Jeremie Sibille
Jeremie Sibille
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Astroglial potassium clearance contributes to short‐term plasticity of synaptically evoked currents at the tripartite synapse
J Sibille, U Pannasch, N Rouach
The Journal of physiology 592 (1), 87-102, 2014
The neuroglial potassium cycle during neurotransmission: role of Kir4. 1 channels
J Sibille, K Dao Duc, D Holcman, N Rouach
PLoS computational biology 11 (3), e1004137, 2015
Strengthened temporal coordination within pre-existing sequential cell assemblies supports trajectory replay
U Farooq, J Sibille, K Liu, G Dragoi
Neuron 103 (4), 719-733. e7, 2019
Activity‐dependent plasticity of Astroglial potassium and glutamate clearance
G Cheung, J Sibille, J Zapata, N Rouach
Neural plasticity 2015 (1), 109106, 2015
Generative predictive codes by multiplexed hippocampal neuronal tuplets
K Liu, J Sibille, G Dragoi
Neuron 99 (6), 1329-1341. e6, 2018
Astroglial calcium signaling displays short-term plasticity and adjusts synaptic efficacy
J Sibille, J Zapata, J Teillon, N Rouach
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 9, 189, 2015
High-density electrode recordings reveal strong and specific connections between retinal ganglion cells and midbrain neurons
J Sibille, C Gehr, JI Benichov, H Balasubramanian, KL Teh, T Lupashina, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 5218, 2022
Preconfigured patterns are the primary driver of offline multi‐neuronal sequence replay
K Liu, J Sibille, G Dragoi
Hippocampus 29 (3), 275-283, 2019
Dual electrophysiological recordings of synaptically-evoked astroglial and neuronal responses in acute hippocampal slices
U Pannasch, J Sibille, N Rouach
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 4418, 2012
Orientation selectivity enhances context generalization and generative predictive coding in the hippocampus
K Liu, J Sibille, G Dragoi
Neuron 109 (22), 3688-3698. e6, 2021
Tangential high-density electrode insertions allow to simultaneously measure neuronal activity across an extended region of the visual field in mouse superior colliculus
J Sibille, C Gehr, KL Teh, J Kremkow
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 376, 109622, 2022
Dynamics of ion fluxes between neurons, astrocytes and the extracellular space during neurotransmission
N Rouach, KD Duc, J Sibille, D Holcman
Opera Medica et Physiologica 4 (1), 1-18, 2018
Retinal waves align the concentric orientation map in mouse superior colliculus to the center of vision
KL Teh, J Sibille, C Gehr, J Kremkow
Science Advances 9 (19), eadf4240, 2023
Retinal input integration in excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the mouse superior colliculus in vivo
C Gehr, J Sibille, J Kremkow
Elife 12, RP88289, 2023
Efficient mapping of the thalamocortical monosynaptic connectivity in vivo by tangential insertions of high-density electrodes in the cortex
J Sibille, C Gehr, J Kremkow
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (4), e2313048121, 2024
Strong and specific connections between retinal axon mosaics and midbrain neurons revealed by large scale paired recordings
J Sibille, C Gehr, JI Benichov, H Balasubramanian, KL Teh, T Lupashina, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.09. 09.459396, 2021
Nested compressed co-representations of multiple sequential experiences during sleep
K Liu, J Sibille, G Dragoi
Nature Neuroscience 27 (9), 1816-1828, 2024
Absence of the Fragile X messenger ribonucleoprotein alters response patterns to sounds in the auditory midbrain
J Sibille, J Kremkow, U Koch
Frontiers in neuroscience 16, 987939, 2022
Astroglial calcium signaling displays short-term plasticity and adjusts synaptic efficacy. Front Cell Neurosci. 2015; 9: 189
J Sibille, J Zapata, J Teillon, N Rouach
Sequential visual stimuli increase high frequency power in the visual cortex
J Keil, V Hernandez-Urbina, C Vassiliou, C Dean, D Schmitz, J Kremkow, ...
bioRxiv, 2025.01. 14.632930, 2025
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