The effects of consumer attitude on green purchase intention: A meta-analytic path analysis Z Zaremohzzabieh, N Ismail, S Ahrari, AA Samah Journal of Business Research 132, 732-743, 2021 | 283 | 2021 |
Predicting social entrepreneurial intention: A meta-analytic path analysis based on the theory of planned behavior Z Zaremohzzabieh, S Ahrari, SE Krauss, AA Samah, LK Meng, Z Ariffin Journal of Business Research 96, 264-276, 2019 | 282 | 2019 |
The relationship between workload and performance of research university academics in Malaysia: The mediating effects of career commitment and job satisfaction J Janib, RM Rasdi, Z Omar, SN Alias, Z Zaremohzzabieh, S Ahrari Asian Journal of University Education 17 (2), 85-99, 2021 | 87 | 2021 |
Effects of emotions and ethics on pro-environmental behavior of university employees: a model based on the theory of planned behavior F Aziz, AA Md Rami, Z Zaremohzzabieh, S Ahrari Sustainability 13 (13), 7062, 2021 | 71 | 2021 |
Relationship between teacher empowerment and job satisfaction: A Meta-Analytic path analysis S Ahrari, S Roslan, Z Zaremohzzabieh, R Mohd Rasdi, A Abu Samah Cogent Education 8 (1), 1898737, 2021 | 71 | 2021 |
Deepening critical thinking skills through civic engagement in Malaysian higher education S Ahrari, BA Samah, MSHB Hassan, NWA Wahat, Z Zaremohzzabieh Thinking Skills and Creativity 22, 121-128, 2016 | 70 | 2016 |
A stranger in a strange land: Experiences of adjustment among international postgraduate students in Malaysia S Ahrari, SE Krauss, T Suandi, A Haslinda, AHA Sahimi, S Olutokunbo, ... Issues in Educational Research 29 (3), 611-632, 2019 | 61 | 2019 |
Financial insecurity During the COVID-19 pandemic: Spillover effects on burnout–disengagement relationships and performance of employees who moonlight RM Rasdi, Z Zaremohzzabieh, S Ahrari Frontiers in Psychology 12, 610138, 2021 | 58 | 2021 |
Household preparedness for future earthquake disaster risk using an extended theory of planned behavior Z Zaremohzzabieh, AA Samah, S Roslan, HAM Shaffril, JL D'Silva, ... International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 65, 102533, 2021 | 52 | 2021 |
The applicability of social cognitive career theory in predicting life satisfaction of university students: A meta-analytic path analysis R Mohd Rasdi, S Ahrari PloS one 15 (8), e0237838, 2020 | 41 | 2020 |
Job satisfaction as a mediator between leadership styles and organisational commitment of teachers in Malaysia NA Halim, A Hassan, R Basri, A Yusof, S Ahrari Asian Journal of University Education 17 (2), 61-71, 2021 | 36 | 2021 |
Influencing factors in MOOCs adoption in higher education: a meta-analytic path analysis Z Zaremohzzabieh, S Roslan, Z Mohamad, IA Ismail, H Ab Jalil, S Ahrari Sustainability 14, 8268, 2022 | 30 | 2022 |
The role of self-efficacy as a mediating variable in CareerEDGE employability model: The context of undergraduate employability in the North-East Region of Nigeria BK Wujema, R Mohd Rasdi, Z Zaremohzzabieh, S Ahrari Sustainability 14 (8), 4660, 2022 | 25 | 2022 |
Improvement of Pre-Service Teachers' Practical Knowledge and Motivation about Artificial Intelligence through a Service-Learning-Based Module in Guizhou, China: A Quasi … S Pu, NA Ahmad, MNM Khambari, NK Yap, S Ahrari Asian Journal of University Education 17 (3), 203-219, 2021 | 20 | 2021 |
Determinants of research performance of university academics and the moderating and mediating roles of organizational culture and job crafting R Mohd Rasdi, SZ Tauhed, Z Zaremohzzabieh, S Ahrari European Journal of Training and Development 47 (7/8), 711-728, 2023 | 19 | 2023 |
"Making a Difference…. on My Own Terms": Motivational Factors of Youth Involvement in Social Entrepreneurship in Malaysia S Ahrari, SE Krauss, Z Ariffin, LK Meng Societal Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
A mixed-methods evaluation of parent-assisted children’s friendship training to improve social skills and friendship quality in children with autism in malaysia SY Ong, S Roslan, NA Ahmad, AFM Ayub, CL Ping, Z Zaremohzzabieh, ... International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (5), 2566, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Factors Determining Academics’ Behavioral Intention and Usage Behavior Towards Online Teaching Technologies During Covid-19: An Extension of the UTAUT F Aziz, RM Rasdi, AAM Rami, F Razali, S Ahrari International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
The role, experience, and challenges to headmasters of indigenous primary schools amid Covid-19 in Malaysia J Lopez, SS Salim, Z Zaremohzzabieh, S Ahrari Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE) 18 (1), 232-243, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Active citizenship by active learning S Ahrari, J Othman, S Hassan, BA Samah, JL DSilva Journal of Applied Sciences 14 (20), 2450-2459, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |