Robert T Sugihara
Robert T Sugihara
USDA/APHIS/WS National Wildlife Research Center, Hawaii Field Station, Hilo, Hawaii
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A comparison of plotless density estimators using Monte Carlo simulation
RM Engeman, RT Sugihara, LF Pank, WE Dusenberry
Ecology 75 (6), 1769-1779, 1994
Biology and impacts of Pacific island invasive species. 11. Rattus rattus, the black rat (Rodentia: Muridae)
AB Shiels, WC Pitt, RT Sugihara, GW Witmer
Pacific Science 68 (2), 145-184, 2014
Abundance and diets of rats in two native Hawaiian forests
RT Sugihara
University of Hawaii Press, 1997
Efficacy of rodenticide baits for the control of three invasive rodent species in Hawaii
WC Pitt, LC Driscoll, RT Sugihara
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 60, 533-542, 2011
Optimization of variable area transect sampling using Monte Carlo simulation
RM Engeman, RT Sugihara
Ecology 79 (4), 1425-1434, 1998
Effects of trapping on rat populations and subsequent damage and yields of macadamia nuts
ME Tobin, AE Koehler, RT Sugihara, GR Ueunten, AM Yamaguchi
Crop Protection 12 (4), 243-248, 1993
A comparison of plotless density estimators using Monte Carlo simulation on totally enumerated field data sets
NA White, RM Engeman, RT Sugihara, HW Krupa
BMC ecology 8, 1-11, 2008
Probabilistic risk assessment for snails, slugs, and endangered honeycreepers in diphacinone rodenticide baited areas on Hawaii, USA
JJ Johnston, WC Pitt, RT Sugihara, JD Eisemann, TM Primus, MJ Holmes, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24 (6), 1557-1567, 2005
Nightly and seasonal movements of Boiga irregularis on Guam
ME Tobin, RT Sugihara, PA Pochop, MA Linnell
Journal of Herpetology, 281-291, 1999
Seasonal activity and movements of Rattus rattus (Rodentia, Muridae) in a Hawaiian macadamia orchard
ME Tobin, RT Sugihara, AE Koehler, GR Ueunten
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 60 (1), 3-14, 1996
Ecology of the small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) in North America
AR Berentsen, WC Pitt, RT Sugihara
Ecology and management of terrestrial vertebrate invasive species in the …, 2017
Seasonal patterns of fecundity and diet of roof rats in a Hawaiian macadamia orchard
ME Tobin, AE Koehler, RT Sugihara
Wildlife Research 21 (5), 519-525, 1994
Effect of travel distance, home range, and bait on the management of small Indian mongooses, Herpestes auropunctatus
WC Pitt, RT Sugihara, AR Berentsen
Biological Invasions 17, 1743-1759, 2015
Effects of simulated rat damage on yields of macadamia trees
ME Tobin, AE Koehler, RT Sugihara
Crop Protection 16 (3), 203-208, 1997
Small mammals as predators and competitors
GD Lindsey, SC Hess, EW Campbell III, RT Sugihara
Conservation biology of Hawaiian forest birds. Yale University Press, New …, 2009
Optimization of ordered distance sampling
RM Nielson, RT Sugihara, TJ Boardman, RM Engeman
Environmetrics: The official journal of the International Environmetrics …, 2004
Zinc phosphide baits and prebaiting for controlling rats in Hawaiian sugarcane
RT Sugihara, ME Tobin, AE Koehler
The Journal of wildlife management, 882-889, 1995
Site tenacity of the endangered Palila
SG Fancy, RT Sugihara, JJ Jeffrey, JD Jacobi
The Wilson Bulletin, 587-596, 1993
Bait placement and acceptance by rats in macadamia orchards
ME Tobin, RT Sugihara, AE Koehler
Crop Protection 16 (6), 507-510, 1997
Rodent damage to Hawaiian sugarcane
ME Tobin, RT Sugihara, AK Ota
Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 14 (14), 1990
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