Vangeli Gamede
Embracing the role of finance in sustainability for SMEs
MK Kimanzi, VW Gamede
International Journal of Economics and Finance 12 (2), 453-468, 2020
Entrepreneurial self-efficacy for entrepreneurial readiness in a developing context: A survey of exit level students at TVET Institutions in Nigeria
AO Adeniyi, E Derera, V Gamede
Sage Open 12 (2), 21582440221095059, 2022
The Dilemma of Unrelenting Workload Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: An Agenda for University Female Academics.
OE Okeke-Uzodike, V Gamede
Journal of Research in Higher Education 5 (1), 2021
Individual entrepreneurial orientation for entrepreneurial readiness
AO Adeniyi, V Gamede, E Derera
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11 (1), 1-10, 2024
Cultural implications for learners' effectiveness as governors of schools in rural South Africa
VW Gamede
South African Journal of Education 40 (3), 1-8, 2020
Constraints to effective governance by the parent component of the SGBs in Rural South Africa
VW Gamede
International Journal of Educational Sciences 13 (2), 194-201, 2016
Human Capital Development and Faculty Members’ Contributions
SO Atiku, IO Lawal, V Gamede
The Journal of Accounting and Management 10 (3), 2020
Exploring dimensions of entrepreneurship education as determinants of entrepreneurial readiness among exit-level students at selected TVET colleges in a developing context
AO Adeniyi, VW Gamede, E Derera
Journal of Contemporary Management 20 (2), 236-259, 2023
Causes of the low penetration rate in the South African co-operative financial institution sector: A consumer perspective
B Ismaila, VW Gamede, OE Okeke-Uzodike
Journal of Contemporary Management 19 (1), 30-56, 2022
‘The Toyi-Toyi was our Weapon’: The Role of Music in the Struggle Against Apartheid
L Michie, V Gamede
Sounds of Resistance: The Role of Music in Multicultural Activism, 251-270, 2013
The perceived impact of management styles on employee job satisfaction and organisational commitment: A case study of Hulamin, Pietermaritzburg
MM Nxumalo, VW Gamede
Journal of Contemporary Management 21 (2), 517-554, 2024
Social dialogue and working conditions: Evidence from Perfetti Banmettelle Nigeria Limited Agbara, Ogun State, Nigeria
SO Yusuf, AA Olushola, V Gamede
Eurasian Journal of Business and Management 9 (3), 184-193, 2021
Study about cultural implications for learners’ effectiveness as governors of schools in rural South Africa
VW Gamede
Modern Perspectives in Language, Literature and Education 71, 2021
Assessment Model Measuring Key Success Factors in Co-operative Financial Institutions to Improve Penetration Rate
B Ismaila, V Gamede
Southern African Business Review 25 (1), 2021
The Oral History of the Bhaca of Umzimkulu
VW Gamede
MA-University of Transkei, 1992
Global Academic Journal of Economics and Business
B Ismaila, V Gamede
Determinants for Crafting a Winning Organisational Strategy for the South African Manufacturing Sector: Perspectives from Shop Floor Employees
VW Gamede, T van der Westhuizen
ECKM 2020 21st European Conference on Knowledge Management, 277, 2020
Human Capital Development and Faculty Members’ Contributions
IO Lawal, V Gamede, SO Atiku
Book of Abstracts ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, 334, 2020
The Transfer of Workplace Training to Performance in the African Manufacturing Industry with Specific Reference to Hulamin (Pty) Ltd
VW Gamede
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2013
An investigation into adoption of multiskilling by the South African manufacturing industry: a case study of Hulett Aluminium.
VW Gamede
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