Jose Villanueva Diaz
Jose Villanueva Diaz
Investigador INIFAP
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Experimental dendroclimatic reconstruction of the Southern Oscillation
DW Stahle, RD D'Arrigo, PJ Krusic, MK Cleaveland, ER Cook, RJ Allan, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 79 (10), 2137-2152, 1998
Tree-ring reconstructed winter precipitation and tropical teleconnections in Durango, Mexico
MK Cleaveland, DW Stahle, MD Therrell, J Villanueva-Diaz, BT Burns
Climatic Change 59, 369-388, 2003
Major Mesoamerican droughts of the past millennium
DW Stahle, JV Diaz, DJ Burnette, JC Paredes, RR Heim Jr, FK Fye, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (5), 2011
Cool-and warm-season precipitation reconstructions over western New Mexico
DW Stahle, MK Cleaveland, HD Grissino-Mayer, RD Griffin, FK Fye, ...
Journal of Climate 22 (13), 3729-3750, 2009
North American megadroughts in the Common Era: Reconstructions and simulations
BI Cook, ER Cook, JE Smerdon, R Seager, AP Williams, S Coats, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 7 (3), 411-432, 2016
Winter-spring precipitation reconstructions from tree rings for northeast Mexico
J Villanueva-Diaz, DW Stahle, BH Luckman, J Cerano-Paredes, ...
Climatic Change 83 (1), 117-131, 2007
Tree-ring reconstructed maize yield in central Mexico: 1474–2001
MD Therrell, DW Stahle, JV Diaz, EHC Oviedo, MK Cleaveland
Climatic Change 74, 493-504, 2006
Warm season tree growth and precipitation over Mexico
MD Therrell, DW Stahle, MK Cleaveland, J Villanueva‐Diaz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D14), ACL 6-1-ACL 6-8, 2002
Early 21st‐century drought in Mexico
DW Stahle, ER Cook, JV Diaz, FK Fye, DJ Burnette, D Griffin, RA Soto, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 90 (11), 89-90, 2009
El Niño–Southern Oscillation effect on a fire regime in northeastern Mexico has changed over time
LL Yocom, PZ Fulé, PM Brown, J Cerano, J Villanueva-Díaz, DA Falk, ...
Ecology 91 (6), 1660-1671, 2010
Pacific and Atlantic influences on Mesoamerican climate over the past millennium
DW Stahle, DJ Burnette, JV Diaz, RR Heim, FK Fye, JC Paredes, RA Soto, ...
Climate Dynamics 39, 1431-1446, 2012
Fire regime in a conservation reserve in Chihuahua, Mexico
PZ Fulé, J Villanueva-Díaz, M Ramos-Gómez
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35 (2), 320-330, 2005
Dynamics, variability, and change in seasonal precipitation reconstructions for North America
DW Stahle, ER Cook, DJ Burnette, MCA Torbenson, IM Howard, D Griffin, ...
Journal of Climate 33 (8), 3173-3195, 2020
Tropical tree growth driven by dry-season climate variability
PA Zuidema, F Babst, P Groenendijk, V Trouet, A Abiyu, R Acuña-Soto, ...
Nature Geoscience 15 (4), 269-276, 2022
Linking remote sensing and dendrochronology to quantify climate‐induced shifts in high‐elevation forests over space and time
A Correa‐Díaz, LCR Silva, WR Horwath, A Gómez‐Guerrero, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124 (1), 166-183, 2019
Dendrocronología de Pinus cembroides Zucc. y reconstrucción de precipitación estacional para el Sureste de Coahuila
V Constante García, J Villanueva Díaz, J Cerano Paredes, ...
Ciencia forestal en México 34 (106), 17-39, 2009
Forced migration, climate change, mitigation and adaptive policies in Mexico: some functional relationships
IS Cohen, ÚO Spring, GD Padilla, JC Paredes, MA Inzunza Ibarra, ...
International Migration 51 (4), 53-72, 2013
Continental‐scale tree‐ring‐based projection of Douglas‐fir growth: Testing the limits of space‐for‐time substitution
S Klesse, RJ DeRose, F Babst, BA Black, LDL Anderegg, J Axelson, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (9), 5146-5163, 2020
Reconstrucción de 350 años de precipitación para el suroeste de Chihuahua, México
J Cerano Paredes, J Villanueva Díaz, PZ Fulé, JG Arreola Ávila, ...
Madera y bosques 15 (2), 27-44, 2009
Anatomy of growth rings at the Yucatán Peninsula
FA Roig, JJJ Osornio, JV Diaz, B Luckman, H Tiessen, A Medina, ...
Dendrochronologia 22 (3), 187-193, 2005
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