Dr. Sasa Sofyan Munawar, S.Hut., MP.
Dr. Sasa Sofyan Munawar, S.Hut., MP.
Research Center for Biomass and Bioproduct, BRIN
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A review on natural fibers for development of eco-friendly bio-composite: characteristics, and utilizations
A Karimah, MR Ridho, SS Munawar, DS Adi, R Damayanti, B Subiyanto, ...
Journal of materials research and technology 13, 2442-2458, 2021
Characterization of the morphological, physical, and mechanical properties of seven nonwood plant fiber bundles
SS Munawar, K Umemura, S Kawai
Journal of Wood Science 53, 108-113, 2007
Application of citric acid as natural adhesive for wood
K Umemura, T Ueda, SS Munawar, S Kawai
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 123 (4), 1991-1996, 2012
A comprehensive review on natural fibers: technological and socio-economical aspects
A Karimah, MR Ridho, SS Munawar, Ismadi, Y Amin, R Damayanti, ...
Polymers 13 (24), 4280, 2021
Ismadi; Damayanti, R.; Subiyanto, B.; Fatriasari, W.; Fudholi
A Karimah, MR Ridho, SS Munawar, DS Adi
A. A review on natural fibers for development of eco-friendly bio-composite …, 2021
Effects of alkali, mild steam, and chitosan treatments on the properties of pineapple, ramie, and sansevieria fiber bundles
SS Munawar, K Umemura, F Tanaka, S Kawai
Journal of wood science 54, 28-35, 2008
Characterization of biomass pellet made from solid waste oil palm industry
SS Munawar, B Subiyanto
Procedia Environmental Sciences 20, 336-341, 2014
Prospect of bio-pellet as an alternative energy to substitute solid fuel based
WB Kusumaningrum, SS Munawar
Energy Procedia 47, 303-309, 2014
Evaluation of termite resistance of medium density fiberboard (MDF) manufacture from agricultural fiber bonded with citric acid
Y Indrayani, D Setyawati, SS Munawar, K Umemura, T Yoshimura
Procedia Environmental Sciences 28, 778-782, 2015
Study of characterization of activated carbon from coconut shells on various particle scales as filler agent in composite materials
R Dungani, SS Munawar, T Karliati, J Malik, P Aditiawati, S SULISTYONO
Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology 50 (4), 256-271, 2022
Manufacture of oriented board using mild steam treatment of plant fiber bundles
SS Munawar, K Umemura, S Kawai
Journal of wood science 54, 369-376, 2008
A Karimah, MR Ridho, SS Munawar
Amin, Y, 0
Pembuatan Papan Partikel Berukuran Komersial dari Limbah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dengan Perekat Urea Formaldehida Development of Commercial Size Particleboard from Waste of …
B Subiyanto, S Subyakto, S Sudijono, MGM Gopar, E Rasyid, ...
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis 3 (1), 9-14, 2005
Modified Grain Orientation of Laminated Veneer Lumber Characteristics of Three Fast-Growing Tropical Wood Species.
EM Alamsyah, A Darwis, YS Sutrisno, SS Munawar, J Malik, I Sumardi
BioResources 18 (3), 2023
Kualitas Papan Partikel dari Campuran Batang Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L.) dan Kayu Akasia (Acacia mangium W.) Berdasarkan Konsentrasi Perekat Urea Formaldehida
J Jamaluddin, SS Munawar
Jurnal Hutan Lestari 6 (3), 2018
Utilization of citric acid as bonding agent in sembilang bamboo (dendrocalamus giganteus munro) particleboard production
FA Syamani, AZ Arifqi, SS Munawar, S Sudarmanto, L Astari, ...
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research 9 (1), 99-120, 2022
Eco-friendly Board from Oil Palm Frond and Citric Acid
FA Syamani, SS Munawar
Wood Research Journal 4 (2), 72-75, 2013
Mechanical and thermal properties of poly (lactid acid) bamboo fiber composites
N Masruchin, SS Munawar, S Subyakto
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis 9 (1), 1-8, 2011
Properties of non-wood plant fiber bundles and the development of their composites
SS Munawar
Kyoto University, 2008
Preferensi Makan Rayap Kayu Kering (Cryprotermes cynocephalus Light) Pada Empat Jenis Bambu
SS Munawar
Thesis UGM. Tida Dipubli asi an, 2001
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