Narendra Khatri
Narendra Khatri
MIT, MAHE, Manipal || SMIEEE || Academic Editor PLOS ONE || EBM Discover Computing
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A systematic review of IoT technologies and their constituents for smart and sustainable agriculture applications
VR Pathmudi, N Khatri, S Kumar, ASH Abdul-Qawy, AK Vyas
Scientific African 19, e01577, 2023
Hydrogen enrichment on diesel engine with biogas in dual fuel mode
N Khatri, KK Khatri
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (11), 7128-7140, 2020
Artificial neural network modelling of faecal coliform removal in an intermittent cycle extended aeration system-sequential batch reactor based wastewater treatment plant
N Khatri, KK Khatri, A Sharma
Journal of Water Process Engineering 37, 101477, 2020
Enhanced energy saving in wastewater treatment plant using dissolved oxygen control and hydrocyclone
N Khatri, KK Khatri, A Sharma
Environmental technology & innovation 18, 100678, 2020
Prediction of effluent quality in ICEAS-sequential batch reactor using feedforward artificial neural network
N Khatri, KK Khatri, A Sharma
Water science and technology 80 (2), 213-222, 2019
A Simple and Robust Approach of Random Forest for Intrusion Detection System in Cyber Security
M Choubisa, R Doshi, N Khatri, KK Hiran
2022 International Conference on IoT and Blockchain Technology (ICIBT), 1-5, 2022
A comprehensive review of machine vision systems and artificial intelligence algorithms for the detection and harvesting of agricultural produce
G Dhanush, N Khatri, S Kumar, PK Shukla
Scientific African 21, e01798, 2023
An artificial neural network model for the prediction of performance and emission parameters of a CI engine-operated micro-tri-generation system fueled with diesel, Karanja oil …
KK Khatri, M Singh, N Khatri
Fuel 334, 126549, 2023
An IoT-based innovative real-time pH monitoring and control of municipal wastewater for agriculture and gardening
N Khatri, A Sharma, KK Khatri, GD Sharma
Proceedings of First International Conference on Smart System, Innovations …, 2018
Exploration and advancement of NDDI leveraging NDVI and NDWI in Indian semi-arid regions: A remote sensing-based study
PP Patil, MP Jagtap, N Khatri, H Madan, AA Vadduri, T Patodia
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 9, 100573, 2024
Artificial neural network based models for predicting the effluent quality of a combined upflow anaerobic sludge blanket and facultative pond: Performance evaluation and …
N Khatri, AK Vyas, ASH Abdul-Qawy, ER Rene
Environmental Research 217, 114843, 2023
An enhanced energy efficient protocol for large-scale IoT-based heterogeneous WSNs
ASH Abdul-Qawy, NAM Alduais, AMHY Saad, MAA Taher, AB Nasser, ...
Scientific African 21, e01807, 2023
TEMSEP: Threshold-Oriented and Energy-Harvesting Enabled Multilevel SEP Protocol for Improving Energy-Efficiency of Heterogeneous WSNs
ASH Abdul-Qawy, AB Nasser, AH Guroob, AMHY Saad, NAM Alduais, ...
IEEE Access 9, 154975-155002, 2021
Herbicide spraying and weed identification using drone technology in modern farms: A comprehensive review
S Meesaragandla, MP Jagtap, N Khatri, H Madan, AA Vadduri
Results in Engineering 21, 101870, 2024
Transformative Role of Artificial Intelligence in Advancing Sustainable Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Disease Management for Global Food Security: A …
B Sundararaman, S Jagdev, N Khatri
Sustainability 15 (15), 11681, 2023
Experimental investigation on the effect of soil solarization incorporating black, silver, and transparent polythene, and straw as mulch, on the microbial population and weed …
YA Shinde, MP Jagtap, MG Patil, N Khatri
Chemosphere, 139263, 2023
An analytical review on FPGA based autonomous flight control system for small UAVs
BL Sharma, N Khatri, A Sharma
2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization …, 2016
Comparative studies of knapsack, boom, and drone sprayers for weed management in soybean (Glycine max L.)
C Hiremath, N Khatri, MP Jagtap
Environmental Research 240, 117480, 2024
Artificial neural networks-based performance and emission characteristics prediction of compression ignition engines powered by blends of biodiesel derived from waste cooking oil
S Patnaik, N Khatri, ER Rene
Fuel 370, 131806, 2024
Automotive intelligence: Unleashing the potential of AI beyond advance driver assisting system, a comprehensive review
K Rana, N Khatri
Computers and Electrical Engineering 117, 109237, 2024
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