Amanda NeMoyer
Amanda NeMoyer
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Social determinants of mental health: where we are and where we need to go
M Alegría, A NeMoyer, I Falgàs Bagué, Y Wang, K Alvarez
Current psychiatry reports 20, 1-13, 2018
Racial/ethnic differences in 12-month prevalence and persistence of mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders: Variation by nativity and socioeconomic status
CL Vilsaint, A NeMoyer, M Fillbrunn, E Sadikova, RC Kessler, ...
Comprehensive psychiatry 89, 52-60, 2019
Applying the risk-needs-responsivity (RNR) model to juvenile justice
L Brogan, E Haney-Caron, A NeMoyer, D DeMatteo
Criminal Justice Review 40 (3), 277-302, 2015
The effect of minority status and social context on the development of depression and anxiety: a longitudinal study of Puerto Rican descent youth
M Alegria, PE Shrout, G Canino, K Alvarez, Y Wang, H Bird, SL Markle, ...
World Psychiatry 18 (3), 298-307, 2019
Racial and ethnic differences in individual-level and area-based socioeconomic status and 12-month DSM-IV mental disorders
R Chen, RC Kessler, E Sadikova, A NeMoyer, NA Sampson, K Alvarez, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 119, 48-59, 2019
Predictors of juveniles’ noncompliance with probation requirements.
A NeMoyer, NES Goldstein, RL McKitten, A Prelic, J Ebbecke, E Foster, ...
Law and Human Behavior 38 (6), 580, 2014
A comparison of the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Puerto Rico with the United States and the Puerto Rican population of the United States
G Canino, PE Shrout, A NeMoyer, D Vila, KM Santiago, P Garcia, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 54, 369-378, 2019
Increasing Equity in Access to Mental Health Care: A Critical First Step in Improving Service Quality
M Alegria, O Nakash, A NeMoyer
World Psychiatry 17 (1), 2018
Psychological practice with unaccompanied immigrant minors: Clinical and legal considerations.
A NeMoyer, T Rodriguez, K Alvarez
Translational issues in psychological science 5 (1), 4, 2019
You're on the right track: Using graduated response systems to address immaturity of judgment and enhance youths' capacities to successfully complete probation
NES Goldstein, A NeMoyer, E Gale-Bentz, M Levick, J Feierman
Temp. L. Rev. 88, 803, 2015
Releasing individuals from incarceration during COVID-19: Pandemic-related challenges and recommendations for promoting successful reentry.
A Desai, K Durham, SC Burke, A NeMoyer, K Heilbrun
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 27 (2), 242, 2021
Reducing racial/ethnic disparities in mental health service use among emerging adults: Community-level supply factors
A NeMoyer, M Cruz-Gonzalez, K Alvarez, RC Kessler, NA Sampson, ...
Ethnicity & health 27 (4), 749-769, 2022
Mentoring future researchers: Advice and considerations.
M Alegría, M Fukuda, S Lapatin Markle, A NeMoyer
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 89 (3), 329, 2019
Predictors of treatment completion for families referred to trauma‐focused cognitive behavioral therapy after child abuse
M Celano, A NeMoyer, A Stagg, N Scott
Journal of Traumatic Stress 31 (3), 454-459, 2018
Racial/ethnic differences in general physical symptoms and medically unexplained physical symptoms: Investigating the role of education.
S Evangelidou, A NeMoyer, M Cruz-Gonzalez, I O'Malley, M Alegría
Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology 26 (4), 557, 2020
Predicting probation revocation and residential facility placement at juvenile probation review hearings: Youth-specific and hearing-specific factors.
A NeMoyer, S Brooks Holliday, NES Goldstein, RL McKitten
Law and Human Behavior 40 (1), 97, 2016
Barriers and strategies for implementing community-based interventions with minority elders: positive minds-strong bodies
T Porteny, M Alegría, P Del Cueto, L Fuentes, SL Markle, A NeMoyer, ...
Implementation Science Communications 1, 1-13, 2020
Gathering diverse perspectives to tackle “wicked problems”: Racial/ethnic disproportionality in educational placement
A NeMoyer, O Nakash, M Fukuda, J Rosenthal, N Mention, VA Chambers, ...
American journal of community psychology 65 (1-2), 44-62, 2020
Attorney Perspectives on Juvenile and Adult Clients’ Competence to Plead Guilty
A NeMoyer, S Kelley, H Zelle, NES Goldstein
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 24 (2), 171-179, 2018
Factors associated with successful completion of a community-based, postarrest juvenile diversion program and subsequent rearrest
A NeMoyer, E Gale-Bentz, NES Goldstein, L Pema Harvey
Crime & Delinquency 66 (5), 603-626, 2020
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