Emission of the greenhouse gases nitrous oxide and methane from constructed wetlands in Europe AK S⊘ vik, J Augustin, K Heikkinen, JT Huttunen, JM Necki, ... Journal of environmental quality 35 (6), 2360-2373, 2006 | 208 | 2006 |
Geographical patterns of micro‐organismal community structure: are diatoms ubiquitously distributed across boreal streams? J Heino, LM Bini, SM Karjalainen, H Mykrä, J Soininen, LCG Vieira, ... Oikos 119 (1), 129-137, 2010 | 196 | 2010 |
Temporal and seasonal changes in greenhouse gas emissions from a constructed wetland purifying peat mining runoff waters A Liikanen, JT Huttunen, SM Karjalainen, K Heikkinen, TS Väisänen, ... Ecological Engineering 26 (3), 241-251, 2006 | 192 | 2006 |
Ecological uniqueness of stream and lake diatom communities shows different macroecological patterns A Vilmi, SM Karjalainen, J Heino Diversity and Distributions 23 (9), 1042-1053, 2017 | 103 | 2017 |
Grazing by ciliates and heterotrophic nanoflagellates on picocyanobacteria in Lago Maggiore, Italy C Callieri, SM Karjalainen, S Passoni Journal of Plankton Research 24 (8), 785-796, 2002 | 98 | 2002 |
Comparing aspirations: intercalibration of ecological status concepts across European lakes for littoral diatoms M Kelly, G Urbanic, E Acs, H Bennion, V Bertrin, A Burgess, L Denys, ... Hydrobiologia 734 (1), 125-141, 2014 | 86 | 2014 |
Freshwater diatoms as environmental indicators: evaluating the effects of eutrophication using species morphology and biological indices A Vilmi, SM Karjalainen, VL Landeiro, J Heino Environmental monitoring and assessment 187 (5), 1-10, 2015 | 73 | 2015 |
Ohje pintavesien ekologisen ja kemiallisen tilan luokitteluun vuosille 2012–2013− päivitetyt arviointiperusteet ja niiden soveltaminen J Aroviita, S Hellsten, J Jyväsjärvi, L Järvenpää, M Järvinen, ... Suomen ympäristökeskus, 2012 | 71 | 2012 |
Unravelling the drivers of aquatic communities using disparate organismal groups and different taxonomic levels A Vilmi, SM Karjalainen, T Nokela, K Tolonen, J Heino Ecological Indicators 60, 108-118, 2016 | 69 | 2016 |
Bioassessment in a metacommunity context: are diatom communities structured solely by species sorting? A Vilmi, SM Karjalainen, S Hellsten, J Heino Ecological Indicators 62, 86-94, 2016 | 68 | 2016 |
Molecular versus morphological data for benthic diatoms biomonitoring in Northern Europe freshwater and consequences for ecological status B Bailet, A Bouchez, A Franc, JM Frigerio, F Keck, SM Karjalainen, ... | 67 | 2019 |
Redundancy in the ecological assessment of lakes: Are phytoplankton, macrophytes and phytobenthos all necessary? MG Kelly, S Birk, NJ Willby, L Denys, S Drakare, M Kahlert, ... Science of the total environment 568, 594-602, 2016 | 56 | 2016 |
Correlates of different facets and components of beta diversity in stream organisms MP Rocha, LM Bini, M Grönroos, J Hjort, M Lindholm, SM Karjalainen, ... Oecologia 191 (4), 919-929, 2019 | 54 | 2019 |
Elevated nutrient concentrations in headwaters affected by drained peatland H Marttila, SM Karjalainen, M Kuoppala, ML Nieminen, AK Ronkanen, ... Science of the total environment 643, 1304-1313, 2018 | 52 | 2018 |
Happamien sulfaattimaiden aiheuttamat vesistövaikutukset ja kalakuolemat Suomessa T Sutela, KM Vuori, P Louhi, K Hovila, S Jokela, SM Karjalainen, ... Suomen ympäristökeskus, 2012 | 51 | 2012 |
Quality assurance of diatom counts in Europe: towards harmonized datasets M Kahlert, É Ács, SFP Almeida, S Blanco, M Dreßler, L Ector, ... Hydrobiologia 772 (1), 1-14, 2016 | 50 | 2016 |
Predicting occupancy and abundance by niche position, niche breadth and body size in stream organisms MP Rocha, LM Bini, T Siqueira, J Hjort, M Grönroos, M Lindholm, ... Oecologia 186 (1), 205-216, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Bacterial metacommunity organization in a highly connected aquatic system S Langenheder, J Wang, SM Karjalainen, TM Laamanen, KT Tolonen, ... FEMS microbiology ecology 93 (4), fiw225, 2017 | 46 | 2017 |
Metacommunity structuring in a highly-connected aquatic system: effects of dispersal, abiotic environment and grazing pressure on microalgal guilds A Vilmi, KT Tolonen, SM Karjalainen, J Heino Hydrobiologia 790 (1), 125-140, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
Disentangling the responses of boreal stream assemblages to low stressor levels of diffuse pollution and altered channel morphology J Turunen, T Muotka, KM Vuori, SM Karjalainen, J Rääpysjärvi, T Sutela, ... Science of the Total Environment 544, 954-962, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |