Kate Mulvaney
Kate Mulvaney
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A tale of three counties: Understanding wind development in the rural Midwestern United States
KK Mulvaney, P Woodson, LS Prokopy
Energy Policy 56, 322-330, 2013
Different shades of green: a case study of support for wind farms in the rural midwest
KK Mulvaney, P Woodson, LS Prokopy
Environmental management 51, 1012-1024, 2013
Resilience of aquatic systems: Review and management implications
MC Pelletier, J Ebersole, K Mulvaney, B Rashleigh, MN Gutierrez, ...
Aquatic sciences 82, 1-25, 2020
The impact of information and familiarity on public attitudes toward the eastern hellbender
A Reimer, A Mase, K Mulvaney, N Mullendore, R Perry‐Hill, L Prokopy
Animal Conservation 17 (3), 235-243, 2014
Using data derived from cellular phone locations to estimate visitation to natural areas: An application to water recreation in New England, USA
NH Merrill, SF Atkinson, KK Mulvaney, MJ Mazzotta, J Bousquin
PloS one 15 (4), e0231863, 2020
The influence of basic beliefs and object-specific attitudes on behavioural intentions towards a rare and little-known amphibian
R Perry-Hill, JW Smith, A Reimer, AS Mase, N Mullendore, KK Mulvaney, ...
Wildlife Research 41 (4), 287-299, 2014
Sense of place and water quality: Applying sense of place metrics to better understand community impacts of changes in water quality
KK Mulvaney, NH Merrill, MJ Mazzotta
Water Quality-Science, Assessments and Policy, 2020
Beyond bioextraction: the role of oyster-mediated denitrification in nutrient management
S Ayvazian, K Mulvaney, C Zarnoch, M Palta, J Reichert-Nguyen, ...
Environmental science & technology 55 (21), 14457-14465, 2021
A resilience framework for chronic exposures: water quality and ecosystem services in coastal social-ecological systems
NH Merrill, KK Mulvaney, DM Martin, MM Chintala, W Berry, TR Gleason, ...
Coastal management 46 (4), 242-258, 2018
Designing solutions for clean water on Cape Cod: Engaging communities to improve decision making
ES Perry, SN Smith, KK Mulvaney
Ocean & coastal management 183, 104998, 2020
Casting a net to better understand fisheries management: An affiliation network analysis of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission
KK Mulvaney, S Lee, TO Höök, LS Prokopy
Marine Policy 57, 120-131, 2015
Conserving the eastern hellbender salamander
N Mullendore, AS Mase, K Mulvaney, R Perry-Hill, A Reimer, ...
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 19 (2), 166-178, 2014
Using researcher and stakeholder perspectives to develop promising practices to improve stakeholder engagement in the solutions-driven research process
KN Canfield, K Mulvaney, CD Chatelain
Socio-Ecological Practice Research 4 (3), 189-203, 2022
Advancing translational research in environmental science: The role and impact of social sciences
E Eisenhauer, KC Williams, K Margeson, S Paczuski, MC Hano, ...
Environmental science & policy 120, 165-172, 2021
Valuing coastal beaches and closures using benefit transfer: an application to Barnstable, Massachusetts
SF Lyon, NH Merrill, KK Mulvaney, MJ Mazzotta
Journal of ocean and coastal economics 5 (1), 1, 2018
Messaging on slow impacts: applying lessons learned from climate change communication to catalyze and improve marine nutrient communication
KN Canfield, K Mulvaney, N Merrill
Frontiers in environmental science 9, 619606, 2021
When, where, and how to intervene? Tradeoffs between time and costs in coastal nutrient management
NH Merrill, AN Piscopo, S Balogh, RP Furey, KK Mulvaney
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 57 (2), 328-343, 2021
Identifying useful climate change information needs of Great Lakes fishery managers
KK Mulvaney, CJ Foley, TO Höök, EC McNie, LS Prokopy
Journal of Great Lakes Research 40 (3), 590-598, 2014
Evaluating water quality impacts on visitation to coastal recreation areas using data derived from cell phone locations
RP Furey, NH Merrill, JP Sawyer, KK Mulvaney, MJ Mazzotta
Plos one 17 (4), e0263649, 2022
Quantifying recreational use of an estuary: a case study of Three Bays, Cape Cod, USA
KK Mulvaney, SF Atkinson, NH Merrill, JH Twichell, MJ Mazzotta
Estuaries and Coasts 43, 7-22, 2020
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