Shubham Gupta
Shubham Gupta
Sateliot, Barcelona, Spain
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Segb: Security enhanced group based aka protocol for m2m communication in an iot enabled lte/lte-a network
BL Parne, S Gupta, NS Chaudhari
IEEE Access 6, 3668-3684, 2018
Security vulnerabilities in handover authentication mechanism of 5G network
S Gupta, BL Parne, NS Chaudhari
2018 First international conference on secure cyber computing and …, 2018
DGBES: Dynamic group based efficient and secure authentication and key agreement protocol for MTC in LTE/LTE-A networks
S Gupta, BL Parne, NS Chaudhari
Wireless Personal Communications 98, 2867-2899, 2018
PSE-AKA: Performance and security enhanced authentication key agreement protocol for IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A networks
BL Parne, S Gupta, NS Chaudhari
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 12 (5), 1156-1177, 2019
PPSE: Privacy preservation and security efficient AKA protocol for 5G communication networks
BL Parne, S Gupta, K Gandhi, S Meena
2020 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and …, 2020
Mössbauer studies of Fe Be, Fe Nb, Fe Ru, Fe Te, and Fe Ir alloys
S Gupta, KB Lal, TM Srinivasan, GN Rao
physica status solidi (a) 22 (2), 707-713, 1974
Susceptibility of Indian major carp Labeo rohita to tilapia lake virus
PK Pradhan, A Paria, MK Yadav, DK Verma, S Gupta, TR Swaminathan, ...
Aquaculture 515, 734567, 2020
Molecular insights into the mechanisms of susceptibility of Labeo rohita against oomycete Aphanomyces invadans
PK Pradhan, DK Verma, L Peruzza, S Gupta, SA Haq, SV Shubin, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 19531, 2020
SRGH: A secure and robust group‐based handover AKA protocol for MTC in LTE‐A networks
S Gupta, BL Parne, NS Chaudhari
International Journal of Communication Systems 32 (8), e3934, 2019
SEAI: Secrecy and efficiency aware inter-gNB handover authentication and key agreement protocol in 5G communication network
S Gupta, BL Parne, NS Chaudhari, S Saxena
Wireless Personal Communications 122 (4), 2925-2962, 2022
Epitheliocystis in rohu Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822) is caused by novel Chlamydiales
N Sood, PK Pradhan, DK Verma, S Gupta, AK Dev, MK Yadav, ...
Aquaculture 505, 539-543, 2019
Low Cost Design of Sequential Reversible Counters
DSS Gupta, V Pareek, SC Jain
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 4 (11), 1234-1240, 2013
CoviBlock: A secure blockchain-based smart healthcare assisting system
BS Egala, AK Pradhan, S Gupta, KS Sahoo, M Bilal, KS Kwak
Sustainability 14 (24), 16844, 2022
ISAG: IoT-enabled and Secrecy Aware Group-based handover scheme for e-health services in M2M communication network
S Gupta, BL Parne, NS Chaudhari
Future Generation Computer Systems 125, 168-187, 2021
Realization of sequential reversible circuit from finite state machine
S Gupta, V Pareek, SC Jain, D Jain
2014 International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC) Khon …, 2014
Synthesis of balanced quaternary reversible logic circuit
JK Meena, SC Jain, H Gupta, S Gupta
2015 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies …, 2015
A Generic Construction for Efficient and Secure AKA Protocol in 5G Network
S Gupta, BL Parne, NS Chaudhari
2018 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and …, 2019
An efficient handover aka protocol for wireless network using chameleon hash function
S Gupta, BL Parne, NS Chaudhari
2018 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Information …, 2018
A novel realization of sequential reversible building blocks
V Pareek, S Gupta, SC Jain, A Kumar
Future Computing, 1-6, 2014
A Proxy Signature Based Efficient and Robust Handover AKA Protocol for LTE/LTE-A Networks
S Gupta, BL Parne, NS Chaudhari
Wireless Personal Communications, 1-36, 2018
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