Xuan-Kien Dang
Xuan-Kien Dang
Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A normalized PID controller in networked control systems with varying time delays
HD Tran, ZH Guan, XK Dang, XM Cheng, FS Yuan
ISA transactions 52 (5), 592-599, 2013
Robust adaptive fuzzy control using genetic algorithm for dynamic positioning system
XK Dang, VD Do, XP Nguyen
IEEE Access 8, 222077-222092, 2020
Social-aware spectrum sharing and caching helper selection strategy optimized multicast video streaming in dense D2D 5G networks
NS Vo, TM Phan, MP Bui, XK Dang, NT Viet, C Yin
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (3), 3480-3491, 2020
Analyzing the sea weather effects to the ship maneuvering in Vietnam’s sea from BinhThuan province to Ca Mau province based on fuzzy control method
XK Dang, LAH Ho, VD Do
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16 (2), 533-543, 2018
The fuzzy particle swarm optimization algorithm design for dynamic positioning system under unexpected impacts
VD Do, XK Dang
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 13 (3), 5407-5423, 2019
Optimized multi-cascade fuzzy model for ship dynamic positioning system based on genetic algorithm
VD Do, XK Dang, LT Huynh, VC Ho
Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems: 5th EAI International …, 2019
Fuzzy adaptive interactive algorithm for rig balancing optimization
VD Do, XK Dang, AT Le
2017 International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing …, 2017
Joint Smith predictor and neural network estimation scheme for compensating randomly varying time-delay in networked control system
XK Dang, ZH Guan, T Li, DX Zhang
2012 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 512-517, 2012
Fuzzy adaptive control of networked control system with unknown time-delay
XK Dang, ZH Guan, HD Tran, T Li
Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, 4622-4626, 2011
Adaptive tracking control based on CMAC for nonlinear systems
VP Ta, XK Dang, TQ Ngo
2017 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE), 494-498, 2017
Applying convolutional neural networks for limited-memory application
XK Dang, HN Truong, VC Nguyen
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 19 (1), 244-251, 2020
Designing dynamic positioning system based on H∞ robust recurrent cerebellar model articulation controller
VP Ta, XK Dang, VH Dong, VD Do
2018 4th International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable …, 2018
An innovative recurrent cerebellar model articulation controller for piezo-driven micro-motion stage
VP Ta, XK Dang
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information, and Control 14 …, 2018
Robust Adaptive Fuzzy-Free Fault-Tolerant Path Planning Control for a Semi-Submersible Platform Dynamic Positioning System With Actuator Constraints
XP Nguyen, XK Dang, VD Do, JM Corchado, HN Truong
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023
A path planning control for a vessel dynamic positioning system based on robust adaptive fuzzy strategy
XK Dang, HN Truong, VD Do
Automatika: časopis za automatiku, mjerenje, elektroniku, računarstvo i …, 2022
Modeling techniques and control strategies for jack-up rig: a state of the art and challenges
XK Dang, TD Tran
IEEE Access 9, 155763-155787, 2021
Fuzzy adaptive interactive algorithm design for marine dynamic positioning system under unexpected impacts of Vietnam Sea
VD Do, XK Dang
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2020
Applying artificial intelligence for the application of bridges deterioration detection system
XK Dang, LAH Ho, XP Nguyen, BL Mai
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 20 (1), 149-157, 2022
Enhancing the control performance of automatic voltage regulator for marine synchronous generator by using interactive adaptive fuzzy algorithm
XK Dang, VD Do, VT Do, LAH Ho
International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 379-392, 2021
A Novel Maritime Risk Assessment Model of Waterway Transportation Based on Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Logic: Vietnam Case Study
VT Le, XK Dang, DH Nguyen, TDA Pham
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 527 (1), 012001, 2020
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