Pablo E. Puertas
Pablo E. Puertas
Asociación Centro de Innovación Científica Amazónica- CINCIA
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Community-based comanagement of wildlife in the Peruvian Amazon
RE Bodmer, PE Puertas
Hunting for sustainability in tropical forests, 395-409, 2000
Major shifts in Amazon wildlife populations from recent intensification of floods and drought
R Bodmer, P Mayor, M Antunez, K Chota, T Fang, P Puertas, M Pittet, ...
Conservation Biology 32 (2), 333-344, 2018
Linking conservation and local people through sustainable use of natural resources: community-based management in the Peruvian Amazon
RE Bodmer, JW Penn, P Puertas, L Moya, TG Fang
Harvesting wild species, 315-358, 1997
Conservation of a high diversity primate assemblage
P Puertas, RE Bodmer
Biodiversity & Conservation 2, 586-593, 1993
Hunting effort as a tool for community-based wildlife management in Amazonia
PE Puertas, RE Bodmer
People in nature: wildlife conservation in South and Central America, 123-136, 2004
Effects of selective logging on large mammal populations in a remote indigenous territory in the northern Peruvian Amazon
P Mayor, P Pérez-Peña, M Bowler, PE Puertas, M Kirkland, R Bodmer
Ecology and Society 20 (4), 2015
Alternativas de manejo para la Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria: Un análisis sobre el uso sostenible de la caza
RE Bodmer, R Aquino, P Puertas
Manejo de Fauna Silvestre en la Amazonia. La Paz, Bolivia 65, 74, 1997
Game animals, palms, and people of the flooded forests: Management considerations for the Pacaya-Samiria national reserve, Peru
RE Bodmer, PE Puertas, JE Garcia, DR Dias, C Reyes
Advances in Economic Botany 13, 217-231, 1999
Supplemental notes on population parameters of northeastern Peruvian night monkeys, genus Aotus (Cebidae)
R Aquino, P Puertas, F Encarnación
American Journal of Primatology 21 (3), 215-221, 1990
Wissenschaftliche kurzmitteilungen: Observations of spheothos venaticus (Canidae: Carnivora) in its natural habitat in Peruvian Amazonia
R Aquino, P Puertas
Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde, 117-118, 1997
Sharing of sleeping sites betweenAotus vociferans with other mammals in the Peruvian Amazon
PE Puertas, R Aquino, F Encarnacion
Primates 36, 281-287, 1995
La importancia de la participación comunitaria en los planes de manejo de fauna silvestre en el nor oriente del Perú
PP MELÉNDEZ, R Bodmer, J LÓPEZ-PARODI, J del Aguila, A Calle
Folia Amazónica 11 (1-2), 159-179, 2000
Wild meat species, climate change, and indigenous Amazonians
R Bodmer, P Mayor, M Antunez, T Fang, K Chota, TA Yuyarima, S Flores, ...
Journal of Ethnobiology 40 (2), 218-233, 2020
Cambio climático y fauna silvestre en la Amazonia peruana: Impacto de la sequía e inundaciones intensas en la Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria
RE Bodmer, TG Fang, PE Puertas, M Antunez, K Chota, WE Bodmer
Cambio climático y fauna silvestre en la Amazonía peruana: impacto de la …, 2014
Certificación de pieles de pecaries (Tayassu tajacu y T. pecari) en la Amazonía peruana: Una estrategia para la conservación y manejo de fauna Silvestre en la Amazonia peruana
T Fang, R Bodmer, P Puertas, P Mayor, P Perez, R Acero, D Hayman
Wust Editions-Darwin Institute, Lima 203, 2008
Hunting effort analysis in northeastern Peru: the case of the Reserva Comunal Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo
PE Puertas
State University System of Florida, 1999
Evaluación de las poblaciones de tapir de la amazonía peruana. Fauna en camino de extinción
RE Bodmer, P Puertas, L Moya, T Fang
Boletín de Lima 88, 33-42, 1993
Peruvian red uakari monkeys (Cacajao calvus ucayalii) in the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve—a range extension across a major river barrier
M Bowler, JN Murrieta, M Recharte, P Puertas, R Bodmer
Neotropical Primates 16 (1), 34-37, 2009
Certificación de pieles de pecaríes en la Amazonía peruana
TG Fang, RE Bodmer, PE Puertas, P MAYORAPARICIO, P Pérez-Peña, ...
Wildlife Conservation Society, DICE, 2008
Comanaging wildlife in the Amazon and the salvation of the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve in Peru
R Bodmer, P Puertas, T Fang
Wildlife and Society: The Science of Human Dimensions. Island Press …, 2009
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