Jingwen Wei
Remaining useful life prediction and state of health diagnosis for lithium-ion batteries using particle filter and support vector regression
J Wei, G Dong, Z Chen
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (7), 5634-5643, 2017
Battery health prognosis using Brownian motion modeling and particle filtering
G Dong, Z Chen, J Wei, Q Ling
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (11), 8646-8655, 2018
Online state of charge estimation and open circuit voltage hysteresis modeling of LiFePO4 battery using invariant imbedding method
G Dong, J Wei, C Zhang, Z Chen
Applied Energy 162, 163-171, 2016
Particle filter-based state-of-charge estimation and remaining-dischargeable-time prediction method for lithium-ion batteries
Z Chen, H Sun, G Dong, J Wei, JI Wu
Journal of Power Sources 414, 158-166, 2019
An online model-based method for state of energy estimation of lithium-ion batteries using dual filters
G Dong, Z Chen, J Wei, C Zhang, P Wang
Journal of Power Sources 301, 277-286, 2016
Kalman filter for onboard state of charge estimation and peak power capability analysis of lithium-ion batteries
G Dong, J Wei, Z Chen
Journal of Power Sources 328, 615-626, 2016
Voltage fault detection for lithium-ion battery pack using local outlier factor
Z Chen, K Xu, J Wei, G Dong
Measurement 146, 544-556, 2019
Data-driven battery health prognosis using adaptive Brownian motion model
G Dong, F Yang, Z Wei, J Wei, KL Tsui
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (7), 4736-4746, 2019
Data‐driven lithium‐ion battery states estimation using neural networks and particle filtering
C Zhang, Y Zhu, G Dong, J Wei
International Journal of Energy Research 43 (14), 8230-8241, 2019
System state estimation and optimal energy control framework for multicell lithium-ion battery system
J Wei, G Dong, Z Chen, Y Kang
Applied Energy 187, 37-49, 2017
Remaining dischargeable time prediction for lithium-ion batteries using unscented Kalman filter
G Dong, J Wei, Z Chen, H Sun, X Yu
Journal of Power Sources 364, 316-327, 2017
A physics-based aging model for lithium-ion battery with coupled chemical/mechanical degradation mechanisms
G Dong, J Wei
Electrochimica Acta 395, 139133, 2021
Lyapunov-based thermal fault diagnosis of cylindrical lithium-ion batteries
J Wei, G Dong, Z Chen
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (6), 4670-4679, 2019
On-board adaptive model for state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries based on Kalman filter with proportional integral-based error adjustment
J Wei, G Dong, Z Chen
Journal of Power Sources 365, 308-319, 2017
Sequential Monte Carlo filter for state-of-charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries based on auto regressive exogenous model
G Dong, Z Chen, J Wei
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (11), 8533-8544, 2019
State of health estimation for lithium-ion batteries using geometric impedance spectrum features and recurrent Gaussian process regression
Y Zhou, G Dong, Q Tan, X Han, C Chen, J Wei
Energy 262, 125514, 2023
Review on state of charge estimation techniques of lithium-ion batteries: A control-oriented approach
N Ghaeminezhad, Q Ouyang, J Wei, Y Xue, Z Wang
Journal of Energy Storage 72, 108707, 2023
Model-based fault diagnosis of Lithium-ion battery using strong tracking Extended Kalman Filter
J Wei, G Dong, Z Chen
Energy Procedia 158, 2500-2505, 2019
Lyapunov-based state of charge diagnosis and health prognosis for lithium-ion batteries
J Wei, G Dong, Z Chen
Journal of Power Sources 397, 352-360, 2018
Constrained Bayesian dual-filtering for state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries
G Dong, J Wei, Z Chen
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 99, 516-524, 2018
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