Marieke M. M. Peeters
Marieke M. M. Peeters
Senior Researcher @ Utrecht University of Applied Sciences / Founder @ Mooncake AI
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Towards a theory of longitudinal trust calibration in human–robot teams
EJ De Visser, MMM Peeters, MF Jung, S Kohn, TH Shaw, R Pak, ...
International journal of social robotics 12 (2), 459-478, 2020
Hybrid collective intelligence in a human–AI society
MMM Peeters, J van Diggelen, K Van Den Bosch, A Bronkhorst, ...
AI & SOCIETY 36 (1), 217-238, 2021
Developing effective and resilient human-agent teamwork using team design patterns
J Van Diggelen, M Neerincx, M Peeters, JM Schraagen
IEEE intelligent systems 34 (2), 15-24, 2018
Perceived autonomy of robots: effects of appearance and context
M Harbers, MMM Peeters, MA Neerincx
A World with Robots: International Conference on Robot Ethics: ICRE 2015, 19-33, 2017
Designing a personal music assistant that enhances the social, cognitive, and affective experiences of people with dementia
MMM Peeters, M Harbers, MA Neerincx
Computers in Human Behavior 63, 727-737, 2016
Improving adaptive human-robot cooperation through work agreements
T Mioch, MMM Peeters, MA Neerincx
2018 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2018
An ontology for automated scenario–based training
MMM Peeters, KV Bosch, MA Neerincx, JJC Meyer
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 6 (3), 195-211, 2014
SAIL: A social artificial intelligence layer for human-machine teaming
B van der Vecht, J van Diggelen, M Peeters, J Barnhoorn, J van der Waa
Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and …, 2018
Pluggable social artificial intelligence for enabling human-agent teaming
J van Diggelen, JS Barnhoorn, MMM Peeters, W van Staal, ML Stolk, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.04492, 2019
The design and effect of automated directions during scenario-based training
M Peeters, K van den Bosch, JJC Meyer, MA Neerincx
Computers & Education 70, 173-183, 2014
Governing ethical and effective behaviour of intelligent systems: a novel framework for meaningful human control in a military context
PJM Elands, AG Huizing, JHM Kester, MMM Peeters, S Oggero
Militaire spectator 188 (6), 302, 2019
Embodied conversational interfaces for the elderly user
S Mehrotra, VG Motti, H Frijns, T Akkoc, SB Yengeç, O Calik, ...
Proceedings of the 8th Indian Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 90-95, 2016
Situated cognitive engineering: the requirements and design of automatically directed scenario-based training
MMM Peeters, K Van Den Bosch, JJ Meyer, MA Neerincx
ACHI 2012-5th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human …, 2012
Learning to communicate proactively in human-agent teaming
EM van Zoelen, A Cremers, FPM Dignum, J van Diggelen, MM Peeters
Highlights in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and …, 2020
Personalized educational games-developing agent-supported scenario-based training
MMM Peeters
SIKS, the Dutch Graduate School for Information and Knowledge Systems, 2014
An ontology for integrating didactics into a serious training game
MMM Peeters, K Van Den Bosch, JJC Meyer, MA Neerincx
Aachen: CEUR, 2012
Scenario-based training: Director’s cut
M Peeters, K Van Den Bosch, JJC Meyer, MA Neerincx
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 15th International Conference, AIED …, 2011
ReMindMe: Agent-based support for self-disclosure of personal memories in people with Alzheimer’s disease
MMM Peeters
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for …, 2016
Automated Scenario Generation: Coupling planning techniques with smart objects
GR Ferdinandus, MMM Peeters, K van den Bosch, JJC Meyer
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer-Supported …, 2013
Agent-based personalisation and user modeling for personalised educational games
MMM Peeters, K Bosch, JJC Meyer, MA Neerincx
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on User Modeling Adaptation and …, 2016
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