He (Helen) Fang 方禾
Learning-aided physical layer authentication as an intelligent process
H Fang, X Wang, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Communications 67 (3), 2260-2273, 2018
Machine learning for intelligent authentication in 5G and beyond wireless networks
H Fang, X Wang, S Tomasin
IEEE Wireless Communications 26 (5), 55-61, 2019
Fast authentication and progressive authorization in large-scale IoT: How to leverage AI for security enhancement
H Fang, A Qi, X Wang
IEEE network 34 (3), 24-29, 2020
Stackelberg game based relay selection for physical layer security and energy efficiency enhancement in cognitive radio networks
H Fang, L Xu, KKR Choo
Applied Mathematics and Computation 296, 153-167, 2017
Three-stage Stackelberg game for defending against full-duplex active eavesdropping attacks in cooperative communication
H Fang, L Xu, Y Zou, X Wang, KKR Choo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (11), 10788-10799, 2018
Coordinated multiple-relays based physical-layer security improvement: A single-leader multiple-followers Stackelberg game scheme
H Fang, L Xu, X Wang
IEEE transactions on information forensics and security 13 (1), 197-209, 2017
Fuzzy learning for multi-dimensional adaptive physical layer authentication: A compact and robust approach
H Fang, X Wang, L Xu
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (8), 5420-5432, 2020
Lightweight continuous authentication via intelligently arranged pseudo-random access in 5G-and-beyond
H Fang, X Wang, N Zhao, N Al-Dhahir
IEEE Transactions on Communications 69 (6), 4011-4023, 2021
Efficient physical layer key generation technique in wireless communications
R Lin, L Xu, H Fang, C Huang
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2020, 1-15, 2020
Toward secure and privacy-preserving cloud data sharing: Online/offline multiauthority CP-ABE with hidden policy
C Zhao, L Xu, J Li, H Fang, Y Zhang
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (3), 4804-4815, 2022
Distributed nonlinear polynomial graph filter and its output graph spectrum: Filter analysis and design
Z Xiao, H Fang, X Wang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 69, 1725-1739, 2021
An adaptive trust-Stackelberg game model for security and energy efficiency in dynamic cognitive radio networks
H Fang, L Xu, J Li, KKR Choo
Computer Communications 105, 124-132, 2017
Safeguarding cluster heads in UAV swarm using edge intelligence: Linear discriminant analysis-based cross-layer authentication
H Wang, H Fang, X Wang
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2, 1298-1309, 2021
Adaptive uplink OFDMA random access grouping scheme for ultra-dense networks in IEEE 802.11 ax
J Bai, H Fang, J Suh, O Aboul-Magd, E Au, X Wang
2018 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), 34-39, 2018
An adaptive grouping scheme in ultra-dense IEEE 802.11 ax network using buffer state report based two-stage mechanism
J Bai, H Fang, J Suh, O Aboul-Magd, E Au, X Wang
China Communications 16 (9), 31-44, 2019
Adaptive trust management for soft authentication and progressive authorization relying on physical layer attributes
H Fang, X Wang, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (4), 2607-2620, 2020
Self-adaptive trust management based on game theory in fuzzy large-scale networks
H Fang, L Xu, X Huang
Soft Computing 21, 907-921, 2017
Fuzzy identity-based dynamic auditing of big data on cloud storage
C Zhao, L Xu, J Li, F Wang, H Fang
IEEE Access 7, 160459-160471, 2019
Evolutionarily stable opportunistic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks
L Xu, H Fang, Z Lin
IET Communications 10 (17), 2290-2299, 2016
Lightweight flexible group authentication utilizing historical collaboration process information
H Fang, Z Xiao, X Wang, N Al-Dhahir
IEEE Transactions on Communications 71 (4), 2260-2273, 2023
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