Seugnet Blignaut
Seugnet Blignaut
Research Professor, School of Information Technology, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, Vanderbijlpark
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Success factors for serious games to enhance learning: a systematic review
WS Ravyse, A Seugnet Blignaut, V Leendertz, A Woolner
Virtual Reality 21, 31-58, 2017
Developing a taxonomy of faculty participation in asynchronous learning environments—an exploratory investigation
S Blignaut, SR Trollip
Computers & Education 41 (2), 149-172, 2003
Read-only participants: A case for student communication in online classes
L Nagel, AS Blignaut, JC Cronjé
Interactive Learning Environments 17 (1), 37-51, 2009
ICT in education policy and practice in developing countries: South Africa and Chile compared through SITES 2006
AS Blignaut, JE Hinostroza, CJ Els, M Brun
Computers & Education 55 (4), 1552-1563, 2010
Measuring faculty participation in asynchronous discussion forums
AS Blignaut, SR Trollip
Journal of Education for Business 78 (6), 347-353, 2003
South Africa’s readiness to integrate ICT into mathematics and science pedagogy in secondary schools
SJ Howie, AS Blignaut
Education and Information Technologies 14, 345-363, 2009
Looking out and looking in: Exploring a case of faculty perceptions during e-learning staff development
HD Esterhuizen, S Blignaut, S Ellis
The International Review Of Research In Open And Distributed Learning 14 (3 …, 2013
Get set! E-ready,… e-learn! The e-readiness of warehouse workers
HB Moolman, S Blignaut
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 11 (1), 168-182, 2008
Comperacy assessment of postgraduate students' readiness for higher education
AS Blignaut, CJ Els
The Internet and Higher Education 13 (3), 101-107, 2010
Technological pedagogical content knowledge in South African mathematics classrooms: A secondary analysis of SITES 2006 data
V Leendertz, AS Blignaut, HD Nieuwoudt, CJ Els, SM Ellis
Pythagoras 34 (2), 1-9, 2013
A framework for information and communication technology integration in schools through teacher professional development
M Van Niekerk, S Blignaut
Africa Education Review 11 (2), 236-253, 2014
Development of ODL in a newly industrialized country according to face-to-face contact, ICT, and e-readiness
JM Van Zyl, CJ Els, AS Blignaut
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 14 (1), 84-105, 2013
National policies and practices on ICT in education: South Africa
S Blignaut, SJ Howie
Cross-national ICT policies and practices in education, 653-670, 2009
Using readability, comprehensibility and lexical coverage to evaluate the suitability of an introductory accountancy textbook to its readership
GJ Wissing, AS Blignaut, K Van den Berg
Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics 46, 155-179, 2016
Contextualizing South Africa’s participation in the SITES 2006 module
S Blignaut, C Els, S Howie
South African Journal of Education 30 (4), 2010
Cousins virtual Jane and virtual Joe, extraordinary virtual helpers
S Blignaut, L Nagel
Computers & Education 53 (1), 104-111, 2009
Quantitizing affective data as project evaluation on the use of a mathematics mobile game and intelligent tutoring system
E Nygren, AS Blignaut, V Leendertz, E Sutinen
Informatics in Education 18 (2), 375-402, 2019
Motivations for play in the UFractions mobile game in three countries
E Nygren, E Sutinen, AS Blignaut, TH Laine, CJ Els
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL) 4 (2), 30-48, 2012
The development, validation and standardisation of a questionnaire for ICT professional development of mathematics teachers
V Leendertz, AS Blignaut, S Ellis, HD Nieuwoud
pythagoras 36 (2), 1-11, 2015
Story-based UFractions mobile game in South Africa: Contextualization process and multidimensional playing experiences
E Turtiainen, S Blignaut, C Els, TH Laine, E Sutinen
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