Søren Løkke
Søren Løkke
Lektor i Environmental Management
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Carbon footprint: a catalyst for life cycle assessment?
BP Weidema, M Thrane, P Christensen, J Schmidt, S Løkke
Journal of industrial Ecology 12 (1), 3-6, 2008
Brominated flame retardants: substance flow analysis and assessment of alternatives
C Lassen, S Løkke, LI Andersen
Environmental Project 494, 221, 1999
Can rebound effects explain why sustainable mobility has not been achieved?
HJ Walnum, C Aall, S Løkke
Sustainability 6 (12), 9510-9537, 2014
Life Cycle Assessment of district heat production in a straw fired CHP plant
R Parajuli, S Løkke, PA Østergaard, MT Knudsen, JH Schmidt, T Dalgaard
biomass and bioenergy 68, 115-134, 2014
Review of criteria for evaluating LCA weighting methods
FM Johnsen, S Løkke
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 18, 840-849, 2013
Sustainable business model innovation: Design guidelines for integrating systems thinking principles in tools for early-stage sustainability assessment
L Schlüter, L Kørnøv, L Mortensen, S Løkke, K Storrs, I Lyhne, B Nors
Journal of Cleaner Production 387, 135776, 2023
A review of public opinion on liquid biofuels in the EU: Current knowledge and future challenges
S Løkke, E Aramendia, J Malskær
Biomass and Bioenergy 150, 106094, 2021
Production of marine biofuels from hydrothermal liquefaction of sewage sludge. Preliminary techno-economic analysis and life-cycle GHG emissions assessment of Dutch case study
EM Lozano, S Løkke, LA Rosendahl, TH Pedersen
Energy Conversion and Management: X 14, 100178, 2022
The precautionary principle and chemicals regulation: Past achievements and future possibilities
S Løkke
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 13, 342-349, 2006
Plastic value chains: Case: WEEE (Waste Electric and electronic equipment) in the Nordic region
J Baxter, M Wahlstrom, M Zu Castell-Rüdenhausen, A Fråne, M Stare, ...
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2014
Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), brominated flame retardants: substance flow analysis and assessment of alternatives
C Lassen, S Lokke
Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Denmark, 1999
Relevance of attributional and consequential information for environmental product labelling
BP Weidema, MS Simas, J Schmidt, M Pizzol, S Løkke, PL Brancoli
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25, 900-904, 2020
Collection & recycling of plastic waste: Improvements in existing collection and recycling systems in the Nordic countries
A Fråne, Å Stenmarck, S Gíslason, KA Lyng, S Løkke, ...
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2014
Transparent integration and sharing of life cycle sustainability data with provenance
ER Hansen, M Lissandrini, A Ghose, S Løkke, C Thomsen, K Hose
International Semantic Web Conference, 378-394, 2020
Brominated Flame Retardants: Substance Flow Analysis and Substitution Feasability Study
C Lassen, S Løkke, LI Hansen
Miljøstyrelsen, 1999
How green are supported ‘green’business models? Time for the life cycle approach to enter public support programmes
S Løkke, JH Schmidt, I Lyhne, L Kørnøv, R Revsbeck
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25, 2086-2092, 2020
SMEs and the sustainability challenge: Digital shadow enabling smart decision making
S Løkke, O Madsen
The Future of Smart Production for SMEs: A Methodological and Practical …, 2022
Liberalization in the Danish waste sector: An institutional perspective
L Kørnøv, AL Hill, O Busck, S Løkke
Waste Management & Research 34 (12), 1201-1209, 2016
Wood as construction material: A “common” choice for carbon management?
E Ritter, M De Rosa, A Falk, P Christensen, S Løkke
Environmental science & technology 47 (21), 11930-11931, 2013
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
C Lassen, S Lokke
Aarhus University, 1996
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