Rishabh Jain
Rishabh Jain
Advanced R&D Engr/Scientist, Honeywell UOP
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Controlling nucleation pathways in zeolite crystallization: seeding conceptual methodologies for advanced materials design
R Jain, AJ Mallette, JD Rimer
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (51), 21446-21460, 2021
Seed-Assisted zeolite synthesis: The impact of seeding conditions and interzeolite transformations on crystal structure and morphology
R Jain, JD Rimer
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 300, 110174, 2020
Cooperative effects of inorganic and organic structure-directing agents in ZSM-5 crystallization
A Chawla, R Li, R Jain, RJ Clark, JG Sutjianto, JC Palmer, JD Rimer
Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 3 (1), 159-170, 2018
Spontaneous Pillaring of Pentasil Zeolites
R Jain, A Chawla, N Linares, J García Martínez, JD Rimer
Advanced Materials 33 (22), 2100897, 2021
Organic‐Free Interzeolite Transformation in the Absence of Common Building Units
W Qin, R Jain, FC Robles Hernández, JD Rimer
Chemistry–A European Journal 25 (23), 5893-5898, 2019
In situ imaging of two-dimensional surface growth reveals the prevalence and role of defects in zeolite crystallization
MK Choudhary, R Jain, JD Rimer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (46), 28632-28639, 2020
Functionalized poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoro propylene) membrane for fuel cell
O Prakash, KK Jana, R Jain, P Shah, M Manohar, VK Shahi, P Maiti
Polymer 151, 261-268, 2018
Crystallization of potassium-zeolites in organic-free media
A Chawla, AJ Mallette, R Jain, N Le, FCR Hernández, JD Rimer
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 341, 112026, 2022
In Situ Imaging of Faujasite Surface Growth Reveals Unique Pathways of Zeolite Crystallization
R Jain, Z Niu, M Choudhary, H Bourji, JC Palmer, JD Rimer
Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (2), 1155-1164, 2023
Synthesis of Hierarchical Zeolite ZSM-11 Catalysts Via a Novel Organic-Free Route
A Chawla, R Jain, N Linares, JG Martínez, JD Rimer
Proceedings of the 2019 North American Catalysis Society Meeting, Chicago …, 2019
Synthesis of zeolites with interconnected nanosheets
JD Rimer, R Jain
US Patent App. 18/277,261, 2024
Developing Organic Free Crystallization Pathways for the Optimization of Zeolite Catalysts
R Jain
University of Houston, 2021
Synthesis and Application of Inorganic Materials I: Synthesis
W Fan, R Jain, A Chawla
2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting, 2020
Understanding the Fundamentals of Zeolite Crystallization for the Optimization of Their Physicochemical Properties
R Jain, MK Choudhary, JD Rimer
2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting, 2020
Seed-Assisted Synthesis of Hierarchical Zeolites
R Jain, A Chawla, N Linares, J Garcia-Martinez, JD Rimer
2020 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2020
In Situ Observation of Zeolite Crystallization By Multivariant Pathways
R Jain, MK Choudhary, JD Rimer
2020 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2020
Elucidating the Factors Governing the Organic-Free Interzeolite Transformation
R Jain, JD Rimer
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2019
Organic-Free Route for the Synthesis of Hierarchical Zeolite ZSM-11 Catalysts
R Jain, A Chawla, N Linares, J García-Martínez, JD Rimer
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2019
Dual Role of Surfactants As Structure-Directing Agents and Mesoporogens in the Preparation of Zeolites
A Chawla, N Linares, R Li, R Jain, RJ Clark, J Sutjianto, JC Palmer, ...
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2019
Rational Design of Organic Structure-Directing Agents for the Synthesis of Zeolite Catalysts
A Chawla, R Li, Y Mu, R Jain, JG Sutjianto, RJ Clark, JC Palmer, ...
2019 North American Catalysis Society Meeting, 2019
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