Nathan A. Tomlin
Nathan A. Tomlin
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Carbon nanotube-based black coatings
J Lehman, C Yung, N Tomlin, D Conklin, M Stephens
Applied physics reviews 5 (1), 2018
On-chip, photon-number-resolving, telecommunication-band detectors for scalable photonic information processing
T Gerrits, N Thomas-Peter, JC Gates, AE Lita, BJ Metcalf, B Calkins, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (6), 060301, 2011
Extending single-photon optimized superconducting transition edge sensors beyond the single-photon counting regime
T Gerrits, B Calkins, N Tomlin, AE Lita, A Migdall, R Mirin, SW Nam
Optics Express 20 (21), 23798-23810, 2012
A superconductor–insulator–normal metal bolometer with microwave readout suitable for large-format arrays
DR Schmidt, KW Lehnert, AM Clark, WD Duncan, KD Irwin, N Miller, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (5), 2005
Nanosecond-scale timing jitter for single photon detection in transition edge sensors
A Lamas-Linares, B Calkins, NA Tomlin, T Gerrits, AE Lita, J Beyer, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (23), 2013
Plasma modification of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes: Superhydrophobic surfaces with ultra-low reflectance
CS Yung, NA Tomlin, K Heuerman, MW Keller, MG White, M Stephens, ...
Carbon 127, 195-201, 2018
Compact spectral irradiance monitor flight demonstration mission
E Richard, D Harber, G Drake, J Rutkowsi, Z Castleman, M Smith, ...
CubeSats and SmallSats for Remote Sensing III 11131, 15-34, 2019
Decrease in reflectance of vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes after oxygen plasma treatment
NA Tomlin, AE Curtin, M White, JH Lehman
Carbon 74, 329-332, 2014
Optical reflection and absorption of carbon nanotube forest films on substrates
BD Wood, JS Dyer, VA Thurgood, NA Tomlin, JH Lehman, TC Shen
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (1), 2015
Compact total irradiance monitor flight demonstration
D Harber, Z Castleman, G Drake, S Van Dreser, N Farber, K Heuerman, ...
CubeSats and SmallSats for Remote Sensing III 11131, 97-104, 2019
Overview of microfabricated bolometers with vertically aligned carbon nanotube absorbers
NA Tomlin, CS Yung, Z Castleman, M Denoual, G Drake, N Farber, ...
AIP Advances 10 (5), 2020
Micromachined force scale for optical power measurement by radiation pressure sensing
I Ryger, AB Artusio-Glimpse, P Williams, N Tomlin, M Stephens, K Rogers, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (19), 7941-7948, 2018
Meta-study of laser power calibrations ranging 20 orders of magnitude with traceability to the kilogram
PA Williams, MT Spidell, JA Hadler, T Gerrits, A Koepke, D Livigni, ...
Metrologia 57 (1), 015001, 2019
Quasiparticle density of states measurements in clean superconducting almn alloys
GC O’Neil, DR Schmidt, NA Tomlin, JN Ullom
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (9), 2010
Planar hyperblack absolute radiometer
J Lehman, A Steiger, N Tomlin, M White, M Kehrt, I Ryger, M Stephens, ...
Optics Express 24 (23), 25911-25921, 2016
Measurements and modeling of phonon cooling by electron-tunneling refrigerators
NA Miller, AM Clark, A Williams, ST Ruggiero, GC Hilton, JA Beall, ...
IEEE Transactions on applied superconductivity 15 (2), 556-559, 2005
Planar electrical-substitution carbon nanotube cryogenic radiometer
NA Tomlin, M White, I Vayshenker, SI Woods, JH Lehman
Metrologia 52 (2), 376, 2015
High-accuracy room temperature planar absolute radiometer based on vertically aligned carbon nanotubes
AK Vaskuri, MS Stephens, NA Tomlin, MT Spidell, CS Yung, AJ Walowitz, ...
Optics Express 29 (14), 22533-22552, 2021
A detector combining quantum and thermal primary radiometric standards in the same artefact
M White, J Gran, N Tomlin, J Lehman
Metrologia 51 (6), S245, 2014
Microfabricated bolometer based on a vertically aligned carbon nanotube absorber
A Vaskuri, MS Stephens, NA Tomlin, CS Yung, AJ Walowitz, C Straatsma, ...
Synthesis and Photonics of Nanoscale Materials XVII 11269, 41-52, 2020
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