Prof. Mznah Al-Rodhaan
Prof. Mznah Al-Rodhaan
Computer Science Dept, College of Computer & information Sciences, King Saud University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
BorderSense: Border patrol through advanced wireless sensor networks
Z Sun, P Wang, MC Vuran, MA Al-Rodhaan, AM Al-Dhelaan, IF Akyildiz
Ad Hoc Networks 9 (3), 468-477, 2011
Social network and tag sources based augmenting collaborative recommender system
T Ma, J Zhou, M Tang, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan, S Lee
IEICE transactions on Information and Systems 98 (4), 902-910, 2015
MISE-PIPE: Magnetic induction-based wireless sensor networks for underground pipeline monitoring
Z Sun, P Wang, MC Vuran, MA Al-Rodhaan, AM Al-Dhelaan, IF Akyildiz
Ad Hoc Networks 9 (3), 218-227, 2011
An efficient and scalable density-based clustering algorithm for datasets with complex structures
Y Lv, T Ma, M Tang, J Cao, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
Neurocomputing 171, 9-22, 2016
Content-based image retrieval using PSO and k-means clustering algorithm
ZS Younus, D Mohamad, T Saba, MH Alkawaz, A Rehman, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8, 6211-6224, 2015
An innovative technique for contrast enhancement of computed tomography images using normalized gamma-corrected contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization
Z Al-Ameen, G Sulong, A Rehman, A Al-Dhelaan, T Saba, M Al-Rodhaan
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2015, 1-12, 2015
A secure privacy-preserving data aggregation scheme based on bilinear ElGamal cryptosystem for remote health monitoring systems
A Ara, M Al-Rodhaan, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan
IEEE access 5, 12601-12617, 2017
AP association for proportional fairness in multirate WLANs
W Li, S Wang, Y Cui, X Cheng, R Xin, MA Al-Rodhaan, A Al-Dhelaan
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 22 (1), 191-202, 2013
KDVEM: ak-degree anonymity with vertex and edge modification algorithm
T Ma, Y Zhang, J Cao, J Shen, M Tang, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, ...
Computing 97 (12), 1165-1184, 2015
LGIEM: Global and local node influence based community detection
T Ma, Q Liu, J Cao, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
Future Generation Computer Systems 105, 533-546, 2020
LED: A fast overlapping communities detection algorithm based on structural clustering
T Ma, Y Wang, M Tang, J Cao, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
Neurocomputing 207, 488-500, 2016
Online Persian/Arabic script classification without contextual information
M Harouni, MSM Rahim, M Al-Rodhaan, T Saba, A Rehman, ...
The Imaging Science Journal 62 (8), 437-448, 2014
An efficient biometric authentication protocol for wireless sensor networks
O Althobaiti, M Al-Rodhaan, A Al-Dhelaan
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 9 (5), 407971, 2013
Vision-based sign language classification: a directional review
S Joudaki, D Mohamad, T Saba, A Rehman, M Al-Rodhaan, A Al-Dhelaan
IETE Technical Review 31 (5), 383-391, 2014
Evaluation of current documents image denoising techniques: a comparative study
T Saba, A Rehman, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
Applied Artificial Intelligence 28 (9), 879-887, 2014
On network connectivity of wireless sensor networks for sandstorm monitoring
P Wang, Z Sun, MC Vuran, MA Al-Rodhaan, AM Al-Dhelaan, IF Akyildiz
Computer Networks 55 (5), 1150-1157, 2011
Intelligent fuzzy approach for fast fractal image compression
A Nodehi, G Sulong, M Al-Rodhaan, A Al-Dhelaan, A Rehman, T Saba
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2014, 1-9, 2014
A new method of privacy protection: random k-anonymous
F Song, T Ma, Y Tian, M Al-Rodhaan
Ieee Access 7, 75434-75445, 2019
Deep rolling: A novel emotion prediction model for a multi-participant communication context
H Rong, T Ma, J Cao, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
Information Sciences 488, 158-180, 2019
A privacy preserving location service for cloud-of-things system
Y Tian, MM Kaleemullah, MA Rodhaan, B Song, A Al-Dhelaan, T Ma
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 123, 215-222, 2019
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