Ahmad Darabi
Ahmad Darabi
Professor of Power Electrical Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Application of BEM and using BIM database for BEM: A review
Z Pezeshki, A Soleimani, A Darabi
Journal of Building Engineering 23, 1-17, 2019
Power system stabilizer design using Strength Pareto multi-objective optimization approach
H Yassami, A Darabi, SMR Rafiei
Electric Power Systems Research 80 (7), 838-846, 2010
Brushless exciter modeling for small salient pole alternators using finite elements
A Darabi, C Tindall
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 17 (3), 306-312, 2002
Thermal transport in: Building materials
Z Pezeshki, A Soleimani, A Darabi, SM Mazinani
Construction and building materials 181, 238-252, 2018
Fuzzy based digital automatic voltage regulator of a synchronous generator with unbalanced loads
A Darabi, SA Soleamani, A Hassannia
American J. of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1 (4), 280-286, 2008
Finite-element time-step coupled generator, load, avr, and brushless exciter modeling
A Darabi, C Tindall, S Ferguson
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 19 (2), 258-264, 2004
Design and performance analysis of superconducting rim-driven synchronous motors for marine propulsion
A Hassannia, A Darabi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24 (1), 40-46, 2013
Design considerations of high speed axial flux permanent magnet generator with coreless stator
H Lesani, H Monsef, A Darabi
2007 International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC 2007), 1097-1102, 2007
Rotor yoke thickness of coreless high-speed axial-flux permanent magnet generator
M Sadeghierad, A Darabi, H Lesani, H Monsef
IEEE Transactions on magnetics 45 (4), 2032-2037, 2009
Dual feasible direction-finding nonlinear programming combined with metaheuristic approaches for exact overcurrent relay coordination
A Darabi, M Bagheri, GB Gharehpetian
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 114, 105420, 2020
Intelligent islanding detection of a synchronous distributed generation using governor signal clustering
A Moeini, A Darabi, SMR Rafiei, M Karimi
Electric Power Systems Research 81 (2), 608-616, 2011
Various skewing arrangements and relative position of dual rotor of an axial fluxinduction motor, modelling and performance evaluation
A Nobahari, A Darabi, A Hassannia
IET Electric Power Applications 12 (4), 575-580, 2018
Optimal distributed generation planning considering reliability, cost of energy and power loss
H Yassami, A Moeini, SMR Rafiei, A Darabi, A Bagheri
Scientific research and essays 6 (9), 1963-1976, 2011
Highly reliable overcurrent protection scheme for highly meshed power systems
A Darabi, M Bagheri, GB Gharehpetian
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 119, 105874, 2020
Robust fault detection of wind energy conversion systems based on dynamic neural networks
N Talebi, MA Sadrnia, A Darabi
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2014 (1), 580972, 2014
High-speed axial-flux permanent-magnet generator with coreless stator
M Sadeghierad, H Lesani, H Monsef, A Darabi
Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 34 (1/2), 63-67, 2009
Axial flux induction motor, design and evaluation of steady state modeling using equivalent circuit
A Nobahari, A Darabi, A Hassannia
2017 8th Power Electronics, Drive Systems & Technologies Conference (PEDSTC …, 2017
Modeling and optimum design of disk-type hysteresis motors
A Darabi, H Lesani, T Ghanbari, A Akhavanhejazi
2007 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS …, 2007
Employing adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm for parameter estimation of an exciter machine
A Darabi, A Alfi, B Kiumarsi, H Modares
Coreless dual-rotor disc hysteresis motor, modeling, and performance prediction
A Darabi, M Sanati-Moghadam, T Ghanbari
Electric Power Components and Systems 38 (5), 575-591, 2010
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