Jourdain C. Lokossou
Jourdain C. Lokossou
Department of Agri-Food Economics and Consumer Sciences, Laval University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Contract farming and rural transformation: Evidence from a field experiment in Benin
A Arouna, JD Michler, JC Lokossou
Journal of development economics 151, 102626, 2021
Contribution of improved rice varieties to poverty reduction and food security in sub-Saharan Africa
A Arouna, JC Lokossou, MCS Wopereis, S Bruce-Oliver, H Roy-Macauley
Global Food Security 14, 54-60, 2017
Differential household vulnerability to climatic and non-climatic stressors in semi-arid areas of Mali, West Africa
AC Segnon, E Totin, RB Zougmoré, JC Lokossou, M Thompson-Hall, ...
Climate and Development 13 (8), 697-712, 2021
Climate-smart agriculture and food security: Cross-country evidence from West Africa
M Paul Jr, GBD Aihounton, JC Lokossou
Global Environmental Change 81, 102697, 2023
Market participation and technology adoption: An application of a triple-hurdle model approach to improved sorghum varieties in Mali
A Singbo, F Badolo, J Lokossou, H Affognon
Scientific African 13, e00859, 2021
Farmer advisory systems and pesticide use in legume-based systems in West Africa
M Paul Jr, YS Nyam, JC Lokossou, BH Gebrekidan
Science of The Total Environment 867, 161282, 2023
Analysis of adoption of improved groundnut varieties in the tropical legume project (TL III) states in Nigeria
B Ahmed, CA Echekwu, SG Mohammed, C Ojiewo, H Ajeigbe, MB Vabi, ...
Agricultural Sciences 11 (02), 143-156, 2020
Welfare impacts of improved groundnut varieties adoption and food security implications in the semi-arid areas of West Africa
JC Lokossou, HD Affognon, A Singbo, MB Vabi, A Ogunbayo, P Tanzubil, ...
Food Security 14 (3), 709-728, 2022
Adoption of climate-resilient groundnut varieties increases agricultural production, consumption, and smallholder commercialization in West Africa
MPJ Tabe-Ojong, JC Lokossou, B Gebrekidan, HD Affognon
Nature Communications 14 (1), 5175, 2023
Estimating and decomposing groundnut gender yield gap: Evidence from rural farming households in Northern Nigeria
G Muricho, J Lokossou, H Affognon, B Ahmed, H Desmae, H Ajeigbe, ...
Sustainability 12 (21), 8923, 2020
Productivity and efficiency heterogeneity among maize smallholder farmers in Ethiopia
M Alemu, D Berihun, J C. Lokossou, B Yismaw
Cogent Food & Agriculture 10 (1), 2300191, 2024
Differential household vulnerability to climatic and non-climatic stressors in semi-arid areas of Mali, West Africa. Clim Dev 13 (8): 697–712
AC Segnon, E Totin, R Zougmoré, JC Lokossou, M Thompson-Hall
Policy interventions and productive employment in rural sub-Saharan Africa: a gender-differentiated meta-analysis
A Singbo, JC Lokossou
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 14 (1), 6-24, 2024
Adoption and impact assessment of improved groundnut varieties on poverty using DNA-Fingerprinting data: Evidence frrom smallholder rural farmers in Northern Nigeria
G Muricho, J Lokossou, C Odhiambo, C Ojiewo
Guest editorial: Introduction to the special issue on productive employment in rural farm and non-farm sectors in sub-Saharan Africa
A Singbo, JC Lokossou, L Tiberti
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 14 (1), 1-5, 2024
Taking a new look at hedging strategies in Quebec hog industry under public farm income insurance program
J Lokossou, A Singbo
Poster caes-scae, 2023
Improving Women Purchasing Power Through Land-Enhancing Technologies: The Case of Bio-Reclamation of Degraded Lands In Niger
A Singbo, J Quarshies, A Bonou, J Lokossou, D Fatondji, ...
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 6, 677, 2023
Cross-country analysis of productive employment in rural farm and non-farm sectors in sub-Saharan Africa
A Singbo, J Lokossou
PEP Working Paper Series. ISSN 2709-7331. Working Paper 2022-06, 19, 2022
Gender differential Impact of NERICA adoption on Total Factor Productivity: evidence from Benin Republic
J Lokossou, A Arouna, A Diagne, G Biaou
29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, 2015
Agriculture and health: an overview of relationship between rice cropping systems and rice farmers’ health in West Africa Rice Sector Development Hubs
J Lokossou, R Fiamohe, A Arouna, A Diagne, G Biaou
First conference of Theoretical and Applied Economics Association, 2014
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