Hejazi M A
Milking of microalgae
MA Hejazi, RH Wijffels
Trends in biotechnology 22 (4), 189-194, 2004
Probiotic Properties of Enterococcus Isolated From Artisanal Dairy Products
Y Nami, R Vaseghi Bakhshayesh, H Mohammadzadeh Jalaly, H Lotfi, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 10, 300, 2019
Milking microalga Dunaliella salina for β‐carotene production in two‐phase bioreactors
MA Hejazi, E Holwerda, RH Wijffels
Biotechnology and bioengineering 85 (5), 475-481, 2004
Optimisation of the formulation of β-carotene loaded nanostructured lipid carriers prepared by solvent diffusion method
A Hejri, A Khosravi, K Gharanjig, M Hejazi
Food chemistry 141 (1), 117-123, 2013
Selective extraction of carotenoids from the microalga Dunaliella salina with retention of viability
MA Hejazi, C De Lamarliere, JMS Rocha, M Vermue, J Tramper, ...
Biotechnology and bioengineering 79 (1), 29-36, 2002
Effect of light intensity on β-carotene production and extraction by Dunaliella salina in two-phase bioreactors
MA Hejazi, RH Wijffels
Biomolecular Engineering 20 (4-6), 171-175, 2003
Analysis of carotenoid production by Halorubrum sp. TBZ126; an extremely halophilic archeon from Urmia Lake
D Naziri, M Hamidi, S Hassanzadeh, V Tarhriz, BM Zanjani, H Nazemyieh, ...
Advanced pharmaceutical bulletin 4 (1), 61, 2013
Harvesting of microalgae Dunaliella salina using electroflocculation
A Zenouzi, B Ghobadian, MA Hejazi, P Rahnemoon
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 15 (5), 879-887, 2013
Mechanism of extraction of β‐carotene from microalga Dunaliellea salina in two‐phase bioreactors
MA Hejazi, D Kleinegris, RH Wijffels
Biotechnology and bioengineering 88 (5), 593-600, 2004
Hypocholesterolaemic activity of a novel autochthonous potential probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum YS5 isolated from yogurt
Y Nami, RV Bakhshayesh, M Manafi, MA Hejazi
LWT 111, 876-882, 2019
Optimization of the nanocellulose based cryoprotective medium to enhance the viability of freeze dried Lactobacillus plantarum using response surface methodology
FK Nahr, RR Mokarram, MA Hejazi, B Ghanbarzadeh, MS Khiyabani, ...
LWT-food Science and Technology 64 (1), 326-332, 2015
Integration of Cross Species RNAseq Meta-Analysis and Machine- Learning Models Identifies the Most Important Salt Stress–Responsive Pathways in Microalga Dunaliella
B Panahi, M Frahadian, J T Dums, M A Hejazi
Frontiers in Genetics 10, 752, 2019
Effect of salinity on cell growth and β-carotene production in Dunaliella sp. isolates from Urmia Lake in northwest of Iran
FA Rad, N Aksoz, MA Hejazi
African Journal of Biotechnology 10 (12), 2282-2289, 2011
Isolation and characterization of halophilic bacteria from Urmia Lake in Iran
SZ Vahed, H Forouhandeh, S Hassanzadeh, HP Klenk, MA Hejazi, ...
Microbiology 80, 834-841, 2011
Novel autochthonous lactobacilli with probiotic aptitudes as a main starter culture for probiotic fermented milk
Y Nami, B Haghshenas, RV Bakhshayesh, HM Jalaly, H Lotfi, S Eslami, ...
Lwt 98, 85-93, 2018
Introduction of a novel 18S rDNA gene arrangement along with distinct ITS region in the saline water microalga Dunaliella
MA Hejazi, A Barzegari, NH Gharajeh, MS Hejazi
Saline Systems 6, 1-11, 2010
Screening of potential probiotic lactic acid bacteria with antimicrobial properties and selection of superior bacteria for application as biocontrol using machine learning models
M Sadeghi, B Panahi, A Mazlumi, MA Hejazi, DEA Komi, Y Nami
Lwt 162, 113471, 2022
Effect of culture conditions on canthaxanthin production by Dietzia natronolimnaea HS-1
F Khodaiyan, SH Razavi, Z Emam-Djomeh, SMA Mousavi, MA Hejazi
Journal of microbiology and biotechnology 17 (2), 195, 2007
Dunaliella as an attractive candidate for molecular farming
A Barzegari, MA Hejazi, N Hosseinzadeh, S Eslami, ...
Molecular Biology Reports 37, 3427-3430, 2010
Effect of mixing rate on β‐carotene production and extraction by dunaliella salina in two‐phase bioreactors
MA Hejazi, E Andrysiewicz, J Tramper, RH Wijffels
Biotechnology and bioengineering 84 (5), 591-596, 2003
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