Qinglong Wu
Qinglong Wu
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Environmental issues of lake Taihu, China
B Qin, P Xu, Q Wu, L Luo, Y Zhang
Eutrophication of shallow lakes with special reference to Lake Taihu, China …, 2007
Intragenomic heterogeneity of 16S rRNA genes causes overestimation of prokaryotic diversity
DL Sun, X Jiang, QL Wu, NY Zhou
Applied and environmental microbiology 79 (19), 5962-5969, 2013
Bacterioplankton community composition along a salinity gradient of sixteen high-mountain lakes located on the Tibetan Plateau, China
QL Wu, G Zwart, M Schauer, MP Kamst-van Agterveld, MW Hahn
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72 (8), 5478-5485, 2006
Isolation of novel ultramicrobacteria classified as Actinobacteria from five freshwater habitats in Europe and Asia
MW Hahn, H Lünsdorf, Q Wu, M Schauer, MG Höfle, J Boenigk, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 69 (3), 1442-1451, 2003
The filtration–acclimatization method for isolation of an important fraction of the not readily cultivable bacteria
MW Hahn, P Stadler, QL Wu, M Pöckl
Journal of microbiological methods 57 (3), 379-390, 2004
Diversity and co-occurrence network of soil fungi are more responsive than those of bacteria to shifts in precipitation seasonality in a subtropical forest
D He, W Shen, J Eberwein, Q Zhao, L Ren, QL Wu
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 115, 499-510, 2017
Submersed macrophytes play a key role in structuring bacterioplankton community composition in the large, shallow, subtropical Taihu Lake, China
QL Wu, G Zwart, J Wu, MP Kamst‐van Agterveld, S Liu, MW Hahn
Environmental Microbiology 9 (11), 2765-2774, 2007
Do patterns of bacterial diversity along salinity gradients differ from those observed for macroorganisms?
J Wang, D Yang, Y Zhang, J Shen, C Van Der Gast, MW Hahn, Q Wu
PloS one 6 (11), e27597, 2011
Determination of virus abundance, diversity and distribution in a municipal wastewater treatment plant
Q Wu, WT Liu
Water research 43 (4), 1101-1109, 2009
Regional and global elevational patterns of microbial species richness and evenness
J Wang, S Meier, J Soininen, EO Casamayor, F Pan, X Tang, X Yang, ...
Ecography 40 (3), 393-402, 2017
The Passive Yet Successful Way of Planktonic Life: Genomic and Experimental Analysis of the Ecology of a Free-Living Polynucleobacter Population
MW Hahn, T Scheuerl, J Jezberová, U Koll, J Jezbera, K Šimek, C Vannini, ...
PloS one 7 (3), e32772, 2012
Trends in the occurrence and risk assessment of antibiotics in shallow lakes in the lower-middle reaches of the Yangtze River basin, China
LJ Zhou, J Li, Y Zhang, L Kong, M Jin, X Yang, QL Wu
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 183, 109511, 2019
Network analysis reveals seasonal variation of co-occurrence correlations between Cyanobacteria and other bacterioplankton
D Zhao, F Shen, J Zeng, R Huang, Z Yu, QL Wu
Science of the Total Environment 573, 817-825, 2016
Cometabolic biotransformation and microbial-mediated abiotic transformation of sulfonamides by three ammonia oxidizers
LJ Zhou, P Han, Y Yu, B Wang, Y Men, M Wagner, QL Wu
Water research 159, 444-453, 2019
Short-term bacterial community composition dynamics in response to accumulation and breakdown of Microcystis blooms
H Li, P Xing, M Chen, Y Bian, QL Wu
Water research 45 (4), 1702-1710, 2011
High predictability of the seasonal dynamics of a species‐like Polynucleobacter population in a freshwater lake
QL Wu, MW Hahn
Environmental Microbiology 8 (9), 1660-1666, 2006
Occurrence, spatiotemporal distribution, mass balance and ecological risks of antibiotics in subtropical shallow Lake Taihu, China
LJ Zhou, QL Wu, BB Zhang, YG Zhao, BY Zhao
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 18 (4), 500-513, 2016
Differences in structure and dynamics of Polynucleobacter communities in a temperate and a subtropical lake, revealed at three phylogenetic levels
QL Wu, MW Hahn
FEMS microbiology ecology 57 (1), 67-79, 2006
Heterogeneity of archaeal and bacterial ammonia‐oxidizing communities in Lake Taihu, China
Y Wu, Y Xiang, J Wang, J Zhong, J He, QL Wu
Environmental Microbiology Reports 2 (4), 569-576, 2010
Low Taxon Richness of Bacterioplankton in High-Altitude Lakes of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau, with a Predominance of Bacteroidetes and Synechococcus spp
P Xing, MW Hahn, QL Wu
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75 (22), 7017-7025, 2009
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