G. Pena
G. Pena
Profesora titular en la Universidad de Vigo
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Comparative study of passive films of different stainless steels developed on alkaline medium
CM Abreu, MJ Cristóbal, R Losada, XR Nóvoa, G Pena, MC Pérez
Electrochimica Acta 49 (17-18), 3049-3056, 2004
The effect of Ni in the electrochemical properties of oxide layers grown on stainless steels
CM Abreu, MJ Cristóbal, R Losada, XR Nóvoa, G Pena, MC Pérez
Electrochimica Acta 51 (15), 2991-3000, 2006
High frequency impedance spectroscopy study of passive films formed on AISI 316 stainless steel in alkaline medium
CM Abreu, MJ Cristóbal, R Losada, XR Nóvoa, G Pena, MC Pérez
Journal of electroanalytical chemistry 572 (2), 335-345, 2004
Effect of high energy ball milling on the morphology, microstructure and properties of nano-sized TiC particle-reinforced 6005A aluminium alloy matrix composite
M Cabeza, I Feijoo, P Merino, G Pena, MC Pérez, S Cruz, P Rey
Powder Technology 321, 31-43, 2017
Long-term behaviour of AISI 304L passive layer in chloride containing medium
CM Abreu, MJ Cristóbal, R Losada, XR Nóvoa, G Pena, MC Pérez
Electrochimica Acta 51 (8-9), 1881-1890, 2006
Galvanic coupling between carbon steel and austenitic stainless steel in alkaline media
CM Abreu, MJ Cristóbal, MF Montemor, XR Nóvoa, G Pena, MC Pérez
Electrochimica Acta 47 (13-14), 2271-2279, 2002
On the corrosion mechanism of AISI 204Cu stainless steel in chlorinated alkaline media
L Freire, XR Nóvoa, G Pena, V Vivier
Corrosion Science 50 (11), 3205-3212, 2008
Wear and corrosion performance of two different tempers (T6 and T73) of AA7075 aluminium alloy after nitrogen implantation
CM Abreu, MJ Cristóbal, R Figueroa, G Pena
Applied Surface Science 327, 51-61, 2015
Effect of nitrogen and molybdenum ion implantation in the tribological behavior of AA7075 aluminum alloy
R Figueroa, CM Abreu, MJ Cristóbal, G Pena
Wear 276, 53-60, 2012
Electrochemical behaviour of an AISI 304L stainless steel implanted with nitrogen
CM Abreu, MJ Cristóbal, P Merino, XR Nóvoa, G Pena, MC Pérez
Electrochimica Acta 53 (20), 6000-6007, 2008
Estimation of crystallite size and lattice strain in nano-sized TiC particle-reinforced 6005A aluminium alloy from X-ray diffraction line broadening
I Feijoo, M Cabeza, P Merino, G Pena, MC Pérez, S Cruz, P Rey
Powder Technology 343, 19-28, 2019
Laser surface melting: A suitable technique to repair damaged surfaces made in 14 Ni (200 grade) maraging steel
M Cabeza, G Castro, P Merino, G Pena, M Román
Surface and Coatings Technology 212, 159-168, 2012
Modifications of the stainless steels passive film induced by cerium implantation
CM Abreu, MJ Cristóbal, XR Nóvoa, G Pena, MC Pérez, RJ Rodrı́guez
Surface and Coatings Technology 158, 582-587, 2002
Influence of molybdenum ion implantation on the localized corrosion resistance of a high strength aluminium alloy
CM Abreu, MJ Cristóbal, R Figueroa, G Pena
Corrosion science 54, 143-152, 2012
Characterisation of the electrochemical behaviour of cerium implanted stainless steels
CM Abreu, MJ Cristóbal, XR Nóvoa, G Pena, MC Pérez
Electrochimica acta 47 (13-14), 2215-2222, 2002
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy as a tool for studying steel corrosion inhibition in simulated concrete environments—Red mud used as rebar corrosion inhibitor
A Collazo, MJ Cristóbal, XR Nóvoa, G Pena, MC Perez
Journal of ASTM International 3 (2), JAI11785, 2005
Evaluation of an induction‐assisted friction stir welding technique for super duplex stainless steels
AI Álvarez, M García, G Pena, J Sotelo, D Verdera
Surface and Interface Analysis 46 (10-11), 892-896, 2014
Microstructural characterization of laser surface melted AISI M2 tool steel
J Arias, M Cabeza, G Castro, I Feijoo, P Merino, G Pena
Journal of Microscopy 239 (3), 184-193, 2010
Influence of chromium and cerium implantation in the electrochemical development of passive layers on AISI 304L
CM Abreu, MJ Cristobal, XR Novoa, G Pena, MC Perez, C Serra
Electrochimica acta 49 (17-18), 3057-3065, 2004
A study of laser melt injection of TiN particles to repair maraging tool steels
M Cabeza, G Castro, P Merino, G Pena, M Roman
Surface and Interface Analysis 46 (10-11), 861-864, 2014
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