Amanda L. Higginbotham-Duque
Amanda L. Higginbotham-Duque
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Longitudinal unzipping of carbon nanotubes to form graphene nanoribbons
DV Kosynkin, AL Higginbotham, A Sinitskii, JR Lomeda, A Dimiev, ...
Nature 458 (7240), 872-876, 2009
Spontaneous high-concentration dispersions and liquid crystals of graphene
N Behabtu, JR Lomeda, MJ Green, AL Higginbotham, A Sinitskii, ...
Nature nanotechnology 5 (6), 406, 2010
Lower-defect graphene oxide nanoribbons from multiwalled carbon nanotubes
AL Higginbotham, DV Kosynkin, A Sinitskii, Z Sun, JM Tour
ACS nano 4 (4), 2059-2069, 2010
Graphite oxide flame-retardant polymer nanocomposites
AL Higginbotham, JR Lomeda, AB Morgan, JM Tour
ACS applied materials & interfaces 1 (10), 2256-2261, 2009
Covalent functionalization of surfactant-wrapped graphene nanoribbons
Y Zhu, AL Higginbotham, JM Tour
Chemistry of Materials 21 (21), 5284-5291, 2009
Methods for preparation of graphene nanoribbons from carbon nanotubes and compositions, thin films and devices derived therefrom
JM Tour, DV Kosynkin, A Higginbotham, BK Price
US Patent 8,703,090, 2014
Highly functionalized and soluble multiwalled carbon nanotubes by reductive alkylation and arylation: the billups reaction
JJ Stephenson, AK Sadana, AL Higginbotham, JM Tour
Chemistry of materials 18 (19), 4658-4661, 2006
Ferromagnetism in graphene nanoribbons: Split versus oxidative unzipped ribbons
SS Rao, SN Jammalamadaka, A Stesmans, VV Moshchalkov, J Tol, ...
Nano letters 12 (3), 1210-1217, 2012
Diameter-dependent solubility of single-walled carbon nanotubes
JG Duque, ANG Parra-Vasquez, N Behabtu, MJ Green, AL Higginbotham, ...
ACS nano 4 (6), 3063-3072, 2010
Electronic transport in monolayer graphene nanoribbons produced by chemical unzipping of carbon nanotubes
A Sinitskii, AA Fursina, DV Kosynkin, AL Higginbotham, D Natelson, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (25), 3108, 2009
Carbon nanotube composite curing through absorption of microwave radiation
AL Higginbotham, PG Moloney, MC Waid, JG Duque, C Kittrell, ...
Composites Science and Technology 68 (15), 3087-3092, 2008
Spin dynamics and relaxation in graphene nanoribbons: electron spin resonance probing
SS Rao, A Stesmans, J van Tol, DV Kosynkin, A Higginbotham-Duque, ...
ACS nano 6 (9), 7615-7623, 2012
Unzipped graphene nanoribbons as sensitive O2 sensors: Electron spin resonance probing and dissociation kinetics
SS Rao, A Stesmans, K Keunen, DV Kosynkin, A Higginbotham, JM Tour
Applied Physics Letters 98 (8), 083116, 2011
Complex Microwave Permittivity of Secondary High Explosives
AL Higginbotham Duque, WL Perry, CM Anderson‐Cook
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 39 (2), 275-283, 2014
Paramagnetic centers in graphene nanoribbons prepared from longitudinal unzipping of carbon nanotubes
SS Rao, A Stesmans, DV Kosynkin, A Higginbotham, JM Tour
New Journal of Physics 13 (11), 113004, 2011
Dissolution of graphite, graphite and graphene nanoribbons in superacid solutions and manipulation thereof
JM Tour, M Pasquali, N Behabtu, JR Lomeda, DV Kosynkin, A Duque, ...
US Patent 9,534,319, 2017
Dissolution of graphite, graphite and graphene nanoribbons in superacid solutions and manipulation thereof
JM Tour, M Pasquali, N Behabtu, JR Lomeda, DV Kosynkin, A Duque, ...
US Patent 9,534,319, 2017
Development of inert density mock materials for HMX
JD Yeager, AL Higginbotham Duque, M Shorty, PR Bowden, JA Stull
Journal of Energetic Materials 36 (3), 253-265, 2018
Computing continuum-level explosive shock and detonation response over a wide pressure range from microstructural details
WL Perry, AL Duque, JT Mang, DB Culp
Combustion and Flame 231, 111470, 2021
Tunable permittivity of polymer composites through incremental blending of raw and functionalized single-wall carbon nanotubes
AL Higginbotham, JJ Stephenson, RJ Smith, DS Killips, LC Kempel, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (48), 17751-17754, 2007
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