Junsung Noh
Junsung Noh
Dept. of Environment & Energy
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
The Blue Economy and the United Nations’ sustainable development goals: Challenges and opportunities
KH Lee, J Noh, JS Khim
Environment international 137, 105528, 2020
The first national scale evaluation of organic carbon stocks and sequestration rates of coastal sediments along the West Sea, South Sea, and East Sea of South Korea
J Lee, B Kim, J Noh, C Lee, I Kwon, BO Kwon, J Ryu, J Park, S Hong, ...
Science of the Total Environment 793, 148568, 2021
Natural and anthropogenic signatures on sedimentary organic matters across varying intertidal habitats in the Korean waters
J Lee, BO Kwon, B Kim, J Noh, K Hwang, J Ryu, J Park, S Hong, JS Khim
Environment International 133, 105166, 2019
Bioaccumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by the Marine Clam, Mactra veneriformis, Chronically Exposed to Oil-Suspended Particulate Matter …
J Noh, H Kim, C Lee, SJ Yoon, S Chu, BO Kwon, J Ryu, JJ Kim, H Lee, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (14), 7910-7920, 2018
Blue economy and the total environment: Mapping the interface
KH Lee, J Noh, J Lee, JS Khim
Environment International 157, 106796, 2021
Chemical-, site-, and taxa-dependent benthic community health in coastal areas of the Bohai Sea and northern Yellow Sea: a sediment quality triad approach
JS Khim, J Park, SJ Song, SJ Yoon, J Noh, S Hong, BO Kwon, J Ryu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 645, 743-752, 2018
Shift in polar benthic community structure in a fast retreating glacial area of Marian Cove, West Antarctica
H Bae, IY Ahn, J Park, SJ Song, J Noh, H Kim, JS Khim
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 241, 2021
Spatiotemporal variability in microphytobenthic primary production across bare intertidal flat, saltmarsh, and mangrove forest of Asia and Australia
BO Kwon, H Kim, J Noh, SY Lee, J Nam, JS Khim
Marine pollution bulletin 151, 110707, 2020
Anthropogenic influences on benthic food web dynamics by interrupted freshwater discharge in a closed Geum River estuary, Korea
J Noh, SJ Yoon, H Kim, C Lee, BO Kwon, Y Lee, S Hong, J Kim, J Ryu, ...
Environment international 131, 104981, 2019
Spatiotemporal variations in macrofaunal assemblages linked to site-specific environmental factors in two contrasting nearshore habitats
H Bae, JH Lee, SJ Song, J Ryu, J Noh, BO Kwon, K Choi, JS Khim
Environmental Pollution 241, 596-606, 2018
Distribution characteristics of the fish assemblages to varying environmental conditions in artificial reefs of the Jeju Island, Korea
J Noh, J Ryu, D Lee, JS Khim
Marine Pollution Bulletin 118 (1-2), 388-396, 2017
Natural and anthropogenic impacts on long-term meiobenthic communities in two contrasting nearshore habitats
HG Kim, SJ Song, H Bae, J Noh, C Lee, BO Kwon, JH Lee, J Ryu, ...
Environment international 134, 105200, 2020
Stable isotope signatures reveal the significant contributions of microphytobenthos and saltmarsh-driven nutrition in the intertidal benthic food webs
IO Lee, J Noh, J Lee, B Kim, K Hwang, BO Kwon, MJ Lee, J Ryu, J Nam, ...
Science of the Total Environment 756, 144068, 2021
Sub-lethal and lethal toxicities of elevated CO2 on embryonic, juvenile, and adult stages of marine medaka Oryzias melastigma
C Lee, BO Kwon, S Hong, J Noh, J Lee, J Ryu, SG Kang, JS Khim
Environmental pollution 241, 586-595, 2018
Rainfall effects on the erodibility of sediment and microphytobenthos in the intertidal flat
HJ Ha, H Kim, J Noh, HK Ha, JS Khim
Environmental Pollution 242, 2051-2058, 2018
Natural purification capacity of tidal flats for organic matters and nutrients: A mesocosm study
T Kim, J Noh, BO Kwon, C Lee, B Kim, I Kwon, S Hong, GS Chang, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 154, 111046, 2020
Characteristics of long-term changes in microbial communities from contaminated sediments along the west coast of South Korea: Ecological assessment with eDNA and …
AH Lee, J Lee, J Noh, C Lee, S Hong, BO Kwon, JJ Kim, JS Khim
Marine Pollution Bulletin 160, 111592, 2020
Marine biodiversity in Korea: A review of macrozoobenthic assemblages, their distributions, and long-term community changes from human impacts
JS Khim, C Lee, SJ Song, H Bae, J Noh, J Lee, HG Kim, JW Choi
Oceanography and Marine Biology, 483-532, 2021
Comparative evaluation of bioremediation techniques on oil contaminated sediments in long-term recovery of benthic community health
C Lee, S Hong, J Noh, J Lee, SJ Yoon, T Kim, H Kim, BO Kwon, H Lee, ...
Environmental Pollution 252, 137-145, 2019
Spatiotemporal variation of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) associated with the microphytobenthos of tidal flats in the Yellow Sea
B Kim, J Lee, J Noh, H Bae, C Lee, HJ Ha, K Hwang, DU Kim, BO Kwon, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 171, 112780, 2021
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