Huriye Şenay Kızıltan
Huriye Şenay Kızıltan
Doç.Dr.Huriye Şenay Kızıltan Yücesan Department of Radiation Oncology, Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Effects of natural phenolic compound carvacrol on the human gastric adenocarcinoma (AGS) cells in vitro
A Günes-Bayir, HS Kiziltan, A Kocyigit, EM Güler, E Karatas, A Toprak
Anti-cancer drugs 28 (5), 522-530, 2017
Plant family, carvacrol, and putative protection in gastric cancer
AG Bayir, HS Kiziltan, A Kocyigit
Dietary interventions in gastrointestinal diseases, 3-18, 2019
Plasma homocysteine, folate and vitamin B12 levels in patients with lung cancer
D Tastekin, K Erturk, HU Bozbey, O Olmuscelik, H Kiziltan, S Tuna, F Tas
Experimental oncology, 2015
Palliative vitamin C application in patients with radiotherapy-resistant bone metastases: a retrospective study
A Günes-Bayir, HS Kiziltan
Nutrition and Cancer 67 (6), 921-925, 2015
Medical ozone and radiotherapy in a peritoneal, Erlich-ascites, tumor-cell model
HS Kiziltan, AG Bayir, G Yucesan, AH Eris, K İdin, C Karatoprak, T Aydin, ...
Altern Ther Health Med 21 (2), 24-9, 2015
Evaluation of the effectiveness of home based or hospital based calisthenic exercises in patients with ankylosing spondylitis
T Aydın, Ö Taşpınar, MA Sarıyıldız, M Güneşer, Y Keskin, N Canbaz, ...
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 29 (4), 723-730, 2016
Effectiveness of radiotherapy+ ozone on tumoral tissue and survival in tongue cancer rat model
R Dogan, AM Hafız, HS Kiziltan, A Yenigun, N Buyukpinarbaslili, AH Eris, ...
Auris Nasus Larynx 45 (1), 128-134, 2018
Effects of thymol, a natural phenolic compound, on human gastric adenocarcinoma cells in vitro
A Günes-Bayir, A Kocyigit, HS Kiziltan
Alternative therapies in health and medicine 25 (2), 12-21, 2019
Ascorbic-acid Treatment for Progressive Bone Metastases After Radiotherapy: A Pilot Study
HS Kiziltan, AG Bayir, O Taspinar, AH Eris, T Aydin, A Mayadagli
Alternative therapies in health and medicine 20, 16, 2014
A pilot study of self-reported physical activity and eating habits in Turkish Cancer patients under chemotherapy
A Gunes-Bayir, HS Kiziltan, N Sentürk, A Mayadaglı, M Gumus
Nutrition and Cancer 67 (6), 906-911, 2015
Bilateral carotid paraganglioma: surgery and radiotherapy
HS Kiziltan, B Ozucer, AH Eris, B Veyseller
Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports 7, CCRep. S14223, 2014
Effect of Short-term 900 MHz low level electromagnetic radiation exposure on blood serotonin and glutamate levels.
AH Eris, HS Kiziltan, I Meral, H Genc, M Trabzon, H Seyithanoglu, B Yagci, ...
Bratislavske lekarske listy 116 (2), 101-103, 2015
Radioprotectant and Cytotoxic Effects of Spirulina in Relapsed Verrucous Vulvar Cancer: A Case Report.
Kiziltan Huriye Senay , Gunes Bayir Ayşe
Alternative Therapies in Healt and Medicine 21 (2), 68-72, 2015
Turkish Ministry of health, 2nd Turkish medical general assembly clinical oncology study group report
V Özmen, N Dağoğlu, İ Dede, A Akçakaya, M Kerem, F Göksel, E Özgür, ...
The journal of breast health 12 (1), 9, 2016
Does ozone administration have a protective or therapeutic effect against radiotherapy-induced testicular injury?
I Aydogdu, YO Ilbey, G Coban, RG Ekin, SL Mirapoglu, A Cay, HS Kiziltan, ...
Journal of cancer research and therapeutics 15 (Suppl 1), S76-S81, 2019
Dietary interventions in gastrointestinal diseases
AG Bayir, HS Kiziltan, A Kocyigit, RR Watson
Elsevier, 2019
A rare complication of tuberculosis: acute paraplegia
T Aydın, Ö Taşpınar, Y Keskin, M Kepekçi, M Güneşer, A Çamlı, ...
Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences 26 (4), 405-407, 2016
Dietary Interventions in Gastrointestinal Diseases: Foods, Nutrients, and Dietary Supplements
A Güneş Bayır, HŞ Kızıltan, A Koçyiğit
Palliative effects of bioresonance therapy with or without radiotherapy or chemotherapy on cancer patients
E Kirsever, HS Kiziltan, R Yilmaz
International Journal of Radiation Research 20 (1), 43-48, 2022
Dosimetric comparison of modern radiotherapy techniques for gastric cancer after total gastrectomy
P Altinok, E Tekce, F Karaköse, K Berk, UE Kalafat, HS Kiziltan, Z Akgün, ...
Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 16 (Suppl 1), S133-S137, 2020
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