Ke-Jing Du
Ke-Jing Du
Phd, Victoria Universtiy
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Energy aware virtual machine placement scheduling in cloud computing based on ant colony optimization approach
XF Liu, ZH Zhan, KJ Du, WN Chen
Proceedings of the 2014 annual conference on genetic and evolutionary …, 2014
Deadline constrained cloud computing resources scheduling for cost optimization based on dynamic objective genetic algorithm
ZG Chen, KJ Du, ZH Zhan, J Zhang
2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 708-714, 2015
Cooperative coevolutionary bare-bones particle swarm optimization with function independent decomposition for large-scale supply chain network design with uncertainties
X Zhang, KJ Du, ZH Zhan, S Kwong, TL Gu, J Zhang
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 50 (10), 4454-4468, 2019
Distributed differential evolution with adaptive resource allocation
JY Li, KJ Du, ZH Zhan, H Wang, J Zhang
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 53 (5), 2791-2804, 2022
Deadline constrained cloud computing resources scheduling through an ant colony system approach
ZG Chen, ZH Zhan, HH Li, KJ Du, JH Zhong, YW Foo, Y Li, J Zhang
2015 international conference on cloud computing research and innovation …, 2015
Renumber coevolutionary multiswarm particle swarm optimization for multi-objective workflow scheduling on cloud computing environment
HH Li, ZG Chen, ZH Zhan, KJ Du, J Zhang
Proceedings of the companion publication of the 2015 annual conference on …, 2015
Bi-directional feature fixation-based particle swarm optimization for large-scale feature selection
JQ Yang, QT Yang, KJ Du, CH Chen, H Wang, SW Jeon, J Zhang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 9 (3), 1004-1017, 2022
A Novel Evolutionary Algorithm With Column and Sub-Block Local Search for Sudoku Puzzles
C Wang, B Sun, KJ Du, JY Li, ZH Zhan, SW Jeon, H Wang, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Games 16 (1), 162-172, 2023
Orthogonal learning particle swarm optimization with variable relocation for dynamic optimization
ZJ Wang, ZH Zhan, KJ Du, ZW Yu, J Zhang
2016 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC), 594-600, 2016
Multi-objective multi-criteria evolutionary algorithm for multi-objective multi-task optimization
KJ Du, JY Li, H Wang, J Zhang
Complex & Intelligent Systems 9 (2), 1211-1228, 2023
Parallel particle swarm optimization using message passing interface
GW Zhang, ZH Zhan, KJ Du, Y Lin, WN Chen, JJ Li, J Zhang
Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and …, 2015
Extended binary particle swarm optimization approach for disjoint set covers problem in wireless sensor networks
ZH Zhan, J Zhang, K Du, J Xiao
2012 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence …, 2012
Multi-criteria differential evolution: Treating multitask optimization as multi-criteria optimization
JY Li, KJ Du, ZH Zhan, H Wang, J Zhang
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion …, 2021
Normalization group brain storm optimization for power electronic circuit optimization
GW Zhang, ZH Zhan, KJ Du, WN Chen
Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2014 Annual Conference on …, 2014
Evolutionary multitasking bi-directional particle swarm optimization for high-dimensional feature selection
JQ Yang, KJ Du, CH Chen, H Wang, J Zhang, ZH Zhan
2023 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1-8, 2023
Historical information-based differential evolution for dynamic optimization problem
SH Wu, KJ Du, ZH Zhan, H Wang, J Zhang
2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 119-126, 2021
Multi-objective demand responsive transit scheduling in smart city: A multiple populations ant colony system approach
KJ Du, JQ Yang, L Wang, X Han, H Wang, ZH Zhan
2024 16th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence …, 2024
A knowledge learning and random pruning-based memetic algorithm for user route planning in bike-sharing system
KJ Du, JY Li, H Wang, J Zhang
Memetic Computing 15 (2), 259-279, 2023
A Robust Two-Part Modeling Strategy for Knowledge Graph Enhanced Recommender Systems
M Gao, KJ Du, PY Zhu, JY Li, H Wang, ZH Zhan
2023 15th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence …, 2023
Diversity-Driven Multi-Population Particle Swarm Optimization for Dynamic Optimization Problem
PY Zhu, SH Wu, KJ Du, H Wang, J Zhang, ZH Zhan
Proceedings of the Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2023
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