Gheorghita Jugulete
Gheorghita Jugulete
Kiti vardaiGeorge Jugulete, G Jugulete, Gh. Jugulete
Profesor Universitar, U.M.F. Carol Davila Bucuresti
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Improving the adherence to antiretroviral therapy, a difficult but essential task for a successful HIV treatment—clinical points of view and practical considerations
SA Iacob, DG Iacob, G Jugulete
Frontiers in pharmacology 8, 831, 2017
A Romanian experience of syphilis in pregnancy and childbirth
LSC Manolescu, C Boeru, C Căruntu, CC Dragomirescu, M Goldis, ...
Midwifery 78, 58-63, 2019
Langerhans cells—revising their role in skin pathologies
M Neagu, C Constantin, G Jugulete, V Cauni, S Dubrac, AG Szöllősi, ...
Journal of personalized medicine 12 (12), 2072, 2022
Nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Romanian children before the introduction of the pneumococcal conjugated vaccination into the national immunization …
M Luminos, O Dorobat, G Jugulete, GA Popescu, D Florea, A Draganescu, ...
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 29, 169-173, 2014
Dendritic cell distribution in mycosis fungoides vs. inflammatory dermatosis and other T-cell skin lymphoma
M Cioplea, C Caruntu, S Zurac, A Bastian, L Sticlaru, A Cioroianu, D Boda, ...
Oncology Letters 17 (5), 4055-4059, 2019
Clinical and evolutionary features of SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) in children, a Romanian perspective
G Jugulete, D Pacurar, ML Pavelescu, M Safta, E Gheorghe, B Borcoș, ...
Children 9 (9), 1282, 2022
Measles in Romania–clinical and epidemiological characteristics of hospitalized measles cases during the first three years of the 2016-ongoing epidemic
D Pițigoi, O Săndulescu, MD Crăciun, A Drăgănescu, G Jugulete, ...
Virulence 11 (1), 686-694, 2020
Pneumococcal colonization and pneumococcal disease in children with influenza
VD Miron, AC Draganescu, O Sandulescu, CA Visan, MM Merisescu, ...
Rev Chim 69, 2749-53, 2018
Extramammary Paget's disease in an HIV-positive patient
C Căruntu, SA Zurac, GŢ Jugulete, D Boda
Rom J Morphol Embryol 58 (3), 1009-1015, 2017
Remdesivir efficacy and tolerability in children with COVID-19-associated allergic comorbidities such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis
G Jugulete, M Luminos, C Pavelescu, MM Merișescu
Children 10 (5), 810, 2023
Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) on treatment of HIV-infected children
G Jugulete, M Mardarescu, S Petrea, MI Dragan, ML Luminos
Int Conf AIDS 15, 2004
Presepsin-New Marker of Sepsis Romanian Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Experience
SM Stoicescu, R Mohora, M Luminos, MM Merisescu, G Jugulete, ...
Rev. Chim 70, 3008-3013, 2019
Clinical features and outcomes of the association of co-infections in children with laboratory-confirmed influenza during the 2022–2023 season: a Romanian perspective
MM Merișescu, ML Luminos, C Pavelescu, G Jugulete
Viruses 15 (10), 2035, 2023
Improving the adherence to antiretroviral therapy, a difficult but essential task for succesful HIV treatment-clinical points of view and practical consideration
SA Lacob, DG Lacob, G Jugulete
Front Pharmacol 8, 831, 2017
Human rabies in a Romanian boy-an ante mortem case study.
M Luminos, G Barboi, A Draganescu, AS Cercel, F Staniceanu, ...
Vaccination and Factors Related to the Clinical Outcome of COVID-19 in Healthcare Workers—A Romanian Front-Line Hospital’s Experience
CD Chivu, MD Crăciun, D Pițigoi, V Aramă, ML Luminos, G Jugulete, ...
Vaccines 11 (5), 899, 2023
Severe form of A1H1 influenza in a child—Case presentation
G Jugulete, MM Merisescu, AE Bastian, S Zurac, SM Stoicescu, ...
Rom. J. Leg. Med 26, 387-391, 2019
A rare case of mitochondriopathy with autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia diagnosed through skeletal muscle biopsy
AE Bastian, G Jugulete, E Manole, LA Oprişan
Rom J Morphol Embryol 60 (1), 273-279, 2019
Listeria-the enemy from the freezer. Therapeutics
M Luminos, G Jugulete, R Iagăru, R Mantescu, R Matei, A Zamfir
Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology, 2007
Severe sepsis with multiple organ dysfunctions caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in an immunocompetent child
G Jugulete, M Luminos, A Visan, A Draganescu, M Merisescu, M Vasile, ...
Critical Care 16 (Suppl 3), P69, 2012
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20