Janna M Parker
Janna M Parker
Associate Professor of Marketing, James Madison University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Consumer religiosity: Consequences for consumer activism in the United States
K Swimberghe, LA Flurry, JM Parker
Journal of business ethics 103, 453-467, 2011
Faculty satisfaction with online teaching: a comprehensive study with American faculty
S Marasi, B Jones, JM Parker
Studies in Higher Education 47 (3), 513-525, 2022
Exploring the elements of consumer nostalgia in retailing: Evidence from a content analysis of retailer collages
H Shin, J Parker
Journal of Retailing and Consumer services 35, 1-11, 2017
Should employees be “dooced” for a social media post? The role of social media marketing governance
JM Parker, S Marasi, KW James, A Wall
Journal of Business Research 103, 1-9, 2019
Pursuing personal constructs through quality, value, and satisfaction
BJ Babin, KW James, K Camp, RP Jones, JM Parker
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 51, 33-41, 2019
Examining brand communities among children and adolescents: an exploratory study
L Ann Flurry, K R. Swimberghe, J M. Parker
Journal of Consumer Marketing 31 (2), 103-110, 2014
Is Customer Satisfaction Really a Cateh-All? The Discrepancy between Financial Performance and Survey Results
KW James, H James, BJ Babin, JM Parker
Journal of managerial issues, 137-150, 2019
Water conservation behavior: is what we say what we do?
JM Parker, D Sams, A Poddar, K Manoylov
Journal of Consumer Marketing 35 (6), 644-652, 2018
The First 25 years of digital marketing education research: A thematic exploration and an agenda for future inquiry
JM Parker, KW James, BR Leggett, M Al-Shammari
Journal of Marketing Education 46 (3), 240-257, 2024
Social media marketing: A commentary on teaching and learning in a dynamic field
JM Parker, KW James
Journal of Marketing Education 46 (1), 72-75, 2024
Eco-feedback Technology’s Influence on Water Conservation Attitudes and Intentions of University Students in the USA: An Experimental Design
J Parker, D Sams
Sustainable Water Use and Management Green Energy and Technology, 169-184, 2014
Sustainability paradigm: perspective of the small retailers
D Sams, E Scarboro, J Parker, I Mayoylov
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 173, 355-366, 2013
Toward the identification of consumer retailer nostalgia: An abstract
H Shin, JM Parker
Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value …, 2018
The Perspective of Small Retailers on Sustainability: An Exploratory Study for Scale Development
D Sams, J Parker
Let’s Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era …, 2016
Retailer television advertising: Consumers' skepticism of informational vs. emotional ads
JM Parker
Louisiana Tech University, 2013
Satisfaction in clinics and hospitals: Does context matter?
K James, KM Camp, J Parker, JH Hong, JT Cao
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 30 (3), 312-324, 2022
The Hedonic and Utilitarian Value of Volunteering as an Act of Symbolic Consumption: An Abstract
JM Parker, D Sams, KW James
Boundary Blurred: A Seamless Customer Experience in Virtual and Real Spaces …, 2018
Resource Advantage Theory, Service Dominant Logic, and Healthcare Consumer Experiences: An Abstract
KW James, KM Camp, J Parker
Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value …, 2018
Cancel Culture for Human Brands and Firms: Punishment versus Accountability
JM Parker, KW James, D Zahay
Corporate Cancel Culture and Brand Boycotts, 34-61, 2024
Social Mdia Marketing: A Strategic Approach 3e
D Zahay, ML Roberts, J Parker, DI Barker, MS Barker
Cengage Publshing, 2023
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