Qiang Liu
Qiang Liu
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Temperature increase reduces global yields of major crops in four independent estimates
C Zhao, B Liu, S Piao, X Wang, DB Lobell, Y Huang, M Huang, Y Yao, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences 114 (35), 9326-9331, 2017
Plant phenology and global climate change: current progresses and challenges
S Piao, Q Liu, A Chen, IA Janssens, Y Fu, J Dai, L Liu, X Lian, M Shen, ...
Global Change Biology 25 (6), 1922-1940, 2019
Leaf onset in the northern hemisphere triggered by daytime temperature
S Piao, J Tan, A Chen, YH Fu, P Ciais, Q Liu, IA Janssens, S Vicca, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6911, 2015
A meta-analysis of 1,119 manipulative experiments on terrestrial carbon-cycling responses to global change
J Song, S Wan, S Piao, AK Knapp, AT Classen, S Vicca, P Ciais, ...
Nature ecology & evolution, 1-12, 2019
Delayed autumn phenology in the Northern Hemisphere is related to change in both climate and spring phenology
Q Liu, YH Fu, Z Zhu, Y Liu, Z Liu, M Huang, IA Janssens, S Piao
Global change biology 22 (11), 3702-3711, 2016
Temperature, precipitation, and insolation effects on autumn vegetation phenology in temperate China
Q Liu, YH Fu, Z Zeng, M Huang, X Li, S Piao
Global change biology 22 (2), 644-655, 2016
Extension of the growing season increases vegetation exposure to frost
Q Liu, S Piao, IA Janssens, Y Fu, S Peng, XU Lian, P Ciais, RB Myneni, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 426, 2018
The impacts of climate extremes on the terrestrial carbon cycle: A review
S Piao, X Zhang, A Chen, Q Liu, X Lian, X Wang, S Peng, X Wu
Science China Earth Sciences, 1-13, 2019
Plant phenological responses to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau: research status and challenges
M Shen, S Piao, T Dorji, Q Liu, N Cong, X Chen, S An, S Wang, T Wang, ...
National Science Review 2 (4), 454-467, 2015
Increased heat requirement for leaf flushing in temperate woody species over 1980–2012: effects of chilling, precipitation and insolation
YH Fu, S Piao, Y Vitasse, H Zhao, HJ De Boeck, Q Liu, H Yang, U Weber, ...
Global change biology 21 (7), 2687-2697, 2015
Divergent changes in the elevational gradient of vegetation activities over the last 30 years
M Gao, S Piao, A Chen, H Yang, Q Liu, YH Fu, IA Janssens
Nature communications 10 (1), 2970, 2019
Disentangling the mechanisms behind winter snow impact on vegetation activity in northern ecosystems
X Wang, T Wang, H Guo, D Liu, Y Zhao, T Zhang, Q Liu, S Piao
Global Change Biology 24 (4), 1651-1662, 2018
The Global Land Surface Satellite (GLASS) remote sensing data processing system and products
X Zhao, S Liang, S Liu, W Yuan, Z Xiao, Q Liu, J Cheng, X Zhang, H Tang, ...
Remote Sensing 5 (5), 2436-2450, 2013
Optimal temperature of vegetation productivity and its linkage with climate and elevation in the Tibetan Plateau
A Chen, L Huang, Q Liu, S Piao
Global Change Biology 27 (9), 1942-1951, 2021
Synthesis of China's land use in the past 300 years
L Miao, F Zhu, B He, M Ferrat, Q Liu, X Cao, X Cui
Global and Planetary Change 100, 224-233, 2013
Three‐dimensional change in temperature sensitivity of northern vegetation phenology
M Gao, X Wang, F Meng, Q Liu, X Li, Y Zhang, S Piao
Global Change Biology 26 (9), 5189-5201, 2020
Climatic warming increases spatial synchrony in spring vegetation phenology across the Northern Hemisphere
Q Liu, S Piao, YH Fu, M Gao, J Peñuelas, IA Janssens
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (3), 1641-1650, 2019
Vegetation dynamics and factor analysis in arid and semi-arid Inner Mongolia
L Miao, C Jiang, B Xue, Q Liu, B He, R Nath, X Cui
Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 2343-2352, 2015
Simulating the onset of spring vegetation growth across the Northern Hemisphere
Q Liu, YH Fu, Y Liu, IA Janssens, S Piao
Global Change Biology 24 (3), 1342-1356, 2018
Modeling leaf senescence of deciduous tree species in Europe
Q Liu, S Piao, M Campioli, M Gao, YH Fu, K Wang, Y He, X Li, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (7), 4104-4118, 2020
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