chowdhury, MB Tanu, S Yeasmine, ...
Heliyon 7 (5), 2021
Effects of dietary protein levels on growth performance and body composition of juvenile parrot fish, Oplegnathus fasciatus
KW Kim, M Moniruzzaman, KD Kim, HS Han, H Yun, S Lee, SC Bai
International Aquatic Research 8, 239-245, 2016
A review of the role of curcumin in metal induced toxicity
E Smirnova, M Moniruzzaman, S Chin, A Sureshbabu, A Karthikeyan, ...
Antioxidants 12 (2), 243, 2023
Evaluation of dietary organic and inorganic mercury threshold levels on induced mercury toxicity in a marine fish model
SM Raihan, M Moniruzzaman, Y Park, S Lee, SC Bai
Animals 10 (3), 405, 2020
Optimum Dietary Protein Level and Protein‐to‐energy Ratio for Growth of Juvenile Parrot Fish, Oplegnathus fasciatus
KW Kim, KD Kim, HS Han, M Moniruzzaman, H Yun, S Lee, SC Bai
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 48 (3), 467-477, 2017
Effects of partial replacement of dietary fish meal by bioprocessed plant protein concentrates on growth performance, hematology, nutrient digestibility and digestive enzyme …
M Moniruzzaman, JH Damusaru, S Won, SJ Cho, KH Chang, SC Bai
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100 (3), 1285-1293, 2020
Evaluation of dietary fishmeal analogue with addition of shrimp soluble extract on growth and nonspecific immune response of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
H Jo, S Lee, H Yun, J Hong, M Moniruzzaman, SC Bai, G Park, S Chee, ...
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 48 (4), 583-591, 2017
β-Glucan: Mode of action and its uses in fish immunomodulation
M Hadiuzzaman, M Moniruzzaman, M Shahjahan, SC Bai, T Min, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 905986, 2022
Effects of stocking density on growth performance and yield of Thai silver barb Barbonymus gonionotus reared in floating net cages in Kaptai Lake, Bangladesh
M Moniruzzaman, KB Uddin, S Basak, A Bashar, Y Mahmud, M Zaher, ...
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 8 (6), 999-1008, 2015
The impact of curcumin on livestock and poultry animal's performance and management of insect pests
A Sureshbabu, E Smirnova, A Karthikeyan, M Moniruzzaman, S Kalaiselvi, ...
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10, 1048067, 2023
Culture potential of Thai climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) in experimental cages at different stocking densities in Kaptai Lake, Bangladesh
KB Uddin, M Moniruzzaman, MA Bashar, S Basak, AKMS Islam, ...
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 9 (3), 564-573, 2016
Evaluation of fish meal analogue as partial fish meal replacement in the diet of growing Japanese eel Anguilla japonica
JH Damusaru, M Moniruzzaman, Y Park, M Seong, JY Jung, DJ Kim, ...
Animal feed science and technology 247, 41-52, 2019
Evaluation of Dietary Probiotic Bacteria and Processed Yeast (GroPro-Aqua) as the Alternative of Antibiotics in Juvenile Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus
W Choi, M Moniruzzaman, J Bae, A Hamidoghli, S Lee, YH Choi, T Min, ...
Antibiotics 11 (2), 129, 2022
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