wei zhou
wei zhou
Associate Research Fellow, China Academy of Sciences
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Activity and Stability Boosting of an Oxygen‐Vacancy‐Rich BiVO4 Photoanode by NiFe‐MOFs Thin Layer for Water Oxidation
JB Pan, BH Wang, JB Wang, HZ Ding, W Zhou, X Liu, JR Zhang, S Shen, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (3), 1433-1440, 2021
Jointly embedding the local and global relations of heterogeneous graph for rumor detection
C Yuan, Q Ma, W Zhou, J Han, S Hu
2019 IEEE international conference on data mining (ICDM), 796-805, 2019
Multi-hop selector network for multi-turn response selection in retrieval-based chatbots
C Yuan, W Zhou, M Li, S Lv, F Zhu, J Han, S Hu
Proceedings of the 2019 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2019
In Situ Carbon-Coated Yolk–Shell V2O3 Microspheres for Lithium-Ion Batteries
L Jiang, Y Qu, Z Ren, P Yu, D Zhao, W Zhou, L Wang, H Fu
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (3), 1595-1601, 2015
Improved charge separation and surface activation via boron-doped layered polyhedron SrTiO3 for co-catalyst free photocatalytic CO2 conversion
J Shan, F Raziq, M Humayun, W Zhou, Y Qu, G Wang, Y Li
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 219, 10-17, 2017
Recent progress in photocatalytic hydrogen evolution
J Pan, S Shen, W Zhou, J Tang, H Ding, J Wang, L Chen, CT Au, SF Yin
Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin 36, 1905068, 2020
Towards propagation uncertainty: Edge-enhanced bayesian graph convolutional networks for rumor detection
L Wei, D Hu, W Zhou, Z Yue, S Hu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.11934, 2021
Reinforcement of graphene nanosheets on the microstructure and properties of Sn58Bi lead-free solder
Y Ma, X Li, W Zhou, L Yang, P Wu
Materials & design 113, 264-272, 2017
Label-specific dual graph neural network for multi-label text classification
Q Ma, C Yuan, W Zhou, S Hu
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2021
Effects of Ni addition on mechanical properties of Sn58Bi solder alloy during solid-state aging
L Yang, W Zhou, Y Ma, X Li, Y Liang, W Cui, P Wu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 667, 368-375, 2016
Early detection of fake news by utilizing the credibility of news, publishers, and users based on weakly supervised learning
C Yuan, Q Ma, W Zhou, J Han, S Hu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.04233, 2020
DyHGCN: A dynamic heterogeneous graph convolutional network to learn users’ dynamic preferences for information diffusion prediction
C Yuan, J Li, W Zhou, Y Lu, X Zhang, S Hu
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2021
Discerning the mechanism of expedited interfacial electron transformation boosting photocatalytic hydrogen evolution by metallic 1T-WS2-induced photothermal effect
Y Tang, W Zhou, Q Shang, Y Guo, H Hu, Z Li, Y Zhang, L Liu, H Wang, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 310, 121295, 2022
Accelerating spatial data processing with mapreduce
K Wang, J Han, B Tu, J Dai, W Zhou, X Song
2010 IEEE 16th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems …, 2010
Regulating Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Kinetics through Modification of Surface Coordination Sphere
C Feng, T Bo, P Maity, S Zuo, W Zhou, KW Huang, OF Mohammed, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 34 (9), 2309761, 2024
Improved microstructure and mechanical properties for SnBi solder alloy by addition of Cr powders
W Zhu, W Zhang, W Zhou, P Wu
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 789, 805-813, 2019
Abnormal room temperature ferromagnetism in CuO/ZnO nanocomposites via hydrothermal method
P Lu, W Zhou, Y Li, J Wang, P Wu
Applied Surface Science 399, 396-402, 2017
Effects of Ni-coated carbon nanotubes addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Sn–Ag–Cu solder alloys
Z Yang, W Zhou, P Wu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 590, 295-300, 2014
Synergistic effect of Mo 2 N and Pt for promoted selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde over Pt–Mo 2 N/SBA-15
D Wang, Y Zhu, C Tian, L Wang, W Zhou, Y Dong, Q Han, Y Liu, F Yuan, ...
Catalysis Science & Technology 6 (7), 2403-2412, 2016
Ultrathin graphene encapsulated Cu nanoparticles: A highly stable and efficient catalyst for photocatalytic H2 evolution and degradation of isopropanol
L Ren, L Tong, X Yi, W Zhou, D Wang, L Liu, J Ye
Chemical Engineering Journal 390, 124558, 2020
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